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Challenges with Resolution 3 Main reasons resulting in Low Res, Poor Quality Images.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenges with Resolution 3 Main reasons resulting in Low Res, Poor Quality Images."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenges with Resolution 3 Main reasons resulting in Low Res, Poor Quality Images

2 1. Shot on Low Res New cameras DEFAULT to a Lower Resolution on Purpose – Most cameras come with a limited amount of internal memory. So, the manufacture sets the resolution to Medium to allow for a lower amount of memory to be used so more pictures can be stored on the “starter” memory card or the internal memory.

3 2. Transferred downsizing Many email and photo websites will DOWNSIZE your image to a low size. – GENERALLY, you can not UPLOAD to Flickr, FaceBook, etc. and then redownload. When you download from a site, even if it is your photo, it will generally be smaller, sometimes ¼ or 1/8 the size. When you email, many times the email handler will resize the image

4 3. Uploading to Walgreens One person, after another, keeps dropping the ball on this.

5 3. Uploading to Walgreens


7 One way to solve the problem is to use Basic Upload BUT…there may be another problem

8 3. Uploading to Walgreens Notice the file size? 83k???? Should be a 500k+ or there is something wrong! BIGGER is better! The key is with THIS image, it should have never been uploaded. Notice the W? That means I had shrunk it for a website.

9 Uploading Files is TRICKY The source file could be the challenge. You should be sending the ORIGNAL Resolution. The size of the file is NOT the only indicator…look at dimensions.

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