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Spin The Bottle! But, of course, no kissing allowed!

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Presentation on theme: "Spin The Bottle! But, of course, no kissing allowed!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spin The Bottle! But, of course, no kissing allowed!

2 Okay…here’s how it works.  You will be given a score card  On the back draw two vertical (up/down) lines  Now draw 8 horizontal ones  In each square, put ONE letter of the alphabet – in order – so that you have a letter in each square.  The last square can get a smiley face.  The last square can get a smiley face.

3 It should look like this! abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz

4 Next step  Pick your favorite letter and put your pencil there  Now, number from 50 to 500 in INCREMENTS of 50!!  Like this, 50, 100, 150, 250, etc.  Each box gets a letter and now a point value

5 It should look like this! A 150 B 200 C 250 D 300 E 50 F 100 G 150 H 200 I 250 J 300 K 350 L 400 M 450 N 500 O 50 P 100 Q 150 R 200 S 250 T 300 U 350 V 400 W 450 X 500 Y 50 Z 100

6 Now…flip your sheet back over  Everyone starts with 2000 points  Then, with each question, you write your answer in the space provided  If you get it right, you circle the + … get it wrong and circle the –  Then we SPIN and whatever letter is landed on, you find that point value and either add or subtract from 2000

7  We will do a total of 10 questions.  Do YOU have any questions??  Then let’s play “Spin the Bottle!”

8 Question 1  Find the predicate noun  Since it was raining, the horse was a frightened beast, and he ran around the pasture.  PN - beast

9 Question 2  Find the IO and DO  As a surprise, my mom gave my brother a new car for his birthday.  IO – brother  DO - car

10 Question 3  Is this verb transitive or intransitive? You should know those terms, so don’t ask a neighbor!  The runner sprinted quickly towards the finish line.  Transitive – no DO

11 Question 4  Find the linking verb and tell if there is a PA or PN  The perfume smelled remarkable, but it cost $500 per ounce.  Smelled – remarkable (PA)

12 Question 5  Find the verb phrase  The boys couldn’t be reached by phone because the cell tower was too weak.  Could be reached

13 Question 6  What are the objects in this sentence?  My father bought me a new car at the dealership, but I don’t like the color.  Me - IO  Car – DO  Dealership – OP Color - DO

14 Question 7  Choose the right pronoun in each instance and tell its case and function  In the morning, Jim and she/her will bring their donations to us/we.  She/nominative/subject  Us/objective/OP

15 Question 8  Choose the correct pronouns and tell me how they are functioning AND their case.  Who/whom will be going with me/I to the mall today?  Who/nominative/subject  Me/objective/OP

16 Question 9  Is this sentence S/CP/CX?  In the meantime, go and buy yourself some French fries.  S

17 Question 10  Find the predicate adjective  At school yesterday, Alex was the best student in Mrs. Marzullo’s class.  There is not a PA

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