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Published byBaldric Thomas Modified over 9 years ago
11 EXEC SQL An embedded SQL statement is distinguished from the host language statements –by enclosing it between EXEC SQL or EXEC SQL BEGIN –and a matching EXEC SQL END (or semicolon) Shared variables used in both languages. –Have to be declared in SQL –Variables in DECLARE shared and can appear (prefixed by a colon :) in SQL statements
22 Example: Variable Declaration in Language C SQLCODE (or SQLSTATE ) used to communicate errors/exceptions between the database and the program int loop; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; varchar dname[16], fname[16], …; char ssn[10], bdate[11], …; int dno, dnumber, SQLCODE, …; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION;
33 [En] Singleton Select eg Fig 13.2 Read SSN of Emp, print some information about that Emp loop = 1; while (loop) { prompt (“Enter SSN: “, ssn); EXEC SQL select FNAME, LNAME, ADDRESS, SALARY into :fname, :lname, :address, :salary from EMPLOYEE where SSN == :ssn; if (SQLCODE == 0) printf(fname, …); else printf(“SSN does not exist: “, ssn); prompt(“More SSN? (1=yes, 0=no): “, loop);
44 Impedance Mismatch + Cursors SQL deals with tables with multiple rows –No such data structure exist in traditional programming languages such as C. SQL supports a mechanism called a cursor to handle this. Can declare a cursor on a query statement – Can open a cursor –Repeatedly fetch a tuple until all tuples have been retrieved. –Can also modify/delete tuple pointed to by a cursor.
55 [EN] Cursor Eg Figure 13.3 Get name of Dept, give each employee in that Dept a raise, amount of raise input by user
66 Transaction Support in SQL A single SQL statement is always considered to be atomic –Either the statement completes execution without error or it fails and leaves the database unchanged. [SKS] In number of situations, every SQL statement also commits implicitly, if it executes successfully –Implicit commit can be turned off by a database directive E.g. in JDBC, connection.setAutoCommit(false);
77 Transactions in Embedded SQL When running embedded SQL statements, different statements can be bundled together into a transaction With embedded SQL, there is no explicit Begin Transaction statement. –Transaction initiation is done implicitly when particular SQL statements (eg: SELECT, CURSOR, CREATE TABLE etc.) encountered.
88 Transactions in Embedded SQL Every transaction must have one of these explicit end statement : –EXEC SQL COMMIT –EXEC SQL ROLLBACK Typical pattern: –SQL STMT, SQL STMT, …, COMMIT: T1 –SQL STMT, SQL STMT, …, COMMIT: T2 –SQL STMT, SQL STMT, …, COMMIT: T3 If program crashes or ends without a COMMIT or ROLLBACK, system dependent default
99 Transactions in Embedded SQL Locking not done by users/transactions –i.e. transaction does not request locks or release –done implicitly by DBMS Eg: strict 2PL But user can pick among some options in SQL –User can go with SERIALIZABLE –But can also go with a weaker consistency option What happen to locks at COMMIT/ROLLBACK ? DBMS releases locks held by transaction
11 Allowing non-serializability Some applications can live with non-serializable schedules. Why ? Tradeoff accuracy for performance i.e. if “total” accuracy (consistency) is not important, get better performance through more concurrency –Eg: a read-only transaction that wants to get an approximate total balance of all accounts –Eg: database statistics computed for query optimization can be approximate (why?) –Such transactions need not be serializable with respect to other transactions SQL allows this
12 Transaction Characteristics SQL The more the concurrency, the less a transaction is protected from other transactions. In SQL, user is allowed to make decide how much concurrency to allow by a SET TRANSACTION statement In this statement, user can specify –Access mode –Isolation level
13 Transaction Characteristics SQL SET TRANSACTION [access mode] [isolation level] Eg: SET TRANSACTION READ WRITE ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED Isolation level can be the following : these are ordered from more to less concurrency –READ UNCOMMITTED –READ COMMITTED –REPEATABLE READ –SERIALIZABLE
14 Transaction Characteristics SQL Access mode: –READ ONLY –READ WRITE The default is READ WRITE –unless the isolation level of READ UNCOMITTED is specified –in which case READ ONLY is required. Why? READ UNCOMITTED is so “dangerous” (so much concurrency) that it is allowed only for T that are in READ ONLY mode –i.e. not allowed to WRITE. Why ?
