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