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Presentation on theme: "HOPE EVERYBODY IS HAVING A FANTASTIC DAY!!! AND YES, I AM ALWAYS HAPPY!!!!"— Presentation transcript:


2 SOAPS-Tone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Analyzing Documents!

3 S peaker O ccasion A udience P urpose S ubject T one SOAPS-Tone It is a series of questions that you must ask and answer as you read material and plan any written responses

4 Who is the S peaker Before you begin to read, you must decide whose “voice” is being heard (who is telling the story?). Does the voice belongs to a fictional character or to the actual writer? You must determine how to discern those attributes of the speaker that will influence the perceived meaning of the piece. Your goal in this section is to determine the speaker and all that you know about him/her. It is not enough to simply name the speaker—you must understand the speaker based on references either in the text or through historical research.

5 What is the O ccasion? o The time and the place of the piece; the context that prompted the writing. All writers are influenced by the larger occasion: an environment of ideas, attitudes, and emotions that swirl around a broad issue. Examples; Civil War – Historical Timeframe New Yorker during 9/11 – Immediate Occasion o Your goal in this section is to determine what prompted the writer to create this work. Try to address both the larger and the immediate occasions.

6 Who is the A udience? The group of readers to whom this piece is directed. As you begin to read, you must determine whom the audience is that the author intends to reach. It may be one person or a specific group. This choice of audience will affect how and why you read a particular text. Your goal in this section is to identify the audience by describing some of its characteristics described either in the text or through historical research.

7 What is the Purpose? The reason behind the text. You need to consider the purpose of the text in order to develop the thesis or the argument and its logic. You should ask yourself, "What did the author want his/her audience to think as they read his/her writing?’ o Your goal in this section is to determine the author’s purpose for writing: is it to persuade, entertain, attack, condemn, support, etc.?

8 What is the S ubject You should be able to state the subject in a few words or phrases. This step helps you to focus on the intended reading or writing throughout the process. Your goal in this section is to determine the subject of the text. From that subject, you should also try to identify additional themes of the text— where do you see evidence of these themes within the text, and what impact do these have on the meaning of the text as a whole?

9 What is the T one? The attitude of the author. The spoken word can convey the speaker's attitude and thus help to impart meaning through tone of voice. With the written word, it is tone that extends meaning beyond the literal, and you must learn to discern this tone in the diction (choice of words), syntax (sentence construction), and imagery (metaphors, similes, and other types of figurative language). Your goal in this section is to find words or phrases that describe the tone of the piece as a whole.

10 How do you feel? Lets practice one together!

11 Cool? Lets write these in your notes and breakdown a document together using SOAPS-Tone.

12 Xenophon, Greek general and diplomat, On Men and Women from Oikonomikos, c. 370 BCE "God from the first adapted the woman's nature, I think, to the indoor and man's to the outdoor tasks and cares. For he made the man’s body and mind more capable of enduring cold and heat, and journeys and campaigns; and therefore imposed on him the outdoor tasks. To the woman, since he has made her body less capable of such endurance, I take it that God has assigned the indoor tasks. And knowing that he had created in the woman and had imposed on her the nourishment of the infants, he meted out to her a larger portion of affection for new-born babes than to the man. And since he imposed on the woman the protection of the stores also, knowing that for protection a fearful disposition is no disadvantage, God meted out a larger share of fear to the woman than to the man; and knowing that he who deals with the outdoor tasks will have to be their defender against any wrong-doer, he meted out to him again a larger share of courage. Thus your duty will be to remain indoors and send out those servants whose work is outside, and superintend those who are to work indoors, and watch over so much as is to be kept in store, and take care that the sum laid by for a year be not spent in a month. And when wool is brought to you, you must see that cloaks are made for those that want them. You must see too that the dry corn is in good condition for making food.” Xenophon, Greek general and diplomat, On Men and Women from Oikonomikos, c. 370 BCE "God from the first adapted the woman's nature, I think, to the indoor and man's to the outdoor tasks and cares. For he made the man’s body and mind more capable of enduring cold and heat, and journeys and campaigns; and therefore imposed on him the outdoor tasks. To the woman, since he has made her body less capable of such endurance, I take it that God has assigned the indoor tasks. And knowing that he had created in the woman and had imposed on her the nourishment of the infants, he meted out to her a larger portion of affection for new-born babes than to the man. And since he imposed on the woman the protection of the stores also, knowing that for protection a fearful disposition is no disadvantage, God meted out a larger share of fear to the woman than to the man; and knowing that he who deals with the outdoor tasks will have to be their defender against any wrong-doer, he meted out to him again a larger share of courage. Thus your duty will be to remain indoors and send out those servants whose work is outside, and superintend those who are to work indoors, and watch over so much as is to be kept in store, and take care that the sum laid by for a year be not spent in a month. And when wool is brought to you, you must see that cloaks are made for those that want them. You must see too that the dry corn is in good condition for making food.”

