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CW5 Berlin, December 11 th 2003 ABOUT SOME TRAPS 1 About some traps in fundamental parameter determination of target stars Friedrich Kupka Max-Planck-Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "CW5 Berlin, December 11 th 2003 ABOUT SOME TRAPS 1 About some traps in fundamental parameter determination of target stars Friedrich Kupka Max-Planck-Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 CW5 Berlin, December 11 th 2003 ABOUT SOME TRAPS 1 About some traps in fundamental parameter determination of target stars Friedrich Kupka Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics Hydrodynamics Group

2 CW5 Berlin, December 11 th 2003 ABOUT SOME TRAPS 2 SOME POPULAR TRAPS hidden use of model physics (circular argument) neglection of systematic errors: ∆ scatter  ∆ error hidden systematic errors silent break down of model physics usage of calibrations outside their validity range and for sure many more of them...

3 CW5 Berlin, December 11 th 2003 ABOUT SOME TRAPS 3 Hidden use of model physics The determination of log(g) for Vega – Fundamental value unknown inspite of this: primary calibration point for synthetic photometry – Moon & Dworetsky 1985: empirically corrected ATLAS6 grids for Strömgren colours based on a mixture of true fundamental values and further calibrations (either log(g) or T eff unknown) Vega's log(g): Balmer lines, Balmer jump fits from ATLAS6 models  calibration point in MD ! Castelli & Kurucz A&A 281, 817 (1994): values derived in this way depend on unknown He abundance – ATLAS9 based FeI / FeII as "supporting results”

4 CW5 Berlin, December 11 th 2003 ABOUT SOME TRAPS 4 Model atmosphere grids I Current grids: why not trust them ? – ATLAS9 (  BaSeL, etc.), New MARCS, and PHOENIX: based on Kurucz atomic data – none fits Strömgren m 0 metallicity index (A-G type stars) – none correctly predicts the Balmer jump for F stars (surface gravity, luminosity,...) – outdated grids still widely used as black boxes (ATLAS9 C93 distribution)

5 CW5 Berlin, December 11 th 2003 ABOUT SOME TRAPS 5 Model atmosphere grids II Current grids – are as poor in convection modelling as in 1970 – usually lack numerical resolution (computational costs, non-uniform over HRD) – incorrectly predict Balmer line profiles over the HRD for A-G stars (except for calibration star!) – are in disagreement with observational input from mid A stars (temperature gradients, microturbulence)

6 CW5 Berlin, December 11 th 2003 ABOUT SOME TRAPS 6 Neglection of systematic errors Accuracy of T eff of fundamental stars – for many “fundamental stars” visual fluxes have not been measured (=L, M, R known without use of stellar models) – A0 – G2 MS: ~6: < 200 K, ~15: < 400 K  Why ? poor (post-Hipparcos!) parallaxes, spectrophotometry – between 8000 K and 9500 K: no pairs with known M – even with these data:  some models excluded Balmer line profiles for the Sun & other stars – confusing results [ cf. Barklem et al. A&A 385, 951 (2002)] – resolved (perhaps ?) by improving convection physics

7 CW5 Berlin, December 11 th 2003 ABOUT SOME TRAPS 7 Hidden systematic errors Spectral line ratios and absolute T eff – Line depth ratios of selected pairs correlate with photometric temperature indicators (D. Gray) – Use colour index vs. T eff relation  line ratios f(T eff ) – Problem: relative scale ! The T eff (line ratio) scale inherits systematic errors from the T eff (colour) scale – IRFM also not free from systematics ( binaries, IR fluxes ) – Solar T eff : calibration errors, solar cycle, etc.  ∆ T eff ~10 K. – A&A 411, 559 (2003): ∆ T eff (sun)=0, ∆ T eff (stars)~5-10 K ?!?

