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Eugenics: The Legacy By: Andrew Cedrone, Katerina Pappas, Sharrise Vittus, Caroline Dixon, and Ellliot Holden.

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Presentation on theme: "Eugenics: The Legacy By: Andrew Cedrone, Katerina Pappas, Sharrise Vittus, Caroline Dixon, and Ellliot Holden."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eugenics: The Legacy By: Andrew Cedrone, Katerina Pappas, Sharrise Vittus, Caroline Dixon, and Ellliot Holden

2 How does race affect people's lives? Superiority between races Privileges for some Unfair Education Economic opportunities Poverty

3 Poverty Rate: 1972 to 2007

4 What are the moral questions around genetics that are still questioned today? Designer babies Creating life Stem-cell research Cloning

5 Did kids in the suburbs do better on the IQ tests? Why? Evidence that IQ can be lowered depending on test taking environment. City schools have lower expectations for students, teachers get paid less. Few scientists today believe that intelligence is static

6 How has the attitude towards immigrants changed? Get worse working conditions and education (lowest class level) Favored immigrants from West Europe but cut off immigrants from Asia and Africa

7 How did abortion go from being accepted to becoming such a controversial issue? Because America went from having the highest birthrates to the lowest, many eugenicists discouraged woman from having abortions.

8 How do eugenicists and religion shape people's values and beliefs? All in all, directs science in what is "right" and "wrong" morally.

9 How do we as members of a society decide which differences matter and which do not? We as a society set a standard (a "model Citizen") for people to match. Anyone above or below this standard is seen as different. We also tend to set ourselves as the standard and compare everyone to our self.

10 How do these decisions shape our ideas about what it means to be a human being in the 21st century? We believe anyone different from a "model citizen" is different. A "model citizen" blends into society in both the way they look and the way they act.

11 What are the positive and negative aspects of abortion? Can't Afford to support child Mother physically incapable of giving birth (age, medical conditions, etc.) Rape Severe physiological effects including depression, anxiety, and suicide. Selective abortion (eugenics) A human life is being eliminated

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