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MGMT 608 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR --------------------------------------IndividualTeamDepartment Facility, Plant, etc. DivisionOrganization-------------------------------------

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Presentation on theme: "MGMT 608 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR --------------------------------------IndividualTeamDepartment Facility, Plant, etc. DivisionOrganization-------------------------------------"— Presentation transcript:

1 MGMT 608 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR --------------------------------------IndividualTeamDepartment Facility, Plant, etc. DivisionOrganization------------------------------------- ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY

2 ManagementManagement ä The attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources

3 OrganizationOrganization ä A formally structured collection of individuals working toward common goals. ä A social entity that is goal directed, designed as deliberately structured and coordinated activity systems, and linked to the external environment.

4 Why Study Organizations? OrganizationalResearch Understandorganizationalbehavior Predictorganizationalbehavior Influenceorganizationalbehavior

5 Scientific Approach ä Seeking information in a ä systematic and ä unbiased manner

6 Scientific Approach General Methods of Behavioral Research---A Continuum: Case / Case / Natural Field Laboratory Natural Field Laboratory

7 Scientific Approach THE FURTHER TO THE RIGHT: -The higher the control of the Independent Variable(s). -The higher the precision in measuring the Dependent Variable(s). -The lower the realism.

8 Laboratory Experiment “Impressions of Organizational Responses to Whistleblower Accusations” – Decker & Calo Dependent Variables: 1) Respondents’ ratings of Firm 2) Respondents’ ratings of Whistleblower Independent Variables: 1) Firm Admits Guilt vs. Firm Denies 2) Whistleblower is Fired vs. Not Fired 3) Company Product: Tires vs. Paint 4) Customer: Individuals vs. Govt. Agencies

9 People Money Machines Materials Doing the right things Efficiency = Getting the most out of resources Effectiveness = Choosing worthwhile goals and achieving them to the fullest Doing things right

10 The Four Functions of Mgmt Planning Select goals & ways to attain them Organizing Assign responsibility for tasks Leading Use influence to motivate Controlling Monitor activities & make corrections

11 Levels of Management TopManagement MiddleManagement Lower (Supervisory, Operational, First-Line) Management Examples: President, CEO, Executive V-P Examples: Regional Manager, Plant Manager Examples: Account Manager, Office Manager

12 How Do You Learn to Manage ? (Based on a study of successful managers at Honeywell) ä 50% from job experience ä 30% from other persons ä 20% from education & training

13 Effective Managers’ Attributes ä Conceptual, Technical, Human Skills ä Self-Objectivity ä Analytic Thinking ä Creative Thinking ä Oral Communication ä Written Communication ä Resistance to Stress ä Tolerance of Uncertainty

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