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UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA CROATIA. UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA   3rd largest among 7 Croatian state universities   Founded in 1973 – first.

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2 UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA   3rd largest among 7 Croatian state universities   Founded in 1973 – first school of higher education est. in Rijeka in 1672

3 UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA   Consists of 10 faculties, 3 Departments, University Library and Student’s Centre Academic year 2008/2009: No. of students: 17306 No. of full-time teachers: 1012 No. of administration: 654 Average yearly student’s admission: abt. 4000 freshmen

4 UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA   Aim – to harmonize with EU universities in accordance with Bologna Process requirements and goals   Implementation of Bologna Proces started in 2005 (including ECTS system) with 3 cycles: undergraduate/master/doctoral   First Croatian University that came up with document: “Strategy of UniRi 2007-2013” incorporating a strategy development plan – accent on excellence, quality assurance, LLL, active colaboration with local community & economy, active inclusion to EHEA & ERA…

5 UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA   Transforming from predominately teaching to research university   Recognizible for its excellence in many fields, particularly in: - engineering - shipbuilding - maritime affairs - biomedicine & basic medical research - social sciences - humanities sciences - natural sciences

6 RESEARCH OFFICE   Research Office – est. in 2007 in accordance with Strategy Document within the Tempus Project “Capacity Buliding for Research in Croatia” – basic mission is to support researchers in procedure of applying & management of international projects (applying to the EU Tempus and Framework programme)

7 UNIRI’S CAPITAL INVESTMENTS   Science & Technology Park Rijeka   Investment cycles and Campus Trsat - 490 000 000 kn ( 66 149 405 €)

8 MOREM TARGET OFFICES   Centre for Studies  Office for Teaching (5 employees)   Internatonal relations office - est. in 2001 (2 employees)   Career office – est. in Feb. 2009 (1 employee)   Department of human resources and legal affairs (1 employee)

9 MOREM TARGET UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT   Rector   Vice-rectors for development & postgraduate studies; teaching and student affairs; science and international cooperation; finances   Rector’s assistants for development and enhancing quality assurance   Secretary General

10 UNIRI’S EXPECTATION FROM MOREM   Improved quality of study and student services   Activities within consortium flowing accordingly with the given project objectives and time plan   Good start of the new established offices and strenghtening their capacities   Improving University personnel quality

11 UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA Thank you for your attention! Prof. D.Sc. Zdravko Lenac Vice-rector for science and international cooperation

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