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SLANT. Cup of Praise! Polish your halo! SLANT Cup of Praise!! Ah, ah, ah, we did a good job, did a good job!

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Presentation on theme: "SLANT. Cup of Praise! Polish your halo! SLANT Cup of Praise!! Ah, ah, ah, we did a good job, did a good job!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Cup of Praise! Polish your halo!


4 Cup of Praise!! Ah, ah, ah, we did a good job, did a good job!


6 Cup of Praise Respect!


8 Cup of Praise! Snap! Crackle! Pop!


10 Cup of Praise Review Have you praised someone today? If you don’t, who will? Create and spread your sunshine.

11 Music – sound with a purpose Melodic Sound Pitch – highness/ lowness Interval - distance Melodic Contour - shape Solfa Names ( so – mi) Letter Names ( A, B, C’s) Staff Note Head Line Notes Space Notes Rhythmic Sound Phrase - sentence Beat – time chopped equally Rhythm – the way the words go Meter – organized beats measures, bar lines, time signatures, conducting Rhythm Syllables (ta, tadi) Traditional Note Names (quarter, 2 eighths) Stem Flag Beam

12 Start Here

13 Objective K - 1 I will draw phrases. I will point or tap. I will march.


15 Warm Up

16 Blue Bells Blue bells, cockle shells, Evy ivy overhead, My mother said that I was born in: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December!


18 Teddy Bear GOOD NIGHT! 2 X’s

19 New Song

20 Snail, Snail Snail, Snail, Go around and round and round.

21 New Song High Low Prep Snail, Snail Snail, Snail, Snail, Snail Go a - round and round and round.

22 Analyze the form phrase by phrase. Sing it on “loo”.

23 New Song High Low Prep Snail, Snail Loo, loo, loo, loo, Loo loo, loo loo, loo loo, loo.

24 The form of Snail, Snail is: A B

25 New Song High Low Prep Snail, Snail Loo, loo, loo, loo, Loo loo, loo loo, loo loo, loo. A B

26 New Song High Low Prep Snail, Snail Snail, Snail, Snail, Snail Go a - round and round and round.

27 Cup of Praise! Snap! Crackle! Pop!

28 And now for a RAP written by: Mrs. Gabriel!

29 The To Be Rap! Singular – One I am. X X Am I? X X You are. X X Are You? X X He is X X Is he? X X She is. X X Is she? X X It is. X X Is it? X X Plural – Many We are. X X Are we? X X You all are. X X X Are we all ? X X X They are. X X Are they? X X


31 I will draw phrases and sing.

32 Engine Engine, engine number nine, Going down Chi - cago line. If the train goes off the track, Wil I get my money back?

33 How many phrases do you see? Click Engine, engine number nine, Going down Chi - cago line. If the train goes off the track, Wil I get my money back?

34 I see 4 phrases. Engine, engine number nine, Going down Chi - cago line. If the train goes off the track, Wil I get my money back? 1 4 3 2

35 I will tap and sing.

36 Engine Engine, engine number nine, Going down Chi - cago line. If the train goes off the track, Wil I get my money back?

37 How many taps do you see in each phrase? Engine, engine number nine, Going down Chi - cago line. If the train goes off the track, Wil I get my money back?

38 I see 4 taps in each phrase. Engine, engine number nine, Going down Chi - cago line. If the train goes off the track, Wil I get my money back? 123 4

39 Let us change up the phrases and taps.

40 Engine Engine, engine number nine, Going down Chi - cago line. If the train goes off the track, Wil I get my money back?

41 Engine Engine, engine number nine, Going down Chi - cago line. If the train goes off the track, Wil I get my money back?

42 Engine Engine, engine number nine, Going down Chi - cago line. If the train goes off the track, Wil I get my money back?

43 Engine Engine, engine number nine, Going down Chi - cago line. If the train goes off the track, Wil I get my money back?

44 Can we change it up by risers?




48 I can march.

49 Dance Positions Please!

50 Band, Attention! 1, 2

51 Band, Parade Rest!! 1, 2

52 Band, Attention! 1, 2

53 Front row a left face! Back row a right face!


55 Game Time!

56 Bee, Bee Bee, bee bumble bee, Stung a man upon his knee. Stung a pig upon his snout, I declare that you are out. could

57 Bee, Bee Bee, bee bumble bee Stung a man u - pon his knee Stung a pig u - pon his snout I de - clare that you are out.

58 Bee, Bee Bee, bee bumble bee Stung a man u - pon his knee Stung a pig u - pon his snout I de - clare that you are out.


60 Practice Time!

61 I can draw a sound.

62 Sound Picture 1

63 Sound Picture 2

64 Sound Picture 3

65 Sound Picture 4

66 Sound Picture 5

67 Sound Picture 6

68 Sound Picture 7

69 Sound Picture 8

70 Sound Picture 9

71 Sound Picture 10

72 Sound Picture 11

73 Sound Picture 12

74 Sound Picture 13

75 Sound Picture 14

76 Find Your SLANT Not Your Can’t

77 EXIT Ticket!!

78 Objective K - 1 I can draw phrases. I can point or tap. I can march.

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