15 Transaction Characteristics SQL Suppose T2 is READ UNCOMITTED and is allowed to write –T1 writes x –T2 reads x –T2 writes y (y = y+x) –T2 commits –T3 reads y –T1 aborts. Now what ? T2 will have to be aborted – but is committed transaction which has changed the database – how can we undo effects of T2
16 Nonserializable behaviors: dirty read Each of the isolation level allows/does not allow certain “undesirable” behaviors –Allows for more concurrency What are these undesirable behaviors? Dirty Read: T reads a value that was written by T’ which has not yet committed –We saw this can lead to problems Even if T is READ ONLY still can have inconsistencies: –Eg Fig 21.3 (c) on next slide
17 FIGURE 21.3 (c) The incorrect summary problem. If one transaction is calculating an aggregate summary function on a number of records while other transactions are updating some of these records, the aggregate function may calculate some values before they are updated and others after they are updated.
18 Nonserializable behaviors: nonrepeatable read Values of y read by T1 are different –even though T1 has not changed the value of y Could not happen in serial execution Nonrepeatable Read: Allowing another transaction to write a new value between multiple reads of one transaction. T1T2 r(y) w (y); commit; r(y)
19 Nonserializable behaviors: phantoms T1: SELECT SSN FROM EMP WHERE DNO = 3; –Suppose gets back ssn = 2345 T2: INSERT INTO EMP(SSN, DNO) VALUES (1234, 3); T1: SELECT SSN FROM EMP WHERE DNO = 3; –Will get back ssn = 2345, 1234 Could not happen with serial execution
20 Nonserializable behaviors: phantoms Why would something like this happen ? Suppose T1 gets a lock on all rows of Emp which match query, but not on all of Emp Between two SELECTs of T1, T2 does an INSERT in Emp –Can do because T1 does not have a lock on entire Emp table Would not happen if T1 was locking entire Emp table –Or the access path. Eg: index
21 Nonserializable behaviors: phantoms Phantoms: T1 gets some tuples via SELECT statement T2 makes changes T1 uses the same SELECT statement –But gets a different result Different from unrepeatable read –Not the particular tuple which T1 read first time which is different –But could have additional tuples or fewer tuples
22 Possible violation of serializabilty: Type of Violation ___________________________________ Isolation Dirty nonrepeatable level read read phantom _____________________ _____ _________ ____________________ READ UNCOMMITTED yes yes yes READ COMMITTED no yes yes REPEATABLE READ no no yes SERIALIZABLE no no no
23 X-locks In all cases (including READ UNCOMMITTED) –Have to get X locks before writing –X locks are held till the end DBMS has to guaranteed that all T are following this
24 Read uncommitted We know that all transactions –Have to get X locks before writing –X locks are held till the end How could a dirty read take place ? –T1 writing x –T1 not committed –T1 will be holding X lock till commits –So how could T2 read ? T2 does not get S lock before reading
25 Read committed How to ensure no dirty read ? DBMS forces transactions to get S locks before reading. Why is this enough ? Look at Eg:T1 writing, T2 reading –Want to ensure T2 can’t read from uncommitted T1 write –T2 has to get S lock before reading. Why enough ? Combined with fact that T1 holds X lock till end –T2 will have to wait till get S lock –Can’t do till T1 gives up X lock –Won’t happen till T1 commits –So T2 can’t read till T1 has committed
26 Read committed But S lock can be released when read is done –Don’t have to wait till commit –What is the effect of giving up S lock ? Unrepeatable read possible. Why ? Conflict pairs (r1(y), w2(y)), (w2(y), r1(y)) possible. How ? S1(y), r1(y),U1(y), then ? X2(y), w2(y),U2(y),C2, r1(y). Two values of y that T1 reads can be different. How to prevent this ?
