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Due January 21 Trimester 2 Week 6 Instructor: Mrs. Darci Syfert-Busk Independent Study Assignments.

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Presentation on theme: "Due January 21 Trimester 2 Week 6 Instructor: Mrs. Darci Syfert-Busk Independent Study Assignments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Due January 21 Trimester 2 Week 6 Instructor: Mrs. Darci Syfert-Busk Independent Study Assignments

2 Persuasive Essay Did you support your opinion Share

3 Review for Test Take Ch. 6 Test and Grade Review Notes Packet

4 Objectives Understand how to calculate mean, median, and mode Know what an outlier is Know how outliers effect mean, median and mode

5 6 th Grade Independent Study T2 Week 7 Due: January 28 Total Work Completed=_______% Name_______________ P.E. Math *5 P.E. Credits Due March1 Grade_________ Total Work_________ ____Ch. 7 Lesson 1 Pg. 333-334 ____Ch. 7 Lesson 2 Pg. 337 Only ____Ch. 7 Lesson 3 Pg. 340-341 Lessons 7- 1 to 7-3 Grade__________ Total Work____________

6 Housekeeping 5 PE Credits due March 1 Vacation! See ya on January 7 th ! Grade Work Assignment Sheet PE Stamped work Math Science Social Studies Languages Arts

7 Persuasive Essay Username Password

8 Language Arts Benchmark Results… Advanced=changes all test grades to A+ Beyond Mastery! Proficient=changes all grades to A- Mastered standards Basic=C+ Mastered Most standards Below Basic=D Did not master Most Far Below Basic Did not master Good luck!

9 Language Arts Main Objectives This Week: Understand what character traits are and how they effect a story Be able to identify the “theme” of a story Be able to use the “ie”….”ei” spellings in words correctly Know what Direct and Indirect Objects are Know how to navigate a magazine article

10 Language Arts-T2 Week 7 ASSIGNMENTS:  ______Read “Throw and Tell,” Pg. 332. Do Questions Pg. 335 (1-5 only).  ______Bring your favorite magazine to class  ______Selection Support Pgs. 119, 120  ______Character Traits Worksheet  ______Character Trait Analysis Assignment  ______Read Ch. 11/12 of “Egypt Game.” Write a summary.  Study for Breakers Bridge Test  Grade_______  TW_________

11 Hebrews Chapter 10

12 Benchmark Review DefineDescribe Silt Profile Hieroglyphs Monotheism Polytheism Famine Papyrus Righteous Egyptian Art themes- God’s Covenant with the Hebrews- Importance of 10 commandments- Moses-

13 Objectives for this week… -Know the main components of Chinese Geography -Understand the development of the Shang Dynasty -Know what a “dynasty” is/was

14 History Assignments:  _____Read Ch. 8 Lesson 1. Take Notes using Cornell Notes.  _____Review Question Ch. 8 Lesson 1 Pg. 257  _____Questions Pg. 251  _____China Map  _____Hebrew Kingdom Timeline Due ( See Pg.  Grade_____  TW______

15 How do Ocean Currents Work? Due in 2 weeks… Multiparagraph Prove you know what causes ocean currents

16 Science Main Objectives This Week: -Review Standards and concepts for benchmark

17 Science

18 Testing/Conferencing Time TestsConferencing Language Arts Benchmark Math Ch. 6 Test Weekly Work Turn In My Access results

19 Extra Credit Options Language ArtsSocial Studies See a movie Create a Plot Map from Write a movie Review (See for book reviews as an example Volunteer over break Martha’s Kitchen Elderly Home Church Dog Shelter

20 Extra Credit Math-Bake Christmas CookiesScience Adapt the recipe like we did in class Write up old and new recipe Create a model of how the sun revolves around the sun. Show equinoxes. Seasons, etc. AND/OR Research Winter Solstice Write an essay telling what the Winter Solstice is.

21 Test-Thunder Butte” -Egypt Test-If you have not taken

22 Daily Language Practice 1 sentence and 1 paragraph per week Fix sentences…. Fix Paragraph COPS 1.Capitalize Proper Nouns 2. Beginning of Sentences

23 Spelling Ex- -Means out or away from -We excluded him from our club. -I exhaled after holding my breathe.

24 Grammar Selection Support Principal Parts of Verbs Pg. 136 Present/Past/Past Participle Jump-is jumping/jumped/ has jumped

25 Imagery Word Pictures that appeal to the senses Sight Smell Touch Hearing Taste What are some for fall leaves? Hike Packet

26 Story….”Dust of Snow”…”My Picture-Gallery”…”Saying Yes” Standards: Imagery Figurative Language Vocabulary: Rued Suspended Tableaus Pg. 28

27 11:30-12 Testing/Conference Time TestsConference Zlateh Math Part A Notes Packet

28 Persuasive Essay Prewriting Read this book…or not!? Planning: Prompt: Write a persuasive essay telling your audience why they should or should not ready the Jack London book that you read this tri- mester. 1. Understand the task Read prompt CAREFULLY! Audience Purpose Voice 2. Decide what your position is Pros/Cons 3. Brainstorm Don’t forget the opposing view 4. Outline

29 Computer Social Studies Project

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