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Chapter 9: Section 1.  Protist- An organism that lives in a moist or wet habitat  Contains organisms that don’t fit anywhere else!  ALL PROTISTS 

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1 Chapter 9: Section 1

2  Protist- An organism that lives in a moist or wet habitat  Contains organisms that don’t fit anywhere else!  ALL PROTISTS  Have a nucleus (eukaryotic)  SOME PROTISTS  Single celled/Many celled  Make food/Consume food

3  Otherwise known as ALGAE  All-  contain chlorophyll  make own food  Some-  Single-celled/many-celled  Are not green b/c a different pigment covers chlorophyll  Divided into 6 phyla according to their pigments and how they store food

4  Common name- Euglenas  Characteristics:  Single-celled  Pigment is chlorophyll  Stores food as carbohydrates  No cell wall, but thick layer inside cell membrane  Moves using flagella (whip like tail)  Has an eyespot that respond to light


6  Common name- Diatoms  Characteristics:  Single-celled  Stores food as oil  Golden-brown pigment & chlorophyll  Cell wall is a glasslike shell made from silica


8  Common name: Dinoflagellates  Characteristics:  Single-celled  Stores food as oil & starch  Red pigment & chlorophyll  Move with 2 flagellum causing it to spin  Many produce a chemical that causes them to glow!


10  Common name: Green Algae  Characteristics:  Single-celled and many-celled  Store food as starch  Contains only chlorophyll


12  Common name: Red Algae  Characteristics:  Most are many- celled  Store food as starch  Contain red pigment that absorbs minimal light


14  Common name: Brown Algae  Characteristics:  Many-celled  Store food as starch  Brown pigments & chlorophyll


16  Diatom shells are used in paints & make up (make it shiny) and toothpaste (make it abrasive)  Red Algae is used in pudding and toothpaste (makes them creamy & smooth)  Brown Algae is used in ice cream & marshmallows (makes thick) and is eaten in sushi & salads

17  A main food source for herbivores of the water  Provides oxygen through photosynthesis

18  Otherwise known as PROTOZOA  All single-celled organisms  Can’t make their own food (heterotrophs)  Contain special vacuoles for digesting food & ridding excess water  Four phyla based on method of movement

19  Common name: The Amoebas  Use a temporary extension of the cytoplasm called a pseudopod to: Move- extend a section out and drag forward Eat- extension surrounds the food particle (endocytosis)


21  Common name: Flagellates  Move by whipping one or more flagella

22  Common name: Ciliates  Move by using cilia  Short threadlike fibers that beat back/forth  Have two nuclei  Feed through an “oral groove”


24  Have no way of moving on their own  Only survive as a parasite Plasmodium is the protist that causes Malaria

25  Good- Consuming bacteria  Example: Waste water treatment  Bad- Disease causing  Examples: African Sleeping Sickness, Malaria, dysentery (diarrhea) The amoeba that causes acute diarrhea! Trysanopoma among red blood cells in someone with Sleeping Sickness

26  Have features of protists and fungi  ALL  Reproduce using spores  Obtain energy from decomposing organic materials

27  At times use pseudopods to move and feed like an amoeba  Most of their life is spent acting like a fungus  Feeding on decaying matter and producing spores

28  Protist like b/c reproductive spores have flagellum to move  Fungus like b/c they grow as a mass of threads over a plant or animal, digest it and then absorb its nutrients

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