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Efficient Approximate Search on String Collections Part II Marios HadjieleftheriouChen Li.

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1 Efficient Approximate Search on String Collections Part II Marios HadjieleftheriouChen Li

2 Outline Motivation and preliminaries Inverted list based algorithms Gram Signature algorithms Length normalized algorithms Selectivity estimation Conclusion and future directions 2/68

3 N-Gram Signatures Use string signatures that upper bound similarity Use signatures as filtering step Properties: Signature has to have small size Signature verification must be fast False positives/False negatives Signatures have to be “indexable” 3/68

4 Known signatures Minhash Jaccard, Edit distance Prefix filter (CGK06) Jaccard, Edit distance PartEnum (AGK06) Hamming, Jaccard, Edit distance LSH (GIM99) Jaccard, Edit distance Mismatch filter (XWL08) Edit distance 4/68

5 Prefix Filter Bit vectors: Mismatch vector: s: matches 6, missing 2, extra 2 If |s  q|  6 then  s’  s s.t. |s’|  3, |s’  q|  For at least k matches, |s’| = l - k + 1 1261411 q s 345789101213 5/68

6 Using Prefixes Take a random permutation of n-gram universe: Take prefixes from both sets: |s’|=|q’|=3, if |s  q|  6 then s’  q’  691137 q s 1114823451012 6/68

7 t1t1 t2t2 t6t6 t 14 t 11 s q t4t4 t8t8 Prefix Filter for Weighted Sets For example: Order n-grams by weight (new coordinate space) Query: w(q  s)= Σ i  q  s w i  τ Keep prefix s’ s.t. w(s’)  w(s) - α Best case: w(q/q’  s/s’) = α Hence, we need w(q’  s’)  τ - α w 1  w 2  …  w 14 w1w1 w2w2 w4w4 00 w1w1 w2w2 w4w4 00 w(s)-α α s/s’s’ 7/68

8 Prefix Filter Properties The larger we make α, the smaller the prefix The larger we make α, the smaller the range of thresholds we can support: Because τ  α, otherwise τ-α is negative. We need to pre-specify minimum τ Can apply to Jaccard, Edit Distance, IDF 8/68

9 Other Signatures Minhash (still to come) PartEnum: Upper bounds Hamming Select multiple subsets instead of one prefix Larger signature, but stronger guarantee LSH: Probabilistic with guarantees Based on hashing Mismatch filter: Use positional mismatching n-grams within the prefix to attain lower bound of Edit Distance 9/68

10 Signature Indexing Straightforward solution: Create an inverted index on signature n-grams Merge inverted lists to compute signature intersections For a given string q: - Access only lists in q’ - Find strings s with w(q’ ∩ s’) ≥ τ - α 10/68

11 The Inverted Signature Hashtable ( CCVX08 ) Maintain a signature vector for every n-gram Consider prefix signatures for simplicity: s’ 1 ={ ‘tt ’, ‘t L’}, s’ 2 ={‘t&t’, ‘t L’}, s’ 3 =… co-occurence lists: ‘t L’: ‘tt ’  ‘t&t’  … ‘&tt’: ‘t L’  … Hash all n-grams (h: n-gram  [0, m]) Convert co-occurrence lists to bit-vectors of size m 11/68

12 Example at& t&t lab t L la … Hashtable 100011 010101 … lab at& t&t t L la … Hash 5 4 5 1 0 s’ 1 s’ 2 s’ 3 s’ 4 s’ 5 … Signatures at&, la t&t, at& t L, at& abo, t&t t&t, la 12/68

13 Using the Hashtable? Let list ‘at&’ correspond to bit-vector 100011 There exists string s s.t. ‘at&’  s’ and s’ also contains some n- grams that hash to 0, 1, or 5 Given query q: Construct query signature matrix: Consider only solid sub-matrices P: r  q’, p  q We need to look only at r  q’ such that w(r)  τ-α and w(p)  τ p r at& lab q’ q at&lab t&t res… 1110 1101 … … 13/68

14 Verification How do we find which strings correspond to a given sub-matrix? Create an inverted index on string n-grams Examine only lists in r and strings with w(s)  τ - Remember that r  q’ Can be used with other signatures as well 14/68