27 Repeatable read How can we guarantee repeatable read All S locks are held till end of T. –Why does this guarantee repeatable read ? Is (r1(y), w2(x)), (w2(y), r1(y)) possible ? No. Why ? Suppose T1 read y before T2 wrote y T1 will keep S-lock till it commits T2 can’t get X-lock till after T1 commits (w2(y), r1(y)) not possible
28 Serializable Difference between serializable and repeatable read ? With repeatable read could have phantoms –How to stop Get locks are at a high enough levels –Eg: entire table –Eg: index
29 Weak Levels of Consistency [SKS] Degree-two consistency: –S-locks and X-locks may be acquired at any time –S-locks may be released any time –X-locks must be held till end of transaction –Is serializability guaranteed ? No: similar to Eg we saw earlier –T1 gets S-lock on y, R1(y), T1 releases S-lock on y –T2 gets X-lock on y, W2(y), T2 commits and releases X-lock on y –T1 gets S-lock on y, R1(y) –Non-repeatable read, but read committed guaranteed
30 Weak Levels of Consistency [SKS] Cursor stability: –For reads, each tuple is locked, read, and lock is immediately released –X-locks are held till end of transaction –Special case of degree-two consistency In SQL standard, serializable is default In many DBMS, read committed is default –explicitly change to serializable when required –most DBMS implement read committed read committed as cursor-stability
31 SQL Server Transaction Isolation Levels Locking in Microsoft SQL Server, Alexander Chigrik – “ There are four isolation levels: –READ UNCOMMITTED, READ COMMITTED, REPEATABLE READ, SERIALIZABLE Microsoft SQL Server supports all of these Transaction Isolation Levels READ UNCOMMITTED –When it's used, SQL Server not issue shared locks while reading data. So, you can read an uncommitted transaction that might get rolled back later. This isolation level is also called dirty read. This is the lowest isolation level. READ COMMITTED –This is the default isolation level in SQL Server. When it's used, SQL Server will use shared locks while reading data. It ensures that a physically corrupt data will not be read and will never read data that another application has changed and not yet committed, but it not ensures that the data will not be changed before the end of the transaction.”
32 Oracle Transaction Isolation Levels Oracle® Database Concepts, 10g Release 2 “ Oracle provides these transaction isolation levels. Read-only: Read-only transactions see only those changes that were committed at the time the transaction began and do not allow INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. Read committed: This is the default transaction isolation level. Each query executed by a transaction sees only data that was committed before the query (not the transaction) began. An Oracle query never reads dirty (uncommitted) data. –Because Oracle does not prevent other transactions from modifying the data read by a query, that data can be changed by other transactions between two executions of the query. Thus, a transaction that runs a given query twice can experience both nonrepeatable read and phantoms. –The default isolation level for Oracle is read committed. This degree of isolation is appropriate for environments where few transactions are likely to conflict. Oracle causes each query to run with respect to its own materialized view time, thereby permitting nonrepeatable reads and phantoms for multiple executions of a query, but providing higher potential throughput. Read committed isolation is the appropriate level of isolation for environments where few transactions are likely to conflict. Serializable: Serializable transactions see only those changes that were committed at the time the transaction began, plus those changes made by the transaction itself through INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. Serializable transactions do not experience nonrepeatable reads or phantoms.”
33 Oracle Transaction Isolation Levels “Serializable isolation is suitable for environments: –With large databases and short transactions that update only a few rows –Where the chance that two concurrent transactions will modify the same rows is relatively low –Where relatively long-running transactions are primarily read only Serializable isolation permits concurrent transactions to make only those database changes they could have made if the transactions had been scheduled to run one after another. –Specifically, Oracle permits a serializable transaction to modify a data row only if it can determine that prior changes to the row were made by transactions that had committed when the serializable transaction began Comparison of Read Committed and Serializable Isolation –Oracle gives the application developer a choice of two transaction isolation levels with different characteristics. Both the read committed and serializable isolation levels provide a high degree of consistency and concurrency. Both levels provide the contention-reducing benefits of Oracle's read consistency multiversion concurrency control model and exclusive row-level locking implementation and are designed for real-world application deployment. Transaction Set Consistency –A useful way to view the read committed and serializable isolation levels in Oracle is to consider the following scenario: Assume you have a collection of database tables (or any set of data), a particular sequence of reads of rows in those tables, and the set of transactions committed at any particular time. An operation (a query or a transaction) is transaction set consistent if all its reads return data written by the same set of committed transactions. An operation is not transaction set consistent if some reads reflect the changes of one set of transactions and other reads reflect changes made by other transactions. An operation that is not transaction set consistent in effect sees the database in a state that reflects no single set of committed transactions. Oracle provides transactions executing in read committed mode with transaction set consistency for each statement. Serializable mode provides transaction set consistency for each transaction.”
