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Selecting Your Topic & Audience Analysis. Steps to Preparing Speech-Review  1-Determine the Speech Purpose  2-Select a Topic  3-Analyze the Audience.

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Presentation on theme: "Selecting Your Topic & Audience Analysis. Steps to Preparing Speech-Review  1-Determine the Speech Purpose  2-Select a Topic  3-Analyze the Audience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Selecting Your Topic & Audience Analysis

2 Steps to Preparing Speech-Review  1-Determine the Speech Purpose  2-Select a Topic  3-Analyze the Audience  4-Develop Main Points  5-Conduct Research and Develop Supporting Points  6-Organize and Outline  7-Practice  8-Deliver Speech

3 Analyzing Audience Audience analysis-Learning about the audience in order to adapt speech to their needs and appeal to them Audience Centered Approach-keeping audience in mind throughout entire speechmaking process

4  Audience Demographics-statistical characteristics of group –characteristics you can easily quantify.  age  males vs. females  race/ethnicity  socio-economic class Ex. 87 out of 100 members of audience are females Ex. All audience members earn an annual income of $75,000 or less Ex. Audience members range from 18-25 years of age

5 Benefits of knowing demographics… determines target audience helps put together format/style of speech allows for audience adaptation-customizing speech to audience needs-the more you know the more you can relate to audience helps avoid stereotypes

6 Target audiences -distinct groups or segments of population that you are trying to reach  Knowing TA will allow you to deliver message in a way that audience will respond to best  Beneficial in marketing/persuasion Pandering-Abandoning views and beliefs just to please the audience-should be avoided

7 Researching your audience Informally-observing/asking questions beforehand Helps determine basic demographic characteristics Formally-  1-Interview- one on one / focus groups  2-Survey/Questionnaires-open or close ended  3-Published Sources-books, journals, internet

8 How can information about audience be used?  When analyzing information, look for  How audience members are similar to one another  How audience members are different from one another  How can you establish common ground with the audience  How can you make your speech more effective to your particular audience. How can you….  Keep them interested  Inform them  Convince them  Make them feel connected with you the speaker  Include them rather than seclude them

9 6 basic demographic characteristics 1. Age-allows you to know interests, values and generational patterns of different age groups Aristotle noted that a good speaker knows how to adapt to audiences of different age levels.

10 Summary of Generational Characteristics Matures1925-1942Hard work, “work is life” mentality, duty, loyalty, sacrifice, A sense of what is right, “follow the rules first and then ask why” Baby Boomers1943-1960“Live to work” mentality, personal fulfillment and optimism, crusading causes, buy now pay later, everybody's right, work efficiently Generation X1961-1981“Work to live” mentality, live with uncertainty, balance is important, live for today, save every job is a contract, value independence Millennials1982-2002“Work for fun” mentality, close to parents, feel special, goal-oriented, team-oriented, a focus on achievement, high expectations from work, confidence and self-esteem

11 2. Gender-  Helps avoid sexist language or remarks  Make sure speech relates to whichever gender in needs to  Avoids gender based assumptions-ex. Women=emotional

12 3. Sexual Orientation-  Helps avoid stereotypes and the alienation of members of audience due to sexuality  Overall allows you to be more sensitive

13 4. Group Membership  Religious Groups, Political Groups, Work Groups, Social Groups, Service Groups

14 5-Socioeconomic status (income, occupation, education) Income-determines exposure to experiences and lifestyles Occupation-determines interests, attitudes, beliefs, and goals Levels of education-determines ideas, perspectives, etc..

15 6. Culture and ethnic background  Knowing cultural differences /patterns helps avoid ethnocentrism  The cultural, ethnic, or racial background of your audience influences the way they perceive your message  An effective speaker adapts to differences in culture, race, and ethnicity  Individualistic Cultures vs. Collectivistic Cultures  High Certainty vs. Low Uncertainty  High Power Distance vs. Low Power Distance  Masculine vs. Feminine  Long-term vs. Short-term time Orientation

16 Cultural Differences Individualistic Culture  Cultural Characteristics  Individual achievement is emphasized more than group achievement  Independence important  How to Adapt to these characteristics  Stress the importance of individual rewards and recognition  Identify how audience members will benefit from our ideas or proposals Collectivist Culture  Cultural Characteristics  Group or team is emphasized more than individual  Sacrifice for greater good of group is common  How to Adapt to these characteristics  Stress importance of community values  Help audience members save face and be perceived in a positive way HANDOUT

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