15 Outline Motivation and preliminaries Inverted list based algorithms Gram Signature algorithms Length normalized algorithms Selectivity estimation Conclusion and future directions 15/68

16 Length Normalized Measures What is normalization? Normalize similarity scores by the length of the strings. - Can result in more meaningful matches. Can use L 0 (i.e., the length of the string), L 1, L 2, etc. For example L 2 : - Let w 2 (s)  Σ t  s w(t) 2 - Weight can be IDF, unary, language model, etc. - || s || 2 = w 2 (s) -1/2 16/68

17 The L 2 -Length Filter (HCKS08) Why L 2 ? For almost exact matches. Two strings match only if: - They have very similar n-gram sets, and hence L 2 lengths - The “extra” n-grams have truly insignificant weights in aggregate (hence, resulting in similar L 2 lengths). 17/68

18 Example “AT&T Labs – Research”  L 2 =100 “ATT Labs – Research”  L 2 =95 “AT&T Labs”  L 2 =70 If “Research” happened to be very popular and had small weight? “The Dark Knight”  L 2 =75 “Dark Night”  L 2 =72 18/68

19 Why L 2 (continued) Tight L 2 -based length filtering will result in very efficient pruning. L 2 yields scores bounded within [0, 1]: 1 means a truly perfect match. Easier to interpret scores. L 0 and L 1 do not have the same properties - Scores are bounded only by the largest string length in the database. - For L 0 an exact match can have score smaller than a non-exact match! 19/68

20 Example q={‘ATT’, ‘TT ’, ‘T L’, ‘LAB’, ‘ABS’}  L 0 =5 s 1 ={‘ATT’}  L 0 =1 s 2 =q   L 0 =5 S(q, s 1 )=Σw(q  s 1 )/( || q || 0 || s 1 || 0 )=10/5 = 2 S(q, s 2 )=Σw(q  s 2 )/( || q || 0 || s 2 || 0 )=40/25<2 20/68

21 Problems L 2 normalization poses challenges. For example: - S(q, s) = w 2 (q  s)/( || q || 2 || s || 2 ) - Prefix filter cannot be applied. - Minimum prefix weight α?  Value depends both on || s || 2 and || q || 2.  But || q || 2 is unknown at index construction time 21/68

22 Important L 2 Properties Length filtering: For S(q, s) ≥ τ τ || q || 2  || s || 2  || q || 2 / τ We are only looking for strings within these lengths. Proof in paper Monotonicity … 22/68

23 Monotonicity Let s={t 1, t 2, …, t m }. Let pw(s, t)=w(t) / || s || 2 (partial weight of s) Then: S(q, s) = Σ t  q  s w(t) 2 / ( || q || 2 || s || 2 )= Σ t  q  s pw(s, t) pw(q, t) If pw(s, t) > pw(r, t): w(t)/ || s || 2 > w(t)/ || r || 2  || s || 2 < || r || 2 Hence, for any t’  t: w(t’)/ || s || 2 > w(t’)/ || r || 2  pw(s, t’) > pw(r, t’) 23/68

24 Indexing Use inverted lists sorted by pw(): id strings 0123401234 rich stick stich stuck static 4 31 0 4 2 2-grams at ch ck ic ri st ta ti tu uc 2 0 31 0412 4 412 3 3 pw(0, ic) > pw(4, ic) > pw(1, ic) > pw(2, ic)  || 0 || 2 < || 4 || 2 < || 1 || 2 < || 2 || 2 24/68

25 L 2 Length Filter Given q and τ, and using length filtering: 0 2 2 2 4 4 4 0 0 4 4 We examine only a small fraction of the lists 1 at ch ck ic ri st ta ti tu uc 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 4 0 4 0 0 4 4 4 2 2 2 25/68

26 Monotonicity 4 31 0 4 2 at ch ck ic ri st ta ti tu uc 2 0 31 0412 4 412 3 3 If I have seen 1 already, then 4 is not in the list: 26/68

27 Other Improvements Use properties of weighting scheme Scan high weight lists first Prune according to string length and maximum potential score Ignore low weight lists altogether 27/68

