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“Home” by Jamie Deliz Sight, Sound & Motion Professor Langer.

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Presentation on theme: "“Home” by Jamie Deliz Sight, Sound & Motion Professor Langer."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Home” by Jamie Deliz Sight, Sound & Motion Professor Langer

2 Finally, a beautiful, sunny day. My neighborhood looked different for some reason. Maybe it’s because I hardly appreciate it anymore. Why did I actually stop to take a picture of a stop sign? It’s just a stop sign, right? That’s the thing, I don’t stop for anything anymore. In life, sometimes you need to. You never know what you’ll miss.

3 Like the old Russian lady wearing an animal print headscarf, waiting for the light to change. You stop and wonder if you’re going to wear animal print headscarves when you’re old, too.

4 Like the block you walk down almost every morning to get to the bus stop. You’ve been driving to school a lot lately, and you’re tired of it.

5 Like the shit stain you see on the sidewalk that started from one corner of the street, and somehow made it’s way all the way down the block. You’ll still wonder why nobody picks up after their dogs anymore.

6 Like these houses that probably have been here for years, but you’re so used to seeing new condos being built in changing neighborhoods.

7 Like stopping to actually read the signatures on the sidewalks. You’ll wonder why you never wrote your name in wet cement when you were younger. Who are these people? You’ll say. How old are they now? Are they still living here? You’re still living here.

8 Like capturing a picture-perfect moment of a father teaching his daughter how to walk. You’ll probably think it’s really creepy of you to do that, but you’ll feel good about it in a way.

9 Like the fire escape that will stop you in your tracks. Your friend would tell you, “You ain’t never seen a fire escape?” But you try to be artsy.

10 Like the usually busy Bay Parkway that’s not busy at this time. You’ll be surprised.

11 Then your day is almost over…

12 Then you spot another one of these sidewalk signatures. You make sure to not step on the names because you’ll end up feeling bad for the person for strange some reason.

13 Then you see Christmas trees outside the grocery store. You’ll feel guilty for telling yourself that you haven’t had time to put your tree up yet. There’s always time for Christmas, you’ll say.

14 Then you’ll see this house. You’ll realize that there is time for everything– you just say there isn’t.

15 Don’t be afraid to stop once in a while… The End.

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