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第一部分:看圖辨義 (10%) 共 5 題,每題請聽光碟放音機播出題目和三個英語句子之後,選出與所 看到的圖畫最相符的答案。每題只播出一遍。 1. What is the man doing? (A) He is listening to music. (B) He is using a computer.

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Presentation on theme: "第一部分:看圖辨義 (10%) 共 5 題,每題請聽光碟放音機播出題目和三個英語句子之後,選出與所 看到的圖畫最相符的答案。每題只播出一遍。 1. What is the man doing? (A) He is listening to music. (B) He is using a computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 第一部分:看圖辨義 (10%) 共 5 題,每題請聽光碟放音機播出題目和三個英語句子之後,選出與所 看到的圖畫最相符的答案。每題只播出一遍。 1. What is the man doing? (A) He is listening to music. (B) He is using a computer. (C) He is turning on a light.

2 2. What can we tell from the picture? (A) His computer works fine. (B) His computer is broken. (C) His computer is very slow.

3 3. What is TRUE about the girl? (A) She is talking on the phone. (B) She is surfing the Internet. (C) She is cleaning her room.

4 4. What do we know about the men? (A) They want to borrow a key. (B) They are trying to hide the key. (C) They are looking for the key.

5 5. How does the man look? (A) Surprised (B) Angry (C) Nervous

6 第二部分:問答 (20%) 共 10 題,每題請聽光碟放音機播出的英語句子,再從試題冊上三個回答 中,選出一個最適合的答案。每題只播出一遍。 6. I feel nervous about this test. (A) There’s nothing to worry about. (B) I also feel ready for it. (C) That’s not good. You should care.

7 7. Are you good with numbers? (A) OK. Here is my phone number. (B) No. That’s why I hate math. (C) Seven is my lucky number.

8 8. Can you tie your shoes? (A) Of course. Let me show you. (B) Sure. I’ll take them off. (C) Yes. They are very clean.

9 9. What do you use the computer for? (A) It is a birthday gift for a friend. (B) I often use it to play games. (C) He works with computers.

10 10. I typed up my homework today. (A) You always forget it! (B) Then use my cell phone. (C) Did you use my computer?

11 11. What does the young man do on the computer? (A) His computer doesn’t connect to the Internet. (B) He often talks to his friends. (C) He puts it in his bedroom.

12 12. The refrigerator needs to be fixed. (A) Yeah. There is too much food inside. (B) OK. Who will buy it from us? (C) Yeah. There are some problems with it.

13 13. My watch doesn’t work again. (A) You need to buy a new one. (B) So tell me what time it is. (C) I left mine at home too.

14 14. I’m really busy tonight. (A) What would you like to do? (B) Then you should eat something. (C) So, you can’t come out?

15 15. Can you turn on the light? (A) OK. Are you cold? (B) Sure. It’s dark in here. (C) Why? Is it broken?

16 第三部分:簡短對話 (20%) 共 10 題,每題請聽光碟放音機播出一段對話和一個相關的問題後,再從 試題冊上三個選項中,選出一個最適合的答案。每段對話和問題播出一 遍。 16. F: Mike’s a really smart person. M: I agree. He always comes up with great ideas. F: We should ask him to help us with the school party. M: I’ll call him right now. Q: What does the man say about Mike? (A) He always helps other people. (B) He likes going to parties. (C) He thinks up good plans.

17 17. M: Can you help me? F: What is it? M: The TV stopped working. F: Let me take a look. Q: What is the woman going to do? (A) Watch TV (B) Check the TV (C) Move the TV

18 18. M: I want to have my own car. F: Why? Don’t you like taking the bus? M: Not really. If I have a car, I will be more mobile. F: You’re right. You will be able to go anywhere you like. Q: Why does the man want to have his own car? (A) So he can travel around easily (B) So he can drive the woman to many places (C) So he can save a lot of money

19 19. M: What do you want to do? F: Let’s play basketball. M: No. I’m not good at basketball. F: Come on. Give it a try. Q: What does the man say about basketball? (A) He played it earlier. (B) He’s never played before. (C) He can’t play it well.

20 20. M: This party is great. F: I agree. Where’s Chris? M: He’s almost here. F: Sounds good. Q: What can we say about Chris? (A) He’s going to the party. (B) He’s at the party. (C) He’s going to stay home.

21 21. F: Should we go to Sam’s party this weekend? M: No. Let’s just relax at home instead. Q: What does the man want to do this weekend? (A) To have a party (B) To rest and take it easy (C) To invite Sam over

22 22. F: Can you help me with my homework, Dad? M: What class is it for, Sue? F: Math class. I also have homework for history class. It’s about India. M: I can help you with your math, but not your history. I don’t know a lot about India. Q: Which statement is TRUE? (A) Sue’s dad understands India. (B) Sue’s dad can do math. (C) Sue’s dad is bad at math.

23 23. M: I’ve been thinking about moving. F: What? I thought you liked your place. M: I do. But my roommates give me a lot of problems. F: Oh, that’s too bad. Q: Why does the man want to move? (A) He doesn’t like his place anymore. (B) His place is too far away from his work. (C) He doesn’t like the people he lives with.

24 24. M: It’s so hot here. F: Sorry, the air conditioner is broken. M: I see you have a fan. Can you turn it on? F: Sure. I’ll do that right away. Q: What will the woman do? (A) Open the window (B) Fix the air conditioner (C) Use the fan

25 25. M: There is a problem with our washing machine. F: Again? What should we do now? M: We have to wash our clothes by hand today. F: Oh, no. I hope someone can come fix it soon. Q: How will they clean their clothes today? (A) Use a machine to help them (B) Get the job done on their own (C) Send them back to the clothing store

26 第四部分︰短文聽解 (10%) 共 5 題,每題有三個圖片選項。請聽光碟放音機播出的題目,並選出一 個最適合的圖片。每題播出一遍。 26 Please look at the following three pictures. Listen to the following message. What does Kate want Peter to bring? Peter, I was in a hurry this morning and forgot something important. I grabbed my backpack that has my books and my notes for the speech, but I forgot to put my computer in the bag. I hope you can bring it to me this afternoon. Kate

27 27 Please look at the following three pictures. Listen to the following short talk. What thing does the man want to buy? I’m going to buy the one with the camera. It’s very small, so it can fit in my pocket. I can also use it to send e-mails and go online. It’s a little expensive, but that’s OK. It has so many functions, so I think it’s worth it. I can even use it to play music!

28 28 Please look at the following three pictures. Listen to the following phone message. Who is talking? Hi, Ted. I have to work late today. Mr. Brown needs his car ready tomorrow morning. There are problems with his engine, and I am still fixing it. Dinner is in the refrigerator. I’m afraid that you have to eat it alone. See you later. Bye!

29 29 Please look at the following three pictures. Listen to the following short talk. Who is speaking? I am a secretary. I often use my computer for work. I need to type up e-mails for my boss and look for information he needs on the Internet. After work, I use my PC at home to watch videos or talk to my friends in foreign countries.

30 30 Please look at the following three pictures. Listen to the following announcement. What was found at the store? Attention, all shoppers. A cell phone has been found by one of our employees. If you have lost your cell phone, please go to the front counter. It is next to the north entrance of the store. Thank you, shoppers, and have a pleasant day.

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