28 Conclusion Concepts can be extended easily for: BM25 Weighted Jaccard DICE IDF Take away message: Properties of similarity/distance function can play big role in designing very fast indexes. L 2 super fast for almost exact matches 28/68

29 Outline Motivation and preliminaries Inverted list based algorithms Gram signature algorithms Length-normalized measures Selectivity estimation Conclusion and future directions 29/68

30 The Problem Estimate the number of strings with: Edit distance smaller than k from query q Cosine similarity higher than τ to query q Jaccard, Hamming, etc… Issues: Estimation accuracy Size of estimator Cost of estimation 30/68

31 Motivation Query optimization: Selectivity of query predicates Need to support selectivity of approximate string predicates Visualization/Querying: Expected result set size helps with visualization Result set size important for remote query processing 31/68

32 Flavors Edit distance: Based on clustering (JL05) Based on min-hash (MBKS07) Based on wild-card n-grams (LNS07) Cosine similarity: Based on sampling (HYKS08) 32/68

33 Selectivity Estimation for Edit Distance Problem: Given query string q Estimate number of strings s  D Such that ed(q, s)  δ 33/68

34 Sepia - Clustering (JL05, JLV08) Partition strings using clustering: Enables pruning of whole clusters Store per cluster histograms: Number of strings within edit distance 0,1,…, δ from the cluster center Compute global dataset statistics: Use a training query set to compute frequency of strings within edit distance 0,1,…, δ from each query 34/68

35 Edit Vectors Edit distance is not discriminative: Use Edit Vectors 3D space vs 1D space pipi Lucia Luciano Lucas 2 2 Lukas q 3 CiCi 35/68

36 Visually... p1p1 C1C1 p2p2 C2C2 pnpn CnCn # Edit Vector 4 12 7 … F1F1 # Edit Vector 3 40 6 … F2F2 # Edit Vector 2 84 1 … FnFn Global Table v(q,p i )v(p i, s)ed(q,s)#% … … …… 1 2 3 3 4 5 1 4 7 21 63 84 14 57 100 25 75 100 36/68

37 Selectivity Estimation Use triangle inequality: Compute edit vector v(q,p i ) for all clusters i If |v(q,p i )|  r i +δ disregard cluster C i riri δ pipi q 37/68

38 Selectivity Estimation Use triangle inequality: Compute edit vector v(q,p i ) for all clusters i If |v(q,p i )|  r i +δ disregard cluster C i For all entries in frequency table: - If |v(q,p i )| + |v(p i,s)|  δ then ed(q,s)  δ for all s - If ||v(q,p i )| - |v(p i,s)||  δ ignore these strings - Else use global table:  Lookup entry in global table  Use the estimated fraction of strings 38/68

39 Example δ =3 v(q,p 1 ) = v(p 1,s) = Global lookup: [,, 3] Fraction is 25% x 7 = 1.75 Iterate through F 1, and add up contributions # Edit Vector 4 12 7 … F1F1 v(q,p i )v(p i, s)ed(q,s)#% … … …… 1 2 3 3 4 5 1 4 7 21 63 84 14 57 100 25 75 100 Global Table 39/68

40 Cons Hard to maintain if clusters start drifting Hard to find good number of clusters Space/Time tradeoffs Needs training to construct good dataset statistics table 40/68

41 VSol – minhash (MBKS07) Solution based on minhash minhash is used for: Estimate the size of a set |s| Estimate resemblance of two sets - I.e., estimating the size of J=|s 1  s 2 | / |s 1  s 2 | Estimate the size of the union |s 1  s 2 | Hence, estimating the size of the intersection - |s 1  s 2 |  J ~ ( s1, s 2 )   ~ (s1, s2) 41/68

42 Minhash Given a set s = {t 1, …, t m } Use independent hash functions h 1, …, h k: h i : n-gram  [0, 1] Hash elements of s, k times Keep the k elements that hashed to the smallest value each time We reduced set s, from m to k elements Denote minhash signature with s’ 42/68