13 Who is the S peaker?

14 Xenophon, Greek general and diplomat, On Men and Women from Oikonomikos, c. 370 BCE "God from the first adapted the woman's nature, I think, to the indoor and man's to the outdoor tasks and cares. For he made the man’s body and mind more capable of enduring cold and heat, and journeys and campaigns; and therefore imposed on him the outdoor tasks. To the woman, since he has made her body less capable of such endurance, I take it that God has assigned the indoor tasks. And knowing that he had created in the woman and had imposed on her the nourishment of the infants, he meted out to her a larger portion of affection for new-born babes than to the man. And since he imposed on the woman the protection of the stores also, knowing that for protection a fearful disposition is no disadvantage, God meted out a larger share of fear to the woman than to the man; and knowing that he who deals with the outdoor tasks will have to be their defender against any wrong-doer, he meted out to him again a larger share of courage. Thus your duty will be to remain indoors and send out those servants whose work is outside, and superintend those who are to work indoors, and watch over so much as is to be kept in store, and take care that the sum laid by for a year be not spent in a month. And when wool is brought to you, you must see that cloaks are made for those that want them. You must see too that the dry corn is in good condition for making food.” Xenophon, Greek general and diplomat, On Men and Women from Oikonomikos, c. 370 BCE "God from the first adapted the woman's nature, I think, to the indoor and man's to the outdoor tasks and cares. For he made the man’s body and mind more capable of enduring cold and heat, and journeys and campaigns; and therefore imposed on him the outdoor tasks. To the woman, since he has made her body less capable of such endurance, I take it that God has assigned the indoor tasks. And knowing that he had created in the woman and had imposed on her the nourishment of the infants, he meted out to her a larger portion of affection for new-born babes than to the man. And since he imposed on the woman the protection of the stores also, knowing that for protection a fearful disposition is no disadvantage, God meted out a larger share of fear to the woman than to the man; and knowing that he who deals with the outdoor tasks will have to be their defender against any wrong-doer, he meted out to him again a larger share of courage. Thus your duty will be to remain indoors and send out those servants whose work is outside, and superintend those who are to work indoors, and watch over so much as is to be kept in store, and take care that the sum laid by for a year be not spent in a month. And when wool is brought to you, you must see that cloaks are made for those that want them. You must see too that the dry corn is in good condition for making food.”

15 Xenophon Xenophon was a Greek historian, soldier, diplomat and a scholar of Socrates Many of his books were “Socratic” written, where Xenophon portrays his writing as if Socrates is speaking himself.

16 What is the O ccasion?

17 Historical Timeframe / Immediate Occasion The evolution of gender roles and expectations. Political power become major part of everyday life. Men rise to power, creating a social structure to follow and respect. Men were to be in charge, while women stood behind them and supported them and the city. Influential writers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Democracy = land owning men, demining women roles further.

18 Who is the A udience?


20 What is the P urpose?


22 What is the S ubject?


24 What is the Tone?


26 Let’s Practice Another One! Get with a partner(s) Everybody needs to have a piece of paper Work together to break down the document using SOAPST-one When finished, turn your paper in. Remember that everybody needs to turn in a paper. When finished, turn your paper in. Remember that everybody needs to turn in a paper.



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