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©Contrinex 2013 - JDC PPT_HF_POWERLINK Contrinex RFID J.-D. Chatelain.

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Presentation on theme: "©Contrinex 2013 - JDC PPT_HF_POWERLINK Contrinex RFID J.-D. Chatelain."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©Contrinex 2013 - JDC PPT_HF_POWERLINK Contrinex RFID J.-D. Chatelain

2 BENEFITS RFID provides the following benefits: Saves time Less paperwork More reliability

3 RFID Avoids the human error Provides flexibility Provides traceability Provides easy access to workstations Prevents fraud and counterfeiting ADVANTAGES

4 CHARACTERISTICS A Contrinex interface links POWERLINK and ContriNet ContriNet is the fieldbus for Contrinex RFID system On ContriNet, it is possible to connect HF Read/Write Modules (RWM)… as well as LF Read/Write Modules (RWM) Just one interface for up to 32 RWMs and a length for ContriNet up to 200 m

5 Painting areaProgramming area and a programming area 24V Intermediate storage APPLICATION 24V RWM01RWM02 Let’s imagine a production facility with a painting area, a storage area POWERLINK is the industrial fieldbusA PLC controls the POWERLINK fieldbusA painting machine is connected to the fieldbusA POWERLINK interface is also connected to the fieldbusContriNet network is developped to connect the RFID systemRead/Write Modules (RWMs) are connected to ContriNetAn object to be transformedequipped with a RFID transponderObjects waiting to be transformed

6 Painting areaIntermediate storageProgramming area RWM01RWM02 24V YELLOWBLUECYAN A command is introduced into the control console It is transmitted to the transponder via an interface device and RWM01 The command recorded in the transponder is read by RWM02, sent to the control console which, in turn, programs the painting machine The machine, programmed by the control console, does its work in accordance with the instructions stored in the transponder

7 Painting areaIntermediate storageProgramming area RWM01RWM02 24V CYANREDVIOLET

8 Painting areaIntermediate storageProgramming area RWM01RWM02 24V VIOLETGREENBLUE

9 Painting areaIntermediate storageProgramming area RWM01RWM02 24V VIOLETBLUE

10 ©Contrinex 2013 - JDC PPT_HF_POWERLINK THE END

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