8 CW5 Berlin, December 11 th 2003 ABOUT SOME TRAPS 8 Breakdown of model physics Abundance determinations – oscillator strengths: a few 1000 accurately measured – Wiese's law: the lower the accuracy, the more optimistic the error estimate (factor >2 in dex !) – successful “fits“ can be very deceiving (example Li) – 1D LTE/NLTE  3D LTE  3D NLTE: example: the Li determination of extreme Pop. II/Pop. III stars  internal, statistical accuracy estimates for abundances can be completely knocked over by (unexpected) systematic errors...

9 CW5 Berlin, December 11 th 2003 ABOUT SOME TRAPS 9 Calibration of parameters Tuning convection in low mass stars – lack of alternatives  adjustments to fit the sun – but: an evolution model which fits the sun does not have to be good for anything else – one which does not is even more questionable ! – uncertainty of lower RGB (1M solar ): ±100 K – uncertainty of PMS (D-burning phase): ±175 K – both due to convection alone... – different models/parameters in interior and atmosphere increase uncertainty

10 CW5 Berlin, December 11 th 2003 ABOUT SOME TRAPS 10 Conclusions I General comments – a good direct measurement can never be substituted by clever, arbitrarily (?) accurate calibrations – systematic errors  intrinsic ones Fundamental parameters – ASTRA project (S.J. Adelman, A. Gulliver, B. Smalley)  new spectrophotometric fluxes (near UV – near IR), recalibration of stellar flux standards (50 cm robotic telescope, first light in spring 2004) – the long wait for the GAIA mission (too long for COROT)

11 CW5 Berlin, December 11 th 2003 ABOUT SOME TRAPS 11 Conclusions II New model atmosphere grids – require adequate resolution in grid parameters – more cross-checking with fundamental stellar data – a better treatment of convection; diffusion, opacities,... – taking black boxes from the shelf remains dangerous Convection – “non-local models” and numerical simulations – solar calibration approach insufficient  observations (including particularly MOST & COROT...)

12 CW5 Berlin, December 11 th 2003 ABOUT SOME TRAPS 12 Extra slides and literature I Figures shown – Smalley B., Kupka F., A&A 328, 349 (1997): Fig. 6 (m 0 -index) inability of models to match A-stars and the sun simultaneously – same paper: Fig. 5 (c 1 -index): systematics, “feature” for F-stars – Smalley et al., A&A 395, 601 (2002): Fig. 2 (H  -profiles) small mixing length/flux overshooting – Stein R.F., Nordlund Å., ApJ 499, 914 (1998): Fig. 14, 15 inhomogeneity of solar surface convection – Nordlund Å., Stein R.F., ASP Conf. Ser. 203, 362 (2000) photospheric levitation (1D / 3D, turbulent pressure) Tables shown – Smalley et al., A&A 395, 601 (2002): Tables 2 and 5 fundamental parameters: error sources; mid A-star problem – Asplund et al., A&A 399, L31 (2003): Table 1(electronic version) the Li problem (3D NLTE – 3D LTE – 1D LTE/NLTE)

13 CW5 Berlin, December 11 th 2003 ABOUT SOME TRAPS 13 Extra slides and literature II Useful literature – Asplund M., Carlsson M., Botnen A.V., A&A 399, L31 (2003) – Barklem P.S. et al., A&A 385, 951 (2002) – Gray D.F., Johanson H.L., PASP 103, 439 (1991) – Moon T.T., Dworetsky M.M., MNRAS 217, 305 (1985) – Kurucz R.L., Astrophys. and Space Sci. Library, Vol. 274, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-0644-6, 2002, p. 3 – 14 (  PUERTOVALLARTA:2001) – Nordlund Å., Stein R.F., ASP Conf. Ser. 203, 362 (2000) – Smalley B., MNRAS 265, 1035 (1993) – Smalley B., Kupka F., A&A 328, 349 (1997) – Smalley B., Gardiner R.B., Kupka, F., Bessell M.S., A&A 395, 601 (2002) – Stein R.F., Nordlund Å., ApJ 499, 914 (1998)

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