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Engage Project Using Data about Research Clusters to Enhance Collaboration Workshop - Are there advantages in identifying research clusters? 24 th July.

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Presentation on theme: "Engage Project Using Data about Research Clusters to Enhance Collaboration Workshop - Are there advantages in identifying research clusters? 24 th July."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engage Project Using Data about Research Clusters to Enhance Collaboration Workshop - Are there advantages in identifying research clusters? 24 th July 2012

2 Who Are We? Valerie McCutcheon, Operations and Special Projects Manager David McElroy, Research Data Officer Laura Wilkie, Administrative Assistant (Research Outputs) All from Research Strategy and Innovation Matthew Barr, HATII Systems Developer Andrew McHugh, Innovative Research and Development Manager Both from the Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute

3 Draft Agenda Approx Timing 09.30 – 10.00 Registration (Tea/Coffee) 10.00 – 10.15 Welcome and Introduction to the day 10.15 – 10.45 Engage project – demonstration of prototype software 10.45 – 11.45 Brainstorming – ideas/issues/comments 12.00 Conclusion and closure - we’ll stay around

4 Housekeeping Fire alarm Toilets Photos Post-IT’s Informal

5 Objectives Share ideas and common issues relating to reporting activity by research cluster.

6 Outcome of Today? Summary of the workshops for feedback to JISC, sharing with stakeholders, and to inform University of Glasgow plans. We will invite YOU and other interested parties to comment further. We will use input gathered to inform our current projects

7 About Encapsulate The project aims to create a proof-of-concept that will use a digital repository of research outputs as a way to automatically identifying the relevant academic expertise within HEIs in response to online queries from businesses

8 Anticipated Outputs and Outcomes Output / Outcome TypeDescription Pilot ServiceVentureNavigator Academic Expertise Assessment interface with the ePrints repository released via the VentureNavigator service Specifications and Technical Designs For the integration of VentureNavigator assessments with ePrints GuidelinesOn how to implement a similar solution at other ePrints sites Evaluation ReportOn the performance of the Pilot service Final ReportOn the Project and performance of the Pilot service EventsDissemination events in Essex and Glasgow on Project and its Outcomes BlogA blog describing activities and related news and allowing interested parties to keep abreast of developments and engage with the project.

9 Why are we doing this? Strategic Goals

10 Glasgow 2020: A Global Vision ‘We’ll streamline our systems and processes to make the most of our resources, and minimise bureaucracy’ Anton Muscatelli, Principal and Vice-Chancellor

11 Glasgow 2020: A Global Vision ‘….Establish further thematic, self-sustaining, world class Research Institutes and Centres…based on combinations of our current disciplinary strengths’

12 Glasgow 2020: A Global Vision ‘…encourage Research Networks that bring together researchers….from more than one College….networks enable…the establishment of an internal and external presence, and the coordination of bids for research funding’

13 Why are we doing this? Unexposed collaboration opportunities Open Access Impact


15 Demonstration of Prototype

16 Grab some Tea or Coffee

17 Groups - 10 minutes at each ‘Board’ 10.50-11.20 1)Great IDEAS – how research clusters might be used e.g. 2) Potential ISSUES e.g. 3)Feedback on the SOFTWARE prototype 4)Any OTHER comments If already listed and you think it is a key point underline. Must not be a burden for researchers Maybe this could help publicise the activity of my research group

18 Discussion 11.20-11.50

19 Sum Up

20 Summary and Next Steps THANK YOU! PLEASE FILL IN A FEEDBACK FORM. Updates will be put on the blog – we will email you: Comment on the blog or by email:

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