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1 Jill French October 2010. Presentation Outline Slides 3 – 5 background information who I am rationale behind why I use a class website Slides 6-11 benefits.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Jill French October 2010. Presentation Outline Slides 3 – 5 background information who I am rationale behind why I use a class website Slides 6-11 benefits."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Jill French October 2010

2 Presentation Outline Slides 3 – 5 background information who I am rationale behind why I use a class website Slides 6-11 benefits brief overview of my website sections Slides 12-18 closer look at my section with specific examples for how a class website helps me with my teaching 2

3 Who am I? Masters of Educational Technology through UBC (2005)Masters of Educational Technology I teach grade 5 using a technology enhanced environmentgrade 5 guiding questions: why, how, when, and which technology best supports my students’ learningwhy, how, when, and which goal: to use technology purposefully & seamlessly throughout the day 3

4 Goals for this Presentation inspire you to play with using a class website demonstrate how I use a class website to enhance the organization of my teaching provide support 4

5 Why changes to my teaching? societal changes –driving changes in learning –impacting teaching personal pressure 5

6 A Classroom Website supports these changes societal changes –using web 2.0 tools changes in learning –anytime, anywhere changes in teaching –a vehicle for facilitating these changes 6

7 Benefits efficiency dissemination transparency (wall-less classroom) accessibility by others 7

8 Classroom Website 8

9 For Parents parents ‘see’ into the classroom class pictures classroom materials support materials Parents’ pageParents 9

10 For Peers peers can ‘see’ –why I use technologywhy I use technology –example of my student accessstudent access –links for organizing –practical outside resources for teachersresources –resource links for studentsresource links –resource links e.g. math vocabulary sheetsresource links –making the shiftmaking the shift –101+ ideas (web tour)101+ ideas – tool boxtool box Peers’ pagePeers 10

11 For My Students StudentsStudents’ page provides access to …. today’s schedule resources online homework class wiki Forms and Templates class blogs (1) (2) (3) (4)1234 Toy Box units 11

12 For Myself Website enhances my teaching: 1.organize my teaching 2.explore new tools and approaches 3.increase continuity My page 12

13 Organization i) planning …long-term –Year at a GlanceYear at a Glance –The Big IssuesThe Big Issues –Month at a GlanceMonth at a Glance –Learning Environment ChecklistLearning Environment Checklist –spot to create for other sections 13

14 Organization i) planning continued... short-term –daybookdaybook –day planday plan –guided reading goalsguided reading goals –weekly BlogBlog –subject areas e.g. French, Reading, MathFrenchReadingMath 14

15 Organization ii) revisiting the theory (archived learning) why, when and how my own research –e.g. Benefits and CostsBenefits and Costs Why Use the SMART Board 15

16 Organization iii) storing and accessing my tools resources online quick-fix ideas and forms definitions of terms assessment labels instructional strategies and adaptations performance standards tool box digital posters e.g. DecimalsDecimals 16

17 Differentiation Subject areas: –Spelling City, Aaron’s Spelling CitySpelling CityAaron’s Spelling City –alternate lessonsalternate lessons –PracticePractice –Reading InterventionsReading Interventions 17

18 Assistive Technology – Voicethread (example) Voicethreadexample –PearsonPearson –InspirationInspiration –text-to-speechtext-to-speech –Learn AlbertaLearn Alberta 18

19 Explore New Tools to explore new tools and approaches to enhance learning –blogsblogs –wikiswikis –podcastspodcasts –visualization toolsvisualization tools –toy boxtoy box –FlipcamFlipcam –SMART SyncSMART Sync –101+ Ways to Use Technology101+ Ways to Use Technology 19

20 Provide Continuity to efficiently provide consistency –for when I am away –for when students are away 20

21 Final Thoughts 21

22 If you are interested in anything you have seen and would like some help, please email me at and I will try to provide the help you need. In addition, this ppt is available at –scroll down to Educators > A Classroom Website for Teaching ppt updated 2010 22

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