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Safety and Security Matt Sweeney Rogue Valley Youth for Christ In Youth Guidance and Juvenile Justice Ministry.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety and Security Matt Sweeney Rogue Valley Youth for Christ In Youth Guidance and Juvenile Justice Ministry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety and Security Matt Sweeney Rogue Valley Youth for Christ In Youth Guidance and Juvenile Justice Ministry

2 Awareness of Safety and Security issues is all about protecting: *You and Your Family. *Other Ministry Staff and Volunteers. *Facility and Program Staff. *The Youth We Serve. *The Integrity of the Ministry We Serve in and the Facility/Program Where We Serve.

3 Protecting You & Your Family Home phone must be unlisted! Home phone must be unlisted! Use a cell phone for contact with youth or their family members. Use a cell phone for contact with youth or their family members. All mail is sent through the ministry address or a post office box. All mail is sent through the ministry address or a post office box. Use care when contacting youth ‘on the outs’. Use care when contacting youth ‘on the outs’. Establishing Firewalls

4 Protecting You & Your Family The need to show Godly love in ministry is not a license to be stupid! A smiling face may be a mask to hide another purpose or intent. Meth, Crack, Weed, and Alcohol can radically change a kid’s personality.

5 Protecting You & Your Family Provoking a sexual or other unwanted response. Provoking a sexual or other unwanted response. Being used against the wearer in the event of a violent incident. Being used against the wearer in the event of a violent incident. Being used as a weapon against others or for self harm. Being used as a weapon against others or for self harm. The wrong clothing or jewelry can cause some very negative consequences like:

6 Other Ministry Staff/Volunteers Yes! I am my Brother’s Keeper

7 Other Ministry Staff/Volunteers Do not give out personal contact information for others. Get the contact info for the youth and have the staff member contact them. Do not give out personal contact information for others. Get the contact info for the youth and have the staff member contact them. Notify the appropriate supervisor and the staff/volunteer if a potential problem is noticed. Notify the appropriate supervisor and the staff/volunteer if a potential problem is noticed. Be watchful for careless or inappropriate actions by other ministry staff/volunteers. Be watchful for careless or inappropriate actions by other ministry staff/volunteers.

8 Other Ministry Staff/Volunteers We are all responsible for the training and supervision of new staff and volunteers

9 Facility and Program Staff Access to youth in a facility/program is a privilege. We are STEWARDS of that privilege! As Stewards we share the responsibility for safety and security in the facility/program.

10 Facility and Program Staff Something as small as a paper clip or a staple can be used as a weapon or for self harm. Know the rules about these items and pick up loose items like this. Something as small as a paper clip or a staple can be used as a weapon or for self harm. Know the rules about these items and pick up loose items like this. Don’t give anything to a kid or take anything from them without clear permission of the appropriate facility/program staff. Don’t give anything to a kid or take anything from them without clear permission of the appropriate facility/program staff.

11 Facility and Program Staff Following the facility/program rules in a professional manner will help earn the trust and respect of the facility staff. This respect and trust will be crucial to potential future growth of the ministry.

12 Protecting the Kids Working in Youth Guidance/Juvenile Justice Ministries means working with kids who are HIGH RISK ! Always remember that what seems to be a simple request or innocent act may prove to be much more than it first appears.

13 Protecting the Kids Some requests seem very innocent and granting them would appear to be a simple kindness. “Would you please call my girlfriend and let her know that I’m OK.” This could actually be a call to the victim of a sexual assault or other crime. Such a call would cause a fresh layer of pain, fear or intimidation.

14 Protecting the Kids A request for information can have a deeper meaning. “Have you seen Joey lately? I’ve been wondering how he is doing.” This could easily be a request to learn about a criminal partner or a victim for the wrong reasons.

15 Protecting the Kids Pay attention to details. Watch for and report small signals that could indicate a potential problem or incident. Pay attention to details. Watch for and report small signals that could indicate a potential problem or incident. Communicate with facility/program staff before you grant a special request from a youth or if you see anything unusual or suspicious. Communicate with facility/program staff before you grant a special request from a youth or if you see anything unusual or suspicious. Learn to be professional. ALWAYS! Learn to be professional. ALWAYS!

16 Facility, Program, & Ministry Integrity Access to the kids is a privilege. We are stewards of the trust that has been placed in us by the facility. The best way to earn greater access to the kids is to demonstrate that we are deserving of more trust.

17 Facility, Program, & Ministry Integrity Be vigilant about issues of Safety and Security. Be vigilant about issues of Safety and Security. Do not undermine the treatment programs no matter how much you disagree with them. Do not undermine the treatment programs no matter how much you disagree with them. Do not talk badly of ANY facility/program staff with any kid or in their hearing. Do not talk badly of ANY facility/program staff with any kid or in their hearing. Do not give media interviews about anything in the facility/program without permission from the appropriate supervisor. Do not give media interviews about anything in the facility/program without permission from the appropriate supervisor.


19 Safety & Security The Future Safety & Security issues are always evolving. & We are responsible to stay up to date with this evolution. LEARN TEACH GROW Be the very best because: GOD deserves our very best…ALWAYS!

20 Jesus : Our Lord and Savior Be the very best…for Him! REPRESENT HIM WELL! ALWAYS

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