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Machu Picchu … the Andes Mountains … Peru … the Incas … terrace farming … “adapt” to your surroundings …

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Presentation on theme: "Machu Picchu … the Andes Mountains … Peru … the Incas … terrace farming … “adapt” to your surroundings …"— Presentation transcript:

1 Machu Picchu … the Andes Mountains … Peru … the Incas … terrace farming … “adapt” to your surroundings …

2 "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.“ A moment of Silent Meditation



5 ATTENDANCE “must” be taken. “Please CHECK IN with me [ Mr. Joyce ]. “Thank you.” QUIZ Grade: 175 out of 100 for cooperating & No problems.


7 GOALS … MONDAY, April 27 th … B Day Please remember to “TURN OFF” & “PUT AWAY” all Electronic Devices.  Homework Calendar … What’s due … … “Please” STUDY for tomorrow’s TEST: Explorers & Early Latin America  Homework: Go over … … H011 – 007 … “Review for Test”… “Multiple Choice” Questions  “Pre-Brief” for TEST: Latin America …  Map: United States & Latin America – Political … Finish United States & Latin America – Physical [ Topographical ] features …  3 rd Quarter Grade … … “STUDENT” print out  POWERPOINT (.ppt) … Latin American Geography … 66 slides  Video : … if time today … Mon. 27 April 2015 … “Machu Picchu ” … “Sunrise” 0:39 … by Train 3:42

8 GOALS … TUESDAY, April 28 th … A Day Scantron HEADING: NAME: Print your Name SUBJECT: LATIN AMERICA TEST NO: Per. 1 DATE: 4.28.15 PERIOD: GH1H

9 Fri. 24 April 2015 TWO (2) scores (1) Quiz grade … based on “22” correct answers 21 = 100 22+ = 105 Pre – Brief … for “Practice Regents Exam # 5


11 GOALS … MONDAY, April 27 th … B Day  Homework: Go over … … H011 – 007 … “Review for Test” … “Multiple Choice” Questions  “Pre-Brief” for TEST: Latin America …  Map: United States & Latin America – Political … Finish United States & Latin America – Physical [ Topographical ] features …  3 rd Quarter Grade … … “STUDENT” print out  POWERPOINT (.ppt) … Latin American Geography … 66 slides  Video : … if time today … Mon. 27 April 2015 … “Machu Picchu ” … “Sunrise” 0:39 … by Train 3:42

12 GOALS … MONDAY, April 27 th … B Day  “Pre-Brief” … for TEST: Latin America …  Map: United States & Latin America – Political … Finish United States & Latin America – Physical [ Topographical ] features …  3 rd Quarter Grade … … “STUDENT” print out  POWERPOINT (.ppt) … Latin American Geography … 66 slides  Video : … if time today … Mon. 27 April 2015 … “Machu Picchu ” … “Sunrise” 0:39 … by Train 3:42

13 TUE. 28 APRIL 2015 Global 1 H … 80 MULTIPLE CHOICE questions … 18 Pages … … 80 MULTIPLE CHOICE questions … 18 Pages … … “Please” do NOT “freak out” … Anyone who NEEDS MORE TIME … will get it on Wed. 29 April 2015. The Test … 28 … New … 22 … “Review for Test” … ? … “overlap” … Questions … 20 … “MAP ID” … 10 … OLD … previous units [ Cumulative Build ] The Test … 28 … New … 22 … “Review for Test” … ? … “overlap” … Questions … 20 … “MAP ID” … … I’ll be watching these Questions on the “Item Analysis” sheet … 10 … OLD … previous units [ Cumulative Build ] TEST: Latin America Pre – Brief … TEST: Latin America

14 GOALS … MONDAY, April 27 th … B Day  Map: United States & Latin America – Political … Finish United States & Latin America – Physical [ Topographical ] features …  3 rd Quarter Grade … … “STUDENT” print out  POWERPOINT (.ppt) … Latin American Geography … 66 slides  Video : … if time today … Mon. 27 April 2015 … “Machu Picchu ” … “Sunrise” 0:39 … by Train 3:42







21 GOALS … MONDAY, April 27 th … B Day  3 rd Quarter Grade … … “STUDENT” print out  POWERPOINT (.ppt) … Latin American Geography … 66 slides  Video : … if time today … Mon. 27 April 2015 … “Machu Picchu ” … “Sunrise” 0:39 … by Train 3:42






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