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2 Failure Mode & Effects Analysis
Tool to identify & characterize potential failures Can be used for product or process Example: Self cleaning feature on Thermador oven

3 Step 1 Identify parts w.r.t. related function Example:
Screw – fasten part A to part B Shaft – rotate part C

4 Step 2 Identify Potential Failure Modes Example Part Pot. Failure Mode
Screw loose, stripped thread, damaged head, corroded Shaft bent, scored, fractured, seized, worn, excessive vibration

5 Step 2 Consider how function of part transforms/ transfers Look at:
Matter Energy Information Look at: Engineering specs Functional decomposition Detail/assembly drawings Test results

6 Examples of Failure Modes
Mechanical Fracture (break) Buckle (local or general) Bend / distort Plastic deformation Bind / seize Vibrate / resonate Delaminate Wear / Galling / Fretting Corrode Electrical Short circuit / low resistance Open circuit / high resistance Chemical Thermal

7 Step 3 Identify the potential effect of the failure mode and rank it’s SEVERITY

8 Severity

9 Step 4 Determine possible / potential causes of each failure mode
Excessive Vibration High unbalance Low stiffness Operation at resonance Low damping High damping Excessive Wear High speed High load Inappropriate material pair Misalignment

10 Step 5 Estimate the likelihood / probability of OCCURRENCE

11 Probability

12 Step 6 Identify design activities / controls / testing procedures to validate the design or detect defects in design or manufacturing

13 Step 7 Estimate the likelihood that the control actions taken in Step 6 will DETECT each cause of failure

14 Detectability

15 Step 8 Calculate the Risk Priority Number for each failure mode RPN = (S)(O)(D)

16 Step 9 Construct recommendations Take actions

17 Step 10 After implementing changes, reassess the Severity, Occurrence, and Detectability. Recalculate the RPN

18 Troubleshoot a High RPN
Severity is high Product redesign is likely to be required Probability is high Focus on control actions Defect rate is high Implement better testing, or redesign to prevent / reduce defect occurring

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