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2/4/20079th ACFA ILC Detector Simulation Works 9 th ACFA IHEP Feb. 4 th -7 th, 2007 Tamaki Yoshioka ICEPP, Univ. of Tokyo on behalf.

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Presentation on theme: "2/4/20079th ACFA ILC Detector Simulation Works 9 th ACFA IHEP Feb. 4 th -7 th, 2007 Tamaki Yoshioka ICEPP, Univ. of Tokyo on behalf."— Presentation transcript:

1 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP1 ILC Detector Simulation Works 9 th ACFA Workshop @ IHEP Feb. 4 th -7 th, 2007 Tamaki Yoshioka ICEPP, Univ. of Tokyo on behalf of the GLD colleagues Contents : 1. Introduction 2. Simulation Tools - JSF Framework - Jupiter/Satellites 3. Performance - Single Particle - Realistic PFA 4. Summary

2 Introduction ILC VTX R&D TPC R&D Calorimeter R&D Physics Performance Requirement Simulation Analysis Optimize Beam tests Detector Model

3 DescriptionDetectorLanguageIO-FormatRegion SimdetFast Monte CarloTeslaTDRFortranStdhep/LCIOEU SGVFast Monte CarloflexibleC++None(LCIO)EU LelapsFast Monte CarloSiD, flexibleC++SIO, LCIOUS QuickSimFast Monte CarloGLDFortranROOTAsia Brahms-SimFull sim. - Geant3TeslaTDRC++ASCII, LCIOEU MokkaFull sim. – Geant4TeslaTDR, LDCC++LCIOEU SLICFull sim. – Geant4SiDC++LCIOUS ILC-ROOTFull sim. – Geant44thC++ROOTUS+EU JupiterFull sim. – Geant4GLDC++ROOT, LCIOAsia Brahms-RecoReconstruction frameworkTeslaTDRFortranLCIOEU Marlin Reconstruction Analysis framework Flexible,LDCC++LCIOEU Org-lcsimReconstruction packagesSiD(flexible)JavaLCIOUS SatellitesReconstruction packagesGLDC++ROOTAsia LCCDConditiions data toolkitLDC, SiD,..C++MySQL, LCIOEU GEARGeometry DescriptionFlexibleC++XMLEU LCIOPersistency/DatamodelAllC++,Java, Fortran -EU,US,As ia JAS3/WIREDAnalysis tool/Event displayLDC, SiD …Java XML,LCIO,stdhep, heprep, US, EU JSFAnalysis frameworkAllC++ROOT/LCIOAsia Software Tools in the World

4 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP4 Our Software Tools Event Reconstruction Digitizer Finder Fitter Detector Simulator QuickSim FullSim Event Generator Pythia CAIN StdHep Beamtest Analysis Physics Analysis Jet finder

5 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP5 Our Software Tools ROOT objects : Event Tree & Configuration Beamtest Analysis Event Reconstruction Digitizer Finder Fitter Detector Simulator QuickSim FullSim Event Generator Pythia CAIN StdHep Physics Analysis Jet finder Based on a common framework : JSF and ROOT

6 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP6 JSF Framework : JSF = ROOT based application - All functions are based on C++, compiled through CINT. - Provides common framework for event generations, detector simulations, analysis and beam test data analysis. - Unified framework for interactive and batch jobs - Data are stored as root objects; root trees, ntuple, etc.. Release includes other tools; QuickSim, event generators, beamstrahlung spectrum generator, etc..

7 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP7

8 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP8 QuickSim Analysis Example Incl. beamstrahlung 350GeV, nominal  (Mh)~109MeV Incl. beamstrahlung 350GeV, high-lum  (Mh)~164MeV Incl. beamstrahlung 250GeV, nominal  (Mh)~27MeV  E/E(beam)~0.1% Differential Luminosity(500GeV)

9 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP9 JUPITER JLC Unified Particle Interaction and Tracking EmulatoR IO Input/Output module set URANUS LEDA Monte-Calro Exact hits To Intermediate Simulated output Unified Reconstruction and ANalysis Utility Set Library Extension for Data Analysis METIS Satellites Geant4 based Simulator JSF/ROOT based Framework JSF: analysis flow controller based on ROOT. The release includes event generators, Quick Simulator, and simple event display. MC truth generator Event Reconstruction Tools for simulation Tools For real data Jupiter/Satellites Concepts

10 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP10 Jupiter Feature Based on Geant4.8.0p1 (As of February 07) Modular structure → easy installation of sub-directories. Geometries - Simple geometries are implemented. - Parameters (size, material etc.) can be modified by input ASCII file. → Parameters are saves as root object for use in Satellites later.