43 How to use minhash Given two signatures q’, s’: J(q, s)  Σ 1  i  k I {q’[i]=s’[i]} / k |s|  ( k / Σ 1  i  k s’[i] ) - 1 (q  s)’ = q’  s’ = min 1  i  k (q’[i], s’[i]) Hence: - |q  s|  (k / Σ 1  i  k (q  s)’[i]) - 1 43/68

44 VSol Estimator Construct one inverted list per n-gram in D The lists are our sets Compute a minhash signature for each list t1t1 t2t2 t 10 … 1 5 25 … 3 5 14 … 1 8 43 … Inverted list Minhash 44/68

45 Selectivity Estimation Use edit distance length filter: If ed(q, s)  δ, then q and s share at least L = |s| - 1 - n (δ-1) n-grams Given query q = {t 1, …, t m }: Answer is the size of the union of all non-empty L- intersections (binomial coefficient: m choose L) We can estimate sizes of L-intersections using minhash signatures 45/68

46 Example δ = 2, n = 3  L = 6 Look at all 6-intersections of inverted lists Α = |  ι1,..., ι6  [1,10] (t i1  t i2  …  t i6 )| There are (10 choose 6) such terms q = t1t1 t2t2 t 10 … 1 5 25 … 3 5 14 … 1 8 43 … Inverted list 46/68

47 The m-L Similarity Can be done efficiently using minhashes Answer: ρ = Σ 1  j  k I {  i 1, …, i L : t i1 ’[j] = … = t iL ’[j] } A  ρ  |t 1  …  t m | Proof very similar to the proof for minhashes 47/68

48 Cons Will overestimate results Many L-intersections will share strings Edit distance length filter is loose 48/68

49 OptEQ – wild-card n-grams (LNS07) Use extended n-grams: Introduce wild-card symbol ‘?’ E.g., “ab?” can be: - “aba”, “abb”, “abc”, … Build an extended n-gram table: Extract all 1-grams, 2-grams, …, n-grams Generalize to extended 2-grams, …, n-grams Maintain an extended n-grams/frequency hashtable 49/68

50 Example string Dataset abc def ghi … n-gramFrequency n-gram table ab bc de ef gh hi … ?b a? ?c … 10 15 4 1 21 2 … 13 17 23 … abc def … 5 2 … 50/68

51 Query Expansion (Replacements only) Given query q=“abcd” δ=2 And replacements only: Base strings: - “??cd”, “?b?d”, “?bc?”, “a??d”, “a?c?”, “ab??” Query answer: - S 1 ={s  D: s  ”??cd”}, S 2 =… - A = |S 1  S 2  S 3  S 4  S 5  S 6 | = Σ 1  n  6 (-1) n-1 |S 1  …  S n | 51/68

52 Replacement Intersection Lattice A = Σ 1  n  6 (-1) n-1 |S 1  …  S n | Need to evaluate size of all 2-intersections, 3- intersections, …, 6-intersections Then, use n-gram table to compute sum A Exponential number of intersections But... there is well-defined structure 52/68

53 Replacement Lattice Build replacement lattice: Many intersections are empty Others produce the same results we need to count everything only once ??cd?b?d?bc?a??da?c?ab?? ?bcda?cdab?dabc? abcd 2 ‘?’ 1 ‘?’ 0 ‘?’ 53/68

54 General Formulas Similar reasoning for: r replacements d deletions Other combinations difficult: Multiple insertions Combinations of insertions/replacements But … we can generate the corresponding lattice algorithmically! Expensive but possible 54/68

55 BasicEQ Partition strings by length: Query q with length l Possible matching strings with lengths: - [l-δ, l+δ] For k = l-δ to l+δ - Find all combinations of i+d+r = δ and l+i-d=k - If (i,d,r) is a special case use formula - Else generate lattice incrementally:  Start from query base strings (easy to generate)  Begin with 2-intersections and build from there 55/68

56 OptEq Details are cumbersome Left for homework Various optimizations possible to reduce complexity 56/68

57 Cons Fairly complicated implementation Expensive Works for small edit distance only 57/68

58 Hashed Sampling (HYKS08) Used to estimate selectivity of TF/IDF, BM25, DICE (vector space model) Main idea: Take a sample of the inverted index But do it intelligently to improve variance 58/68

