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“Building house”. * Most influential school of design * Stood for modern simple forms, and to unify art, craft, and technology * Teachers included:

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Presentation on theme: "“Building house”. * Most influential school of design * Stood for modern simple forms, and to unify art, craft, and technology * Teachers included:"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Building house”


3 * Most influential school of design * Stood for modern simple forms, and to unify art, craft, and technology * Teachers included: * Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky * Johannes Itten * Josef Albers * Herbert Bayer * László Moholy-Nag

4 * The Bauhaus was influenced by the Arts and Crafts Movement (1860- 1910) * William Morris (England) led the Arts and Crafts Movement

5 * The Bauhaus was founded by by Walter Gropius in 1919 in Weimer, Germany * The Bauhaus moved to Dessau, Germany in 1925

6 * Bayer was to design a typeface for all Bauhaus communiqués. * He created an "idealist typeface." The result was "universal" - a rather simple geometric sans-serif font.

7 * Itten taught colour threory still in use today. * His colour wheel contained 12 colours: the 3 primary colours, 3 secondary, and 6 tertiary colours. Source of image of Itten. Serge Lachinov, Wiki Commons; Bauhaus. Bauhaus archiv. 1919-1933. Magdalena Drost. Benedikt Taschen. 1990

8 SourceThomas Kain/ Mona Meister/ Franz-Joachim Verspohl (Hrsg.): Paul Klee in Jena 1924. Der Vortrag. Minerva. Jenaer Schriften zur Kunstgeschichte, Band 10, Kunsthistorisches Seminar, Jenoptik AG, Druckhaus Gera, Jena 1999, ISBN 3-932081-34-X, S. 91. AuthorAlexander Eliasberg (1878– 1924) Source - 1922

9 * Modernism. Modernist movement of the 20th century - pure, clean lines, simply geometry, stark forms, rejection of past traditions, without ornament) * Colour theory * They way design is taught in schools and colleges today goes back to the Bauhaus, the first school of design * Big brands: Apple? Steve Jobs? Braun?

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