34 Transactions and Constraints DNO is a Foreign Key from Emp to Dept MGRSSN is a F. Key from Dept to Emp Which one of Dept or Emp to enter first ??? –Can’t enter either. Why ? One of the Foreign Keys violated Generally, DBMS checks constraint as soon as SQL statement is executed But can tell DBMS to wait till end of T to check constraint
35 Transactions and Constraints FOREIGN KEY DNO REFERENCES DEPT (DNUMBER) DEFFERED Insert into Dept, insert into Emp will be done in the same transaction Foreign key constraint will be checked only at the end of the transaction
36 Review: The ACID properties A A tomicity: All actions in T happen, or none happen. C C onsistency: If each T is consistent, and the DB starts consistent, it ends up consistent. I I solation: Execution of one T is isolated from that of other T. D D urability: If a T commits, its effects persist. The Recovery Manager guarantees Atomicity & Durability.
37 Recovery and Atomicity T transfers $50 from account A to account B – goal is either to perform all database modifications made by T or none at all. Several operations required for T –failure may occur after one of these modifications have been made but before all of them are made. To ensure atomicity despite failures, what do we need ? We first output information describing the modifications to stable storage –before modifying the database itself.
38 Recovery and Durability Durability: If the system crashes, what is the desired behaviour after the system restarts ? crash! T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1, T2 & T3 should be durable. T4 & T5 should be rolled back(effects not seen).
39 Transactions: System Concepts Transaction: For recovery purposes, system needs to keep track of when the transaction starts, terminates, and commits or aborts. Transaction states: –Active state –Partially committed state: finished all ops, ready to commit –Committed state –Failed state –Terminated State
40 FIGURE 21.4 State transition diagram illustrating the states for transaction execution.
41 Storage Structure Volatile storage: –does not survive system crashes –examples: main memory, cache memory Nonvolatile storage: –survives system crashes –examples: disk, tape, flash memory, Stable storage: –a mythical form of storage that survives all failures –approximated by maintaining multiple copies on distinct nonvolatile media
42 Model of Where Data is Stored [SKS] Block : a contiguous sequence of sectors from a single track –data transferred between disk, RAM in blocks Physical blocks are those blocks residing on the disk. Buffer blocks are the blocks residing temporarily in RAM. We assume, for simplicity, that each data item fits in, and is stored inside, a single block.
43 Blocks DBMS tries to minimize # block transfers between the disk and memory. –Various kinds of optimizations possible Tradeoffs in having small/large blocks? Smaller blocks: more transfers from disk Larger blocks: more space wasted due to partially filled blocks
44 Blocks Typical block sizes range from 4K to 16K Blocks size fixed by OS during disk formatting and can’t be changed. Hardware Address: Physical block address supplied to disk I/O hardware. Consists of: –a cylinder number (imaginary collection of tracks of same radius from all recoreded surfaces) –track (surface) number (within the cylinder) –block number (within track). Logical Block Address: a block number which is mapped by disk controller to hardware address
45 How is disk I/O done We can reduce # disk accesses by keeping as many blocks as possible in main memory. Buffer – portion of main memory available to store copies of disk blocks. Buffer manager – subsystem responsible for allocating buffer space in main memory. OS provides logical block address and address (where block is to go) in RAM to device driver
46 Read block: Buffer Manager (BM) Program calls on BM when needs a block from disk. If block already in buffer, BM returns the address of the block in main memory. If not in buffer ? Find space in the buffer for the block. If free space, that gets allocated. Otherwise ? Replace another block to make space –Replacement policy Reads block from the disk to the buffer, and returns the address of block in RAM to requester.
47 Model of Where Data is Stored Block movements between disk and main memory are initiated through the following two operations: input(B) transfers the physical block B to main memory. output(B) transfers the buffer block B to the disk, and replaces the appropriate physical block there. Each transaction T has its private work-area in which local copies of all data items accessed and updated by it are kept.
