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Family Arts Standards  The Family and Childcare Trust works to make the UK a better place for families.  Our vision is of a society where government,

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2 Family Arts Standards

3  The Family and Childcare Trust works to make the UK a better place for families.  Our vision is of a society where government, business and communities do all they can to support every family to thrive.  Through our research, campaigning and practical support we are creating a more family friendly UK.

4 Family Arts Standards Issues identified by families at start of Campaign: 1 in 7 families said venues were unwelcoming to families Only 3.5% of families said there was sufficient “high quality” work for families Source: Family Arts Campaign Survey (2012) Drivers/Levers for attendance: 90% of families say “high quality” activities are essential or very important 68% of families say the “Family Welcome” is essential or very important 63% of families say that “cost” is essential or very important Source: Family Arts Panel Survey (2013)

5 Family Arts Standards  65% of arts organisations do not use any particular branding to indicate activities suitable for families  60% of arts organisations said they certainly or probably would use a nationally recognised “family friendly” logo  79% of families said there was a need for a nationally recognised “family friendly” logo Source: Family Arts Survey (2012)

6 Family Arts Standards


8 Fantastic for Families Logo devised to be used on any activity suitable for families Only available to arts organisations who have signed up to the Family Arts Standards

9 Family Arts Standards Thinking about the Family Arts Standards: What areas do you think you would need to do most work to meet the Standards? Are there cost implications? What is your incentive to join? Is there a disincentive to joining? How do you see the Standards benefitting your work? Do the Standards match the needs of Festivals?

10 Family Arts Campaign What next? Sign-up for Family Arts Standards Start planning for 2014


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