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Ali Raza Mansha Ali Farooq Raheel Ahmed Asad Ali.

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2 Ali Raza Mansha Ali Farooq Raheel Ahmed Asad Ali

3 Multimedia

4 Introduction to Multimedia (Ali Raza Mansha)

5 What is multimedia? Multimedia is media that uses multiple forms of information content and information processing like text, graphics,video, Interactivity to inform or entertain the audience. Multimedia is every thing electronic or non electronic which you can hear or see.

6 History of multimedia  Light works at “Long island” by Bob Goldstien ( July 1966).  multi-media music-cum-visuals by Richard Albarnio (august 1966)  1970 Multi projector is used to present slide shows which is timed with audio tracks.  In 1990 multimedia took its current form.

7 History of multimedia system  News papers 1 st mass communication medium.  In 1895 1 st wireless radio transmission by “Marconi”.  Initially radio telegraph Television.

8 Types of Multimedia  Electronic Media. 1. Periodic media. 2. Non-periodic media.  Non-Electronic Media. 1. Periodic media. 2. Non-periodic media

9 Multimedia Formats  Multimedia elements stored in media files.  To discover the media format look at the file extension.  Picture extensions.  Musical instrument digital interface extension.

10 Multimedia Applications ( Ali farooq)

11 Multimedia Applications  Education.  Engineering.  Medicine.

12 Multimedia Applications  Industry.  Mathematical and scientific research.  Entertainment.

13 Multimedia Hardware and Software ( Raheel Ahmed)

14 Hardware of Multimedia The different types of multimedia hardware.  Digital Camera  CD ROM/ DVD ROM  Video Cameras

15 Multimedia hardware  Monitors  Sound Systems  Scanners

16 Multimedia hardware  Mics  Head phones  Sound cards  3D cards

17 Software of multimedia Different multi media software are given below  Windows Media Player, FLV player, VLC player etc  MATLAB

18 software's of multimedia  Pro Eng  Adobe photo shop

19 Navigating with in the Encyclopedia

20 Uses and Abuses of multimedia ( Asad Ali)

21 Advantages of multimedia  Entertainment. 1. Movies. 2. Dramas. 3. Documentries. 4. Advertisments.

22 Advantages of multimedia  Internet.  Games.

23 Advantages of multimedia  Newspapers and channels are a gift of multimedia.  These let you aware about current issues, problems and all the major things happening around the world.

24 Advantages of multimedia  Multimedia presentations. 1. Increase learning effectiveness. 2. Is more appealing over traditional, lecture-based learning methods. 3. Reduces training costs. 4. Provides high-quality video images & audio. 5. Frees the teacher from routine tasks.

25 3-d image viewing.

26 A hollowgraphic model of a building

27 Advantages of multimedia.  Video conference. I. Easy for the teachers to deliver their lectures across the universities or countries. II. Provide a good path to students to communicate with each other. III. Provide student a plat form to do their projects.

28 Advantages of multimedia  Multimedia provides jobs to lots of people around the world.  Music industry, film industry and Drama are now highly established and also growing day by day.  Multimedia is largely used in scientific research, in the field of medicine, engineering and lots more.

29 Disadvantages of multimedia  some one can get your personal data.  By the wrong use of multimedia you can be spied by any one.  Time wastage on useless things.  Explicit material on internet.  Yellow journalism.  Miss use of news channels.  Presidential influence.

30 Multimedia future

31  Hollowgraphic communication System.  Ball - pen computers.  3-d games and movies.  Visual computers

32 3-d gaming experience 3-d gaming experience.

33 3-d cinemas are built for new coming movies.

34 Visual inter phase for the user to handle data easily

35 3-d visuals used to communicate with your machine Visuals to control your machine

36 3-d image formation by thinking




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