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Introduction and Charge Barry Barish GDE Meeting Frascati 7-Dec-05.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction and Charge Barry Barish GDE Meeting Frascati 7-Dec-05."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction and Charge Barry Barish GDE Meeting Frascati 7-Dec-05

2 GDE Frascati - Introduction & Charge2 The GDE after ~3 Months How are we doing? –BOTTOM LINE is that we are on track to produce a BCD by end of 2005 that will provide a sound basis for entering into a reference design effort, globally coordinate R&D program, begin industrialization, determine costs, etc. next year What are our biggest problems? –communication, communication, communication Where are we going next? –Stay tuned for my next talk

3 7-Dec-05GDE Frascati - Introduction & Charge3 GDE Frascati – Why are we here? Discuss progress since Snowmass Finish the BCD Organize the GDE and the broader R&D and Design efforts for next year

4 7-Dec-05GDE Frascati - Introduction & Charge4 GDE Began at Snowmass 670 Scientists attended two week workshop at Snowmass

5 7-Dec-05GDE Frascati - Introduction & Charge5 Global Design Effort –The Mission of the GDE Produce a design for the ILC that includes a detailed design concept, performance assessments, reliable international costing, an industrialization plan, siting analysis, as well as detector concepts and scope. Coordinate worldwide prioritized proposal driven R & D efforts (to demonstrate and improve the performance, reduce the costs, attain the required reliability, etc.)

6 7-Dec-05GDE Frascati - Introduction & Charge6 GDE Organization for Snowmass WG1 LET bdyn. WG2 Main Linac WG3a Sources WG3b DR WG4 BDS WG5 Cavity GG1 Parameters GG2 Instrumentation GG3 Operations & Reliability GG4 Cost & Engineering GG5 Conventional Facilities GG6 Physics Options Technical sub-system Working Groups Global Group Provide input

7 7-Dec-05GDE Frascati - Introduction & Charge7 Goals of the Snowmass Workshop Recommendations for the Baseline Configuration Identify - Alternative Configurations Identify R&D –To support the baseline –To develop the alternatives Priorities for detector R&D

8 7-Dec-05GDE Frascati - Introduction & Charge8 Guidance for Baseline Configuration Baseline: A forward looking configuration which we are reasonably confident can achieve the required performance and can be used to give a reasonably accurate cost estimate by mid-end 2006 in a “Reference Design Report.”

9 7-Dec-05GDE Frascati - Introduction & Charge9 What are Alternatives and Why? Alternates: Technologies or concepts, which may provide a significant cost reduction, improved performance (or both), but which will not be mature enough to used in baseline by end 2006 Alternatives will be part of the RDR, will form an important element in the R&D program and are the key to evolving the design

10 7-Dec-05GDE Frascati - Introduction & Charge10 Baseline Configuration Document Our ‘Deliverable’ by the end of 2005 A structured electronic document –Documentation (reports, drawings etc) –Technical specs. –Parameter tables –… A ‘printable / readable’ summary document (~100 pages) (ready in early 2006)

11 7-Dec-05GDE Frascati - Introduction & Charge11 Structure of the BCD Summary-like overview for those who want to understand the choice and the why Technical documentation of the baseline, for engineers and acc. phys. making studies towards RDR

12 7-Dec-05GDE Frascati - Introduction & Charge12 Alternatives Section(s) Note ACD is part of the BCD

13 7-Dec-05GDE Frascati - Introduction & Charge13 The Key Decisions Critical choices: luminosity parameters & gradient

14 7-Dec-05GDE Frascati - Introduction & Charge14 Making Choices – The Tradeoffs Many decisions are interrelated and require input from several WG/GG groups

15 7-Dec-05GDE Frascati - Introduction & Charge15 From Snowmass to a Baseline AugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember 2005 Snowmass WW/GG summaries Response to list of 40+ decisions All documented ‘recommendations available on ILC Website (request community feedback) Review by BCD EC BCD EC publishes ‘strawman’ BCD Public Review Frascati GDE meeting BCD Executive Committee: Barish Dugan, Foster, Takasaki Raubenheimer, Yokoya, Walker

16 7-Dec-05GDE Frascati - Introduction & Charge16 Baseline Configuration Document Review Process BCD executive committee has monitored BCD progress –Review WG/GG summary write-ups (recommendations) –Review each question on the list of 40+ decisions BCD EC identified and solicited needed additional input –Commissioned 5 “white papers” –Invited independent reviewers (Oide, Richter & Rivkin) Strawman BCD available mid-November Presentation of strawman BCD at Frascati GDE meeting (Dec. 10-12) Final agreed BCD to be documented by end of 2005 Final BCD becomes property of ‘Change Control Board’ in early 2006 Reference Design to be completed by end of 2006

17 7-Dec-05GDE Frascati - Introduction & Charge17 The Prospects for the ILC The science motivation for the ILC is our strongest weapon The technical basis for the ILC is very stong A global effort to design the ILC is underway and working Establishing a baseline will make the ILC more real and taken more seriously -------------------------- A sound design must be established with convincing and affordable costing. Global R&D program to demonstrate the ILC, improve over the baseline and reduce costs.

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