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 Respected Minister,  In context of the NGT orders banning plying of more than 10 year old diesel vehicles in Delhi and NCR, we the transporters take.

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Presentation on theme: " Respected Minister,  In context of the NGT orders banning plying of more than 10 year old diesel vehicles in Delhi and NCR, we the transporters take."— Presentation transcript:

1  Respected Minister,  In context of the NGT orders banning plying of more than 10 year old diesel vehicles in Delhi and NCR, we the transporters take privilege to make a presentation on Air Pollution.  We strongly feel that every ones nourishes a great cherished desire for  A CLEAN DELHI, and A GREEN DELHI, - A WORLD CLASS CITY, and that desire shall be full filled, when we earnestly hope that your honor would kindly consider the following relating to the above subject.  1) The ratio of Emission of Air pollution is:  Industry... 52%  Transport... 27%  Agriculture...10%  Consumer & Commercial Product... 8%  Rest... 3%.


3  2) The Emission from the Industries, power and other Thermal Plants is easily noticeable in the slides. Requirement is to install rectifyers and other pollution controlling devices in order to minimize the pollution.  Such devices are easily available in the International Market.


5 3) There can not be any control or check on the Air Pollution caused due to Natural Calamities and Disasters.


7  4) Burning of Waste, Tyres, Plastic, Trees, Plants and other product enhances not only the pollution but also causes many such incurable diseases.


9  5) Burning of Crackers on festivals, winning matches, Weddings and other ceremonies add on the pollution to day to day life.


11  6) Demolitions, Constructions, Road building etc. creates pollution in bulk. Techniques and various devices are available and are used all over the globe on big construction sites to keep a check.


13  7) Smoking causes CANCER and Pollution.


15  8) Air Crafts and Air Craft Shows also cause air pollution.  9) 27% of Air Pollution is caused by the Transportation out of which only 18 % is created by Diesel vehicles. Not Age but the status of fitness be the criteria of discarding.


17  A) Alternative Fuel i.e BIO DIESEL and SOYABEEN DIESEL is a good option and is used in many countries by installing huge plants with low operating costs.



20  B) Electric and Battery Operated vehicles are also in very much demand worldwide for pollution check.


22  C) Catalyst devices can bring the emission level down up to 48% and save fuel up to 12%.  These devices are easily available in the international markets.


24  D) The innovative way for Pollution Control is DECONGESTION.  The urgent need and demand of the city is to build INTEGRATED FREIGHT COMPLEXES as per the Master Plan 2021 in the periphery of Delhi at different outskirts ie. (Madanpur khaddar N.H-2, Ghazipur N.H-24, Dwarka & Tikri kalan N.H-8, Nazafgarh and Narela), so that the transporters carrying the goods for different states may work from those places and they need not have to travel through the city.

25  Tajendra Khanna Committee had recommended under Chapter IV that “ALL THE WHOLE SALE MARKETS SHOULD BE MOVED FROM WITHIN THE CITY TO THE PERIPHERY. ALONGSIDE SUCH MARKETS, GOODS TRANSPORT YARDS SHOULD BE BUILT TO FACILITATE MOVEMENT OF FREIGHT CARRYING VEHICLES. “  E.P.C.A who was issued directions by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, to look into issues relating to the subject matter had made final recommendation that: “ EPCA is reluctant to give a sweeping recommendation on this issue. EPCA therefore, recommends that the concerned agencies namely MCD and DDA should confer with the traders and other concerned groups to evolve a relocation Plan, with clear milestones and schedules. It is important that this plan is evolved with the participation of the affected parties and implemented.”


27  10) The transporters are facing Parking problems. The contractors at the Parking lots are charging very high rates. Multilevel Parking should be built up and the parking should be free of any charge.  11) The Centre and the State Governments and the Delhi Government should take immediate steps to build KMP so that the transporters get a By Pass and shall have no need to enter the city. This will alone reduce 40% Pollution in Delhi.


29 12) Transporters at the Transport Centres and in the walled city are facing grave problem of thefts of their goods from loaded trucks and also while unloading goods from the trucks. Installation of CCTV cameras at appropriate locations in the Transport Centres and walled city areas are the urgent need of the hour to apprehend the culprits.  We believe that human life is very precious and steps should be taken to bring down the air pollution for a clean and green Delhi.

30  SUNDEEP JAIN  General Secretary,  The Delhi Transporters Association (Regd),  Flat No 3, Gokhale Market, Delhi-54  011-23967514,011-23956021, 011- 43507433  Mobile 9811280172

31  THE END

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