11 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP11 Jupiter Feature (Cont ’ d) Input : - StdHep file (ASCII), HepEvt, CAIN, or any generators implemented in JSF. - Binary StdHep file interface was implemented. Output : - Exact Hits of each detectors (Smearing in Satellites). - Break points in tracking volume. - Pre- and Post- Hits at before/after Calorimeter. → Used to record true track information which enter CAL/BCAL/FCAL. - Interface to LCIO format is prepared in JSF framework. Run Mode : - A standalone Geant4 application. - JSF application to output a ROOT file. Break point Post-hits CAL TPC e+e+ e-e-

12 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP12 GLD Geometry in Jupiter As of February 07

13 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP13 GLD Geometry in Jupiter TPC VTX, IT FCALBCAL

14 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP14 GLD Geometry in Jupiter Solenoid Hadron Calorimeter (HCAL) Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) TPC VTX, IT FCALBCAL Muon Detector 1 module

15 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP15 …. cdc vtx Satellites bin src lib include test iojsfj4 mctruth kern examples Run Jupiter in JSF to create a ROOT file cal S4xxxExactHit class = J4xxxHit class metis Leda j42lcio Output LCIO data examples macro Satellites Directory Structure jupiter lcio Read LCIO data (under construction)

16 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP16 Metis Package Metis is a collection of reconstruction tools for Jupiter data. Run as a JSF module, i.e., - Jupiter data and reconstructed results are saved in a ROOT tree. - Each module is relatively independent, thus easy to implement different reconstruction algorithm. Packages under development include - IO : GEANT4 objects to ROOT objects / Interface to LCIO. - Hit digitizer : Mostly simple smearing of exact hits - Kalman fitter : for TPC, VTX and IT. - PFA - Jet clustering

17 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP17 Metis is a collection of reconstruction tools for Jupiter data. Current aim is to prepare a minimum set of Metis modules for studies of Particle Flow Algorithm. Novice users will be able to do physics analysis using information of PFO classes. Each module is independent, thus shall be easy to implement different reconstruction algorithm according to interests. Metis Package

18 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP18 cal metis tpchitmaker trackmaker hybthybtmaker hitmaker (JSF’s) Modules for MC data analysis make smeared TPC hits from exact hit make tracks from TPC make hybrid tracks ( TPC+IT+VTX) make smeared/merged CAL hits from exact hit clustermaker make cluster from CAL hits pfo pfomaker make Particle Flow Objects jet jetmaker make jet Objects Metis Directory Structure Cheated or Realistic PFA

19 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP19 Make smeared TPC hits from exact hit Make tracks from TPC Make hybrid tracks ( TPC+IT+VTX) Make smeared/merged CAL hits from exact hit Make cluster from CAL hits Make Particle Flow Objects Jet clustering Physics Study Jupiter Result Metis Analysis Flow

20 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP20 Typical Event Display - ZH → h : Two jets from Higgs can be seen. Side View End View

21 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP21 - Exact hit points created by single  are fitted by Kalman filter package  pt /p t 2 (GeV -1 ) Momentum Resolution ~4 ×10 -5 for 100GeV Muon

22 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP22 Calorimeter Performance Energy Resolution(  E/E) Gamma K0L Performances have to verified/confirmed by beam tests in coming years.

23 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP23 Particle Flow Algorithm e+e+ e-e- Critical part to complete detector design. - Large R & medium granularity vs. small R & fine granularity - Large R & medium B vs. small R & high B - … Algorithm developed in GLD: Consists of several steps - Gamma Finding - Cluster-Track Matching - Neutral Hadron Finding Red : pion Yellow :gamma Blue : neutron

24 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP24 - Almost no angular dependence : ~30%/ √ E for |cos  |<0.9. - cf. 60 %/ √ E w/o the PFA (sum up the calorimeter energy) All angle - Z → uds @ 91.2GeV, tile calorimeter, 1cm x 1cm tile size Jet Energy Resolution (Z-pole)

25 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP25 - Almost no angular dependence : ~30%/ √ E for |cos  |<0.9. - cf. 60 %/ √ E w/o the PFA (sum up the calorimeter energy) All angle - Z → uds @ 91.2GeV, tile calorimeter, 1cm x 1cm tile size Jet Energy Resolution (Z-pole) Next Step : - Detector Configuration Optimization. - Other energy points and physics channels.

26 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP26 Benchmark Processes Benchmark processes recommended by the Benchmark Panel.

27 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP27 CPU Time/Data Size Data sizeXenon 3 GHz (32bit) for 500 1/fb ProcessMB/evCPU sec/ev.#ev.GBcpu day qq 91 GeV~1.5~150 qq 350 GeV~3.0~270 ee  ZH  nnH 350GeV ~2.0~300 14k28 48.6 ee  nnH 350GeV ~1.9~170 15k29 29.5 ee  eeH 350GeV ~2.3~380 1.5k 3.5 15.4 ee  ZZ  nnqq 350GeV ~1.7~200 110k187 255.6 ee  enW  enqq 350GeV ~1.6~2401000k16000 2777.8 ZH  qqH 350GeV ~3.8~300 49k186 170.1 ZZ  qqqq 350GeV ~3.3~340 434k1432 1707.8

28 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP28 Goals of studies within a couple of years are detector optimization based on full detector simulation. –Implement “GLD baseline” geometry in Jupiter. → Done! –Study PFA performances. → Currently ongoing –Study physics performance vs. detector choice. A study by detector simulation is also crucial for the design of the IR design of ILC. Near Term Goals

29 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP29 Summary Full detector simulator for GLD, Jupiter, has been developed based on Geant4. Both realistic and cheated PFA have been implemented to Satellites and a study on jet energy resolution is in progress. There are still a lot of things to do. Contributions are highly welcomed.

30 2/4/20079th ACFA Meeting@IHEP30 Our software tools are maintained in CVS server, At, –Description about how to download the latest version. –Web interface to the CVS repository, –Snap shot of source codes. How to Get Our Tools  Link to various tools at  GLD Software at  All packages are kept in the CVS. Accessible from

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