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Family and Consumer Science Lab Procedures Nutrition & Wellness Nutrition Through the Lifespan.

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Presentation on theme: "Family and Consumer Science Lab Procedures Nutrition & Wellness Nutrition Through the Lifespan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family and Consumer Science Lab Procedures Nutrition & Wellness Nutrition Through the Lifespan

2 Personal Belongings Place books and personal- items should not be placed on cabinets they should be away from food and tables, in classroom

3 Aprons Located in the cabinets You may use one to protect your clothing If they are clean please put them back If the aprons are dirty please tie the strings in a bow and place them on the desk to be washed

4 Kitchen Hazards Hazards- a situation that could be dangerous, like slipping and falling. Every kitchen has many safety hazards Such as ◦Burns ◦Cuts ◦Shocks ◦Poisonings ◦choking

5 Prevention of burns: Use oven mitts when you handle hot pans Stay away from hot grease Keep handles on pans turned in away from the aisle Don’t wear loose-fitting sleeves. They may catch on a pot handle and spill the pot of hot food Pay attention to what you are doing Know the fire protection rules in the kitchen Use only dry oven mitts to pick up something hot

6 Cuts Use the correct knife for the job Always cut things on a cutting board Always cut away from your body Never put knives under things, where they cannot be seen Never put knives in the dish water where they cannot be seen If you drop a knife, let it fall Don’t search in dishwater for broken glass

7 Knives Sharp knives are stored separately, never in drawers If you find one during your block, please remove and place in container

8 Supplies Food supplies are generally kept in pantry or center table Be patient with your teacher. There is only one of them and 4 different groups. No one should be looking in the pantry cabinets unless they are told by the teacher to do so.

9 Kitchens are equipped with Dishes, flatware, glasses Cookware All must be cleaned before and after usage Kitchens are organized ◦Green #1 ◦Blue #2 ◦Red #3 ◦White #4 ◦This is indicated by the color of the pots in each kitchen, these pots must stay in the correct kitchen ◦All Items must be put away after usage ◦Lab privileges can be REVOKED if kitchens are left unclean and dishes are not put away!!!

10 Mixers After washing beaters attach back to the mixer Always wash the mixer off with a clean rag and keep clean

11 Grease Do not pour grease down sink drains. If you have meat that has grease this must be spooned into your grease storage container.

12 Clean Up All dishes must be must be washed in hot soapy water. Food must be put away in refrigerator or pantry with teachers permission Everyone must participate in cleaning and keeping kitchens clean All dishes must be dried and put in proper places Dry all sinks out and get any food left in the sinks out Do not put trash in a can without a bag Lab privileges can be REVOKED!!!

13 Rules No horse playing No joking If you spill it, wipe it up or mop it up Do not sit on the counters or carry chairs into the kitchen areas All hair must be pulled back Lab privileges can be REVOKED!!!

14 See recipe 05108/Razz-Ma-Tazz- Bars/detail.aspx?offer=RecipeOffer9

15 Measuring Example Dry Liquid Spoons

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