48 Example of Where Data is Stored X Y A B x1x1 y1y1 buffer Buffer Block A Buffer Block B input(A) output(B) read(X) write(Y) disk work area of T 1 work area of T 2 memory x2x2
49 Model of Where Data is Stored Transaction transfers data items between DBMS buffer blocks and its private work- area using the following operations : read(X) assigns the value of data item X to the local variable x. write(X) assigns the value of local variable x to data item X in the buffer block. Both read and write may lead to the issue of an input(B X ) instruction (bring to RAM) –if B X in which X resides is not already in RAM
50 Model of Where Data is Stored Transactions perform read(X) while accessing X for the first time. Subsequent accesses (getting value of X and changing value X) are to the local copy x. –read twice from buffer block if non-repeatable read When transaction executes a write(X) statement –Copies local x to data item X in the buffer block. write(X) may not always be immediately followed by output(B X ). –System can perform the output operation when it deems fit. Why not always immediately ? Efficiency : don’t want too many disk writes
51 How Data is Stored [Elmasri] Who controls when a page from RAM is written back (flushed) to DISK Typically done by OS in other situations We assume DBMS has partial or total control –by calling low-level OS functions DBMS cache : collection of RAM buffers kept by DBMS for pages of DBMS If need to bring in additional pages and buffers all used up, DBMS decides which pages to flush –Could use FIFO, LRU strategy etc.
52 Cache Manager(CM): controls DBMS cache –Data items to be modified are first stored into database cache by CM –At “some point” CM flushes modified items to disk. Dirty Bit: Indicates whether data item has been modified or not. Why is this important ? If not dirty, don’t need to flush Pin-Unpin Bit: Instructs the operating system not to flush the data item. Why useful? Eg: change made by uncommitted T –May not want change made to disk block How Data is Stored [Elmasri]
53 When are changes made to disk We assume when T writes an item, change is immediately made to block in cache (RAM) When will this change be reflected in the block on disk ? Three possibilities: 1.As soon as a data item is modified in cache, the disk copy could be updated. 2.When transaction commits 3.Could be at a later time: Eg: after fixed number of transactions have committed.
54 Recovery Algorithms Recovery algorithms are techniques to ensure database consistency and transaction atomicity and durability despite failures Recovery algorithms have two parts 1.Actions taken during normal transaction processing to ensure enough information exists to recover from failures 2.Actions taken after a failure to recover the database contents to a consistent state : ensures atomicity and durability.
55 Assumptions Concurrency control is in effect. –When needed, will assume Strict 2PL In-place update: The disk version of the data item is overwritten by the cache version. –old data overwritten on (deleted from) the disk. Alternative is Shadow update: The modified version of a data item does not overwrite the old disk copy but is written at a separate disk location. Don’t have to worry about undos because original is still saved We will work with in-place update
56 Database Recovery Transaction Log For recovery from failure, old data value prior to modification (BFIM - BeFore Image) and the new value after modification (AFIM – AFter Image) are needed. These values, and other information, is stored in a sequential file called Transaction log. A sample log is given below. Back P and Next P point to the previous and next log records of the same transaction. In first row, Next P = 1 should be a 2
57 UNDO/REDO Transaction Roll-back (Undo) and Roll- Forward (Redo) Undo: how to do ? Undo: Restore all BFIMs on to disk (Remove all AFIMs). Redo: How to do? Redo: Restore all AFIMs on to disk. Database recovery is achieved either by performing only Undos or only Redos or by a combination of the two. These operations are recorded in the log as they happen.
58 Rollback example We show the process of roll-back with the help of the following three transactions T1, and T2 and T3. Strict 2PL not being followed here T1T2T3 read_item (A) read_item (B) read_item (C) read_item (D) write_item (B) write_item (B) write_item (D) read_item (D) read_item (A) write_item (A)write_item (A)
59 Rollback example Roll-back: One execution of T1, T2 and T3 as recorded in the log. Illustrating cascading roll-back
60 Rollback example Roll-back: One execution of T1, T2 and T3 as recorded in the log. ABCD 30154020 [start_transaction, T3] [read_item, T3, C] *[write_item, T3, B, 15, 12]12 [start_transaction,T2] [read_item, T2, B] **[write_item, T2, B, 12, 18]18 [start_transaction,T1] [read_item, T1, A] [read_item, T1, D] [write_item, T1, D, 20, 25]25 [read_item, T2, D] **[write_item, T2, D, 25, 26]26 [read_item, T3, A] Abort T3 What should happen with the different transaction ? T3 rolled back and then T2 has to be rolled back because T2 read a value (B) written by T3
61 Write-Ahead Logging When in-place update (old value overwritten by new value) is used then log is necessary for recovery Done by Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) protocol. To make sure Undo can be done, what do we need? –Before a data item’s AFIM is flushed to the disk (overwriting the BFIM) –Its BFIM must be written to the log –Log must be saved on disk (force-write the log). Why? If T writes X, X on disk changed, system crashes – how will we recover ?
