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CALENDAR  Wed. Nov. 18  Return Exam 2  Topic: Start Nutrition/Exercise  Due date change: Do Something! Assignment due Nov. 30 or Dec. 2 I will provide.

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Presentation on theme: "CALENDAR  Wed. Nov. 18  Return Exam 2  Topic: Start Nutrition/Exercise  Due date change: Do Something! Assignment due Nov. 30 or Dec. 2 I will provide."— Presentation transcript:

1 CALENDAR  Wed. Nov. 18  Return Exam 2  Topic: Start Nutrition/Exercise  Due date change: Do Something! Assignment due Nov. 30 or Dec. 2 I will provide hand-out in class.  Mon. Nov. 23  Topic: Start Food/Environment  Overview Do Something! hand-out given in class

2 EAT WISE TO EXERCISE! Nutrition & Exercise Recreational ~1 hour/day

3 Which do you prefer, exercising an hour a day or being dead 24/7?

4 Are you as active as you think? TimesleepSedentary, daily living exercise 11pm-7 amx 7-8:30eat, dress, drive 8:30—11work (data entry) 50% work (re-stock) 50% 11-Noondrive/lunch Noon-1school (PE) 1-2dress/shower 2-6school (lecture) 6-10drive, eat, homework 10-11:30TV, computer Total (hours) 813.752.25*****

5 Realistic ideas to boost activity 30min/day TimesleepSedentary/daily livingexercise 11pm-7 amx 7-8:30eat, dress, drive 8:30—11work (data entry) 50%work (re-stock) 50% 11-Noondrive/lunch out Bring lunch/walk Noon-1school (PE) 1-2dress/shower 2-6school (lecture) 6-10drive, eat, homework +15 min walk 10-11:30TV, computer Total (hours)813.752.25*****

6 WHAT’S SO GREAT ABOUT EXERCISE? EXERCISE Reduce risk for many diseases Improve mood Lower risk of dementia Reduce stress Improve strength/flexibility Minimizes lean mass loss when losing weight Fun!



9 WHY IS WATER SO IMPORTANT? Maintain: Blood volume Muscle structure  function Cooling system How much fluid needed? Goal: urine frequent and clear Need varies with size, temp, load, fitness, etc.

10 HOW-WHY CALCULATE SWEAT RATE?? HOW? (Pre workout weight – post work out weight) Add fluids consumed during workout (e.g. 16 oz water) Divide by minutes exercised => fluid loss/minute. WHY? Tells amt. fluid needed to stay hydrated.

11 WHEN TO HYDRATE? Sip over entire day Hydrate on schedule  thirst poor indicator of need Avoid over hydration!

12 WHAT TO DRINK? Plain ‘ol water ! If >1 hour; add dilute carb If >3-4 hours; add carb and Na+ Avoid alcohol It’s a diuretic, poor muscle fuel, dangerous Why?

13 . 12 oz. servingg. sugarcarb typeg. protein* Powerade20HFCS0 LFChocMilk29Lactose, HFCS13 100% OJ36Natural (fructose+sucrose) 0 Prot. Monster37EvapCaneJuice25 Coke39HFCS0 ReThink your drink! Remember 1 tsp. ~ 4 grams

14 ELECTROLYTES (LYTES) Required: normal muscle function & fluid balance Major lytes: Na + and K + (2:1 respectively) Sweat rate/composition influences need Best for most  salt (NaCl) post-exercise meal Lyte replacer drinks OK, usually not needed Try this:1C yogurt+frozen banana+1C Kale



17 p. 27-10 ! FUEL IT----TO USE IT !!!

18 PRIMARY MUSCLE FUELS-MAKE ATP Low-moderate intensity, long duration activity Adequate O 2 to muscle-aerobic Fatty acids and glucose = fuel High intensity-short duration activity Inadequate O 2 to muscle-anaerobic Glucose = only fuel NOTE: Protein is a poor fuel!!!

19 BREATHING EASY Aerobic environment O 2 available to the cell low intensity, long duration workout (sit,stand,jog) fuel mostly fat + some glucose (minimal, little protein) Goal: stay aerobic at as high intensity as you can Fitness is directly related to aerobic (think air) capacity! Why?

20 BREATHING HARD AnaerobicO 2 limitedGlucose ONLY High intensity short duration workout (sprint)

21 CHO INTAKE Before (1+ hr) ~complex carbs-low fat During~usually only need if exercise > ~1hour After~carb (simple or complex) + protein (~3:1) Clean, versatile fuel, but a limited supply

22 PROTEIN ~.5 g/lb or ~ half your weight in grams >1g/lb exceeds protein body can assimilate ~30 g protein/meal is upper usable limit for protein synthesis Menu Idea: post workout MiniMeal PBJ + LF Milk

23 Eat right Sit Less Move More Find your way for physical fun!

24 Buddy up Add a thrill Dancing counts Join a team Do it!

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