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Chapter 30: The Conservative Ascendancy 1974-1987.

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1 Chapter 30: The Conservative Ascendancy 1974-1987

2 I. The Overextended Society 1970s

3 A. A Troubled Economy 1.Stagflation 2.Oil embargo = a.Gas doubles b.Rationing c.Dept. of Energy – trickle effect? d.Local gov’t 3.Outsourcing effects? 4.Women in the workforce

4 B. Sunbelt/Snowbelt 1.Population shifts – Why? a.Sunbelt b.Snowbelt/rustbelt

5 Gerald Ford (1974-1977) 1.Nixon pardon 2.WIN? Effectiveness?

6 C. Jimmy Carter ( 1977-1981) 1.“Outsider” 2.Effects of deregulating airline industry 3.Banks 4.inflation

7 Urban Politics 1.Politics at the local level increased 2.AA politicians increased 3.Fiscal crisis of ’70s a.Politicians ineffective b.Job programs ineffective c.Affirmative Action = “reverse discrimination” d.Conservatives endorse candidates who favored law-abiding, hard-working, tax- paying majority, not minorities, jobless and criminals

8 Endangered Environment 1.Three Mile Island, Pa. 2.Love Canal, NY. 3.Florida Everglades 4.Silent Spring 5.Results a.Earth Day b.Recycling c.Decreased meat consumption d.Personal gardens; organic e.Environmental groups

9 II. The New Conservatism 30.2

10 II. The New Conservatism A. The New Right 1.“Moral majority” 2.Televangelists Jerry Falwell 3.Jesse Helms a.KKK, segregation, tobacco companies, Watergate, pollution b.MLK

11 B. Anti-ERA, Anti-abortion 1. For a.Balanced budget Amend. b.School prayers c.Death penalty 2. Against 1.Gov’t funded day care 2.Reforms establishing educational equity 3.Social services for battered women and single moms 4.ERA

12 C. Equal Rights Amendment 1.To end gender discrimination 2.Phyllis Schlafly

13 D. Roe v. Wade (1973) 1.Crime for state to allow abortions 2.Women have the right to choose

14 E. “The Me Decade” 1.Personal well-being 2.Emotional security 3.Therapy 4.Health and fitness

15 30.3: Adjusting to a New World

16 A. A Thaw in the Cold War 1.Both US and SU’s economy suffering 2.Deficit spending 3.Nat’l debt a.1950 - $257 B b.1980 - $908 B 4.Late 1970s a.Decreased productivity, personal savings and skilled workforce b.inflation

17 SALT II 1.Started with Ford, ended with Carter 2.Not ratified by US due to SU invasion of Afghanistan

18 B. Foreign Policy & “Moral Principles” 1.No economic support for violations of human rights a.Brazil, b.Argentina c.Chile d.S. Africa 2.CIA reforms 3.Camp David Accords 4.Return of Panama Canal 2000

19 C. Camp David Accords (1978) 1.Egypt recognizes Israel's rights to exist 2.Nobel Peace prize 3.Return of the Sinai Peninsula; stop settlements there but continue in other disputed areas 4.Sadat assassinated Begin, Carter, el-Sadat

20 D. Iran Hostage Crisis 1.Shah Phalavi overthrow by fundamentalists 2.Led by Ayatollah Khomeini 3.US allows shah entry into US due to cancer treatment

21 E. Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) 1.Landslide win 2.Supported by “moral majority” and Jesse Helms 3.Voter turn out – about 50%

22 30.4 Reagan

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