59 Example 1 0 42 12 4 3 0 4 2 at ch ck ic ri st ta ti tu uc 2 31 01 4 4 3 3 2 4 1 2 1 0 Take a sample of the inverted index 59/68

60 Example (Cont.) 1 0 0 01 1 1 3 3 4 4 2 at ch ck ic ri st ta ti tu uc 2 3 4 4 42 2 3 But do it intelligently to improve variance 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 60/68

61 Construction Draw samples deterministically: Use a hash function h:  N  [0, 100] Keep ids that hash to values smaller than σ Invariant: If a given id is sampled in one list, it will always be sampled in all other lists that contain it: - S(q, s) can be computed directly from the sample - No need to store complete sets in the sample - No need for extra I/O to compute scores 61/68

62 Selectivity Estimation The union of arbitrary list samples is an σ% sample Given query q = {t 1, …, t m }: A = |A σ | |t 1  …  t m | / |t σ1  …  t σm |: - A σ is the query answer size from the sample - The fraction is the actual scale-up factor - But there are duplicates in these unions! We need to know: - The distinct number of ids in t 1  …  t m - The distinct number of ids in t σ1  …  t σm 62/68

63 Count Distinct Distinct |t σ1  …  t σm | is easy: Scan the sampled lists Distinct |t 1  …  t m | is hard: Scanning the lists is the same as computing the exact answer to the query … naively We are lucky: - Each list sample doubles up as a k-minimum value estimator by construction! - We can use the list samples to estimate the distinct |t 1  …  t m | 63/68

64 The k-Minimum Value Synopsis It is used to estimated the distinct size of arbitrary set unions (the same as FM sketch): Take hash function h: N  [0, 100] Hash each element of the set The r-th smallest hash value is an unbiased estimator of count distinct: 0100 hrhr r h r r 100 ? 64/68

65 Outline Motivation and preliminaries Inverted list based algorithms Gram signature algorithms Length normalized algorithms Selectivity estimation Conclusion and future directions 65/68

66 Future Directions Result ranking In practice need to run multiple types of searches Need to identify the “best” results Diversity of query results Some queries have multiple meanings E.g., “Jaguar” Updates Incremental maintenance 66/68

67 References [AGK06] Arvind Arasu, Venkatesh Ganti, Raghav Kaushik: Efficient Exact Set-Similarity Joins. VLDB 2006 [BJL+09] Space-Constrained Gram-Based Indexing for Efficient Approximate String Search, Alexander Behm, Shengyue Ji, Chen Li, and Jiaheng Lu, ICDE 2009 [HCK+08] Marios Hadjieleftheriou, Amit Chandel, Nick Koudas, Divesh Srivastava: Fast Indexes and Algorithms for Set Similarity Selection Queries. ICDE 2008 [HYK+08] Marios Hadjieleftheriou, Xiaohui Yu, Nick Koudas, Divesh Srivastava: Hashed samples: selectivity estimators for set similarity selection queries. PVLDB 2008. [JL05] Selectivity Estimation for Fuzzy String Predicates in Large Data Sets, Liang Jin, and Chen Li. VLDB 2005. [KSS06] Record linkage: Similarity measures and algorithms. Nick Koudas, Sunita Sarawagi, and Divesh Srivastava. SIGMOD 2006. [LLL08] Efficient Merging and Filtering Algorithms for Approximate String Searches, Chen Li, Jiaheng Lu, and Yiming Lu. ICDE 2008. [LNS07] Hongrae Lee, Raymond T. Ng, Kyuseok Shim: Extending Q-Grams to Estimate Selectivity of String Matching with Low Edit Distance. VLDB 2007 [LWY07] VGRAM: Improving Performance of Approximate Queries on String Collections Using Variable-Length Grams, Chen Li, Bin Wang, and Xiaochun Yang. VLDB 2007 [MBK+07] Arturas Mazeika, Michael H. Böhlen, Nick Koudas, Divesh Srivastava: Estimating the selectivity of approximate string queries. ACM TODS 2007 [XWL08] Chuan Xiao, Wei Wang, Xuemin Lin: Ed-Join: an efficient algorithm for similarity joins with edit distance constraints. PVLDB 2008 67/68

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