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The NVP Summer School 2015 Arctic Ocean Governance as a Multifunctional Challenge Introduction to the summer school – Lectures and Expected student work.

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Presentation on theme: "The NVP Summer School 2015 Arctic Ocean Governance as a Multifunctional Challenge Introduction to the summer school – Lectures and Expected student work."— Presentation transcript:

1 The NVP Summer School 2015 Arctic Ocean Governance as a Multifunctional Challenge Introduction to the summer school – Lectures and Expected student work Lasse H. Pettersson Nansen Center, Bergen, Norway

2 Summer school “activities ” Frame setting presentations and lectures Student poster presentations Group work and interactive session – Your experience – Formulations of questions – Discussions and “answers” to questions – Writing synthesis – External resources and information – Report/Paper preparation and presentation – additional sources Plenary discussions

3 Research topics and Thematic Groups 1.The Arctic environment – Climate change, (resources) and sea ice… 2.Natural resources (can be included in #1) 3.The regulatory framework 4.Governance – national and international 5.National, international and stakeholders interests

4 Group Tasks Discuss the role and importance of each given topic wrt. “Arctic governance” Formulate questions and cardinal requirements/conditions to each lecture Discussion and clarifications of these questions with the lecturers Collect notes for writing sessions from Thursday onward

5 Outcome A joint report (draft publication) addressing the role of each topic and the cross- and inter- disciplinary linkages

6 Methodology 1/2 Background; – Own experiences; Poster presentations and discussions – Presentations given (so far) – Identify group moderators and rapporteurs

7 Methodology

8 Students Groups The Arctic environmentNatural resources GovernanceStakeholders interest Regulatory framework

9 Group # 1 + 2 The Arctic environment xx Natural resources xx

10 Group # 3 + 4 The regulatory framework xx Governance xx

11 Group # 5 Stakeholders and Nations xx

12 Poster session Linling

13 Report writing groups Introduction xx Natural Resources The Arctic Environment xx Governance Legal Framework and Laws Stakeholders and nations * integrators

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