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Schedule  List Proc/Website/Email/Office Information  Current Events/ Introductions  Informal Debate  SURPRISE.

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2 Schedule  List Proc/Website/Email/Office Information  Current Events/ Introductions  Informal Debate  SURPRISE

3 To Add Yourself to the List Proc  Send an email to  In the body write e.g if your name was Jospeh Stalin  Subscribe Modelun Joseph Stalin

4 Website  We apologize that we haven't updated our website, but ITS is bollocks.  Once we update the website it will have all the information you need, meeting minutes, homework assignments, and other important information  On the website now is documents that will help you with next weeks’ assignment 

5 Officer InformationOfficer Information  Officer Email is, this reaches all the officers, and will probably get you the quickest response.  Office Hours Everyday in UMC 342 from 11-2  If you want to contact the officers individually   

6 Current EventsCurrent Events  Say your name, country, and event

7 Informal DebateInformal Debate  Rules  Wait until you are called on  Stand where you are  Don’t talk while others are talking public speaking can be nerve-wracking  Decorum

8 Surprise it’s Resolutions!Surprise it’s Resolutions!  What is a resolution?  It’s a document that has sponsers, and signatories.. What are these?  Sponsers are those who support the issue that the resolution is addressing, the main actors involved in writing the resolution  Signatories either support the resolution and want to see it debated

9 More ResolutionsMore Resolutions  Perambulatory Clauses  Clause in the first section of the resolution, shows background information Operative Clauses Gives solution to the problem addressed in the Preamble ModelUn website has great lists of preambles and operatives here

10 Example of ResolutionExample of Resolution  See word document :)

11 Where on Earth are our Countries for D.C?

12 Hint….

13 Hint DeuxHint Deux  Three of our Countries are in Africa 1 is in south east Asia.  1) Country 1 Has

14 Hint 3Hint 3  Country Two  Barack Obama’s dad is from here? Country Three Rhymes with Mermaida Maso?

15 Hint 4Hint 4

16 Our Countries areOur Countries are  Burkina Faso  Kenya  Thailand  Somalia

17 H-DUB for Next WeekH-DUB for Next Week  Write a Resolution on drug trafficking for your country  If you weren't here last week choose a country  If you need help come into the office UMC 342

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