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Code of Ethics for High School Journalists Use pg. 336-338 in Ch. 23 to fill in the missing blanks about these ethical issues.

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Presentation on theme: "Code of Ethics for High School Journalists Use pg. 336-338 in Ch. 23 to fill in the missing blanks about these ethical issues."— Presentation transcript:

1 Code of Ethics for High School Journalists Use pg. 336-338 in Ch. 23 to fill in the missing blanks about these ethical issues.

2 ____________________________ is taking someone else’s work and passing it off as _________ _______; this is illegal and unethical! _____________ illustrations and _________ photos are acceptable, but the caption should mention the scene was recreated.

3 Reporting names and addresses of ___________ victims is governed by _________ laws. Regarding personal details about a ___________ person’s life, great care should be taken to report only facts that are newsworthy and _______________.

4 To avoid a ___________ of interest, a journalist should not be assigned to cover a story in which he or she has any substantial ________________. Anonymous sources should be used _____________ because the ____________ of a story suffers if information is not attributed to someone

5 Electronically altering photos is prohibited in most instances; however, slight _____________ ___________ are acceptable. ________________ is creating a person, situation, _____________, statistics, or any other information and passing it off as real. This is strictly prohibited!

6 Use of photos of _____________ of accidents and _______________ disasters should be monitored carefully by the editor. Always maintain the dignity of the people! Generally, confidentiality should only be promised to a source if there is a real ____________ that _______ will come to the source if his or her name is revealed.

7 Ownership of work produced belongs to the _________________ regardless of whether the staff member is __________ or not. Eavesdropping is a method of gathering news that is ____________ ____________ questionable and _____________ for all journalists.

8 Acceptance of free gifts is questionable; reporters should always remember that there is no ____________ to do a more ____________ story because of free admission. Profane and vulgar words, although a part of everyday conversation, are ____________ used in student news media.

9 Reporters should replace sexist labels and descriptions with _____________ words. Corrections are published in the ________ edition of the publication in a ______________ and ______________ place.

10 Sexually explicit words should only be used for ______________ and understanding in stories dealing with health. Journalists should neither __________ or _____________ law enforcement with their work.

11 Reporters should be aware of generalizations (stereotyping/labeling) and should examine their work for _______________ or _____________ stereotyping.

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