62 Write-Ahead Logging Need BFIM of X to Undo, will be in log. –But log in RAM vanishes with system crash –So need to force write log What do we need to for Redo ? For Redo: Before a transaction executes its commit operation –its AFIMs must be written to log –log must be force written on disk. Why ? Need AFIM of X to Redo, will be in log. –But log in RAM vanishes with system crash –So need to force write log
63 Checkpoints Periodically flush buffers to disk –Simplifies recovery: “old” stuff guaranteed on disk –When to do ? Under some criteria: Eg: when certain #T commit Eg: at fixed time intervals checkpoint : carry out following steps : 1.Suspend execution of transactions temporarily. 2.Force write modified buffer data of committed transactions to disk 3.Write checkpoint record to log 4.Save log to disk. 5. Resume normal transaction execution. During recovery Redo or Undo required only for transactions active after last checkpoint. –Eg next slide
64 Immediate Update –Concurrent Users Recovery in a concurrent users environment. What actions will have to be taken when the system crashes at time t2 ? –What to do about each of the transactions ? T1 ? T1 committed before checkpt: do nothing. T4 ? T4: not committed when crash : UNDO. T5 ? T5: not committed when crash : UNDO. T3? T3: committed after checkpt : REDO. T2 ? T2 committed after checkpt : REDO.
65 Steal/No-Steal Steal/No-Steal and Force/No-Force : Possible ways for flushing database cache to disk. Issue: before T commits, can changes made by T to buffer blocks be flushed to disk? –Eg: if Cache Manager needs space to bring in new pages. –Not asking if always flushed, but IF POSSIBLE Steal: Cache can be flushed before T commits. No-Steal: Cache cannot be flushed before T commits. Why called Steal ?
66 Steal/No-Steal Advantage of No-Steal ? Don’t have to Undo. Why? Pages not written out on disk before commit Advantage of Steal ? If No Steal, then poor throughput. Why? Cache Manager not allowed to write pages till commit Has to keep all uncommitted writes in buffer Buffer space limited, will allow only small # T, so poor throughput
67 Force/No-Force Issue: when T commits, do pages modified by T HAVE TO be immediately flushed out to disk? Force: Have to flush immediately on commit. No-Force: Don’t have to immediately flush –CM decides when to flush changes made by committed transactions to disk Difference between Steal and Force issues: –Steal/No-steal: is it possible that pages get flushed to disk before commit –Force/No-force: is it guaranteed that pages get flushed to disk immediately on commit
68 Force/No-Force Advantage of Force ? No need to redo. Why ? On COMMIT, immediately written to disk Advantage of No-Force ? Less writes to disk. Why ? Eg: Consider Force and No-Force: initially x = 2. –T1 writes x = 3, commit. T2 writes x = 4, commit. With Force will have to do 2 disk writes: –1 when T1 commits, 1 when T2 commits With No-Force maybe 2 or maybe only 1 disk write: –When T1 commits, modified x (x = 3) in buffer –May not be written to disk
69 Steal/No-Steal and Force/No-Force These give rise to four different ways for handling recovery: No-Steal/Force. In terms of Undo/Redo ? (No-undo/No-redo). Steal/Force. In terms of Undo/Redo ? (Undo/No-redo) No-Steal/No-Force. In terms of Undo/Redo ? (No-undo/Redo) Steal/No-Force. In terms of Undo/Redo ? (Undo/Redo)
70 Steal/No-Steal and Force/No-Force Force No Force No Steal Steal Trivial Desired Typical DBMS uses Steal/No Force strategy –Steal: Good throughput –No Force: less disk I/O Immediate Update: Steal/No Force strategy. – Have to UNDO/REDO ? Steal: have to UNDO No-Force: have to REDO
71 When is log force-written ? What are the different times at which we have to force-write log to the disk ? At checkpoint When commit is issued In case of STEAL ? When database block gets stolen –Flushed out to disk –Why ? In case we need to UNDO
72 Deferred Update Deferred Update: No-Steal/No-Force No-Steal: RAM blocks not flushed to disk till T commits –No Undo No-Force: May not be flushed even when T commits –How will system recover from system crash ? –Redo needed for those T for which commit was issued and whose changes have not been recorded on disk blocks –After reboot from a failure, log is used to redo all the transactions affected by this failure. [EN] covers Deferred Update in detail –we will not discuss
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