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1 Coronas-F: payload, orbit, performance V. Slemzin CORONAS – Complex ORbital ObservatioNs of Activity of the Sun.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Coronas-F: payload, orbit, performance V. Slemzin CORONAS – Complex ORbital ObservatioNs of Activity of the Sun."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Coronas-F: payload, orbit, performance V. Slemzin CORONAS – Complex ORbital ObservatioNs of Activity of the Sun

2 2 Observations of the Sun during 23th current solar cycle by CORONAS satellites CORONAS-F  ***************** CORONAS-I  ***************** 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 годы Wolf numbers

3 3 CORONAS-F Instruments EUV/SXR1.Multi-channel Photometer (DIFOS) 2.Solar X-ray Telescope (SRT-K ) 3.X-ray Spectroheliograph (RES-K ) SXR/HXR4.Spectrometer (DIOGENESS) 5.X-ray Spectrometer (RESIK) 6.Solar X-Ray Spectropolarimeter (SPR-N ) Gamma7.Flare Spectrometer (IRIS) 8.Gamma Spectrometer (HELIKON) 9.X-ray Spectrometer (RPS ) 10.Time-Amplitude Spectrometer (AVS) UV11.Solar UV Radiometer (SUFR-sp-k ) 12.Solar UV Spectrophotometer (VUSS-L ) Cosmic rays13.MCL - Cosmic Ray Monitor 14.SCI-3 - Spectrometer of the Energy and Ion Chemical Composition 15.SONG - Solar Neutrons and  -rays Spectrometer 16.Data Build-up System (SSNI)

4 4 CORONAS-F Instruments

5 5 Total mass 2.5 tons Scientific payload – 600 kg Size – Ø2x8 m

6 6 Launched July 31, 2001 Initial orbital parameters: apogee – 541,1 km, perigee 497,1 km, inclination 82,48 град, period – 94,782 min. CORONAS-F Satellite: orbit Typical orbits: 15 orb/day Vis eclipses – 33 min UV eclipses (h LOS > 450 km) – 42 min Each 90 days : non-occulting orbits for 2-3 weeks

7 7 CORONAS-F Satellite: pointing Pointing – to the Sun center, 2-axis. Drift of the X-axis –less than 2.5’,  = 0.2’ Angular speed of drift < 1”/sec EUV imaging: 2-9 s expositions Determination of roll angle: by two sky cameras in the SPIRIT assembly (stars 6-8 m ) using Hipparcos catalog Roll speed <2-3 0 /day

8 8 Telemetry Ground station – DLR Neue Strelitz (Germany) Ø of dish– 4 or 10m Daily TM-volume up to 1.2 Gbit (2-3 downloads). CORONAS-F Satellite: Telemetry and control Control Satellite commands, on/off – Moscow satellite control center Dialog files – IZMIRAN 1-2 uploads/day, < 20 kbytes Last correction – 2 hours before radio contact!

9 9 Highlights of SPIRIT experiment First MgXII 8.42Å full-Sun images of 5-15 MK plasma Spectral full-Sun images in 177-210 and 285-335 Å Simultaneous imaging in coronal 175 and TR 304 Å lines, First 2-wavelength movies First EUV coronagraph with outer occulter in 175/304 Coordinated observations with SOHO/EIT Unique data obtained during SOHO keyhole periods (Sep 05) Total volume of data: more than 300 Gb, 300 000 full Sun images

10 10 CORONAS-F Cooperation LPI

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