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13 Faces - Can you find them. Which Circle Is Bigger NEITHER! They are both the SAME size!

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Presentation on theme: "13 Faces - Can you find them. Which Circle Is Bigger NEITHER! They are both the SAME size!"— Presentation transcript:

1 13 Faces - Can you find them

2 Which Circle Is Bigger NEITHER! They are both the SAME size!

3 How Many Prongs Do You See

4 Do The Black Lines Appear To Bend

5 Is This A Spiral Nope, it's just a bunch of independant circles



8 Are the purple lines straight or bent?

9 Do you see gray areas in between the squares? Now where did they come from?

10 You should see a man's face and also a word... Hint: Try tilting your head to the right, the world begins with 'L'

11 If you take a look at the following picture, let me tell you... it is not animated. Your eyes are making it move. To test this, stare at one spot for a couple seconds and everything will stop moving. Or look at the black center of each circle and it will stop moving. But move your eyes to the next black center and the previous will move after you take your eyes away from it.... Weird



14 Try focusing on the center circle while moving your head in and out

15 Stare at the black dot... After a while the grey haze will begin to shrink!

16 Do you see the two shades of green above? Would you believe that there is actually only one shade of green?

17 What do you see

18 ABC Or... Do you see the letters ABC. Now look in the opposite direction... You'll also notice the numbers 12, 13, 14. Cool Eh?

19 Life Do you notice that the letters appear to be skewed?

20 Yellow Circles

21 Young Lady or an Old Woman

22 Can you find all 5 wolves

23 Find The Missing People! There are a total of nine.

24 How Many Colors Do You See There are only 3 colors: Green, pink and white.

25 TOUGH Color Test


27 Where is the dog

28 Can You See The Face, Box and the Dragon

29 Duck Or A Bunny

30 How Many Legs Do You See

31 How many black dots do you see?

32 A Face Or... Can you find the word Liar?

33 Red White And Blue Concentrate on the center of the disclolored flag for 45 seconds. Now, look at the empty white box to the right. What do you see? You should have seen the red, white and blue American flag! Cool eh?

34 Stare at the center of the spiral for about 60 seconds. Now look at your hand... it will appear to look like bugs are crawling UNDER your skin!

35 A Musician or a Girl

36 Impossible Structure..

37 Jesus Illusion Concentrate on the the four vertical dots in the middle of the image below for 30 seconds. Now, close your eyes and tilt your head back. Keep them closed: You'll see a circle of light. Keep staring at the circle... What do you see?

38 Triangle Illusion

39 Black Shapes Or A Word

40 Stare at the lightbulb for about 30 seconds. Then stare at the white area around the screen. The lightbulb will begin to GLOW!!

41 Which way does the window face

42 Young Lady - Old Woman

43 HOW Is This Possible

44 Win Goblet Or Two Faces

45 A Skull or a Couple

46 Straight or Bent Lines

47 Strange Box

48 Who Is Taller No One... They're all the same size!

49 Neat Circle Illusion



















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