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Mt Everest 1921 2010. You should have created a table of impacts. Walk around the class and add to your table.

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Presentation on theme: "Mt Everest 1921 2010. You should have created a table of impacts. Walk around the class and add to your table."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mt Everest 1921 2010

2 You should have created a table of impacts. Walk around the class and add to your table.

3 Locate the places on a map.


5 Describe and explain one example of short term climate change

6 Glacial retreat as evidence for global warming. Mean global temperature is rising. Although temperature has fluctuated in the past (Little ice age and medieval warm period) we have recently seen significant changes in glaciers from all around the world. Since 1960 we have lost an estimated 8,000km3 of ice.


8 Mt Kilimanjaro 1993 2000

9 Mt Everest 1921 2010

10 Sea level rise as evidence for global warming Change in sea level can be Isostatic or Eustatic Change due to thermal expansion of oceans and an input of ice melt from land glaciers. During the last ice age, land was depressed by the weight of ice. It is presently still rising following the retreat of the ice. One of these is more localised than the other.

11 FACT! Measures taken at 23 stable tidal sites around the world show that mean sea levels rose by 20cm during the twentieth century.

12 ence-for-global-warming-sea-level- change/1497.html


14 Cities at risk if sea level rose by 10m Buenos Aries, Argentina Bangkok, Thailand Delhi, India Casablanca, Morocco Brisbane, AU Perth, AU

15 What do these words mean?


17 Put the cards in chronological order B= Breidamerkjuj ö kull F= Fjallsy ö kullIceland S= Solheimaj ö kull

18 Evidence of climate change: Glacial advance and retreat Key: B= Breidamerkjuj ö kull F= Fjallsy ö kull S= Solheimaj ö kull 10,000Advance 7,000Advance 5,000Advance 4,500Retreat… 1850 Most glaciers retreated globally 1865Growth of B glacier B glacier is larger and at lower altitude – closer to sea level explaining a greater amount of recession compared to F.

19 Why is it difficult to prove that humans have had an influence over climate change?

20 Case study- Environmental factors affecting climate.

21 Questions How high does the ejected material from a volcano need to reach to affect climate? How much material was ejected from the June 1991 eruption of Mt Pinatubo? How did this event affect the climate?

22 Describe and explain how an environmental factor that you have studied can affect the climate.

23 Peer marking Named example E.G. Mt Pinatubo√ Use of factsE.G. 20 million tonnes of sulphur dioxide and ash were ejected into the stratosphere √ Description of effect E.G. The material reflected infrared radiation back into space √ What is the effect? E.G. Can lead to a cooling of Earth’s average temperature √ REMEMBER: 2 stars and a wish!! E.G. *: You included appropriate facts. --*: You could explain a bit more about the effect of the eruption.

24 Today we’re going to look at: Environmental factors affecting climate

25 uses-of-climate-change/1491.html uses-of-climate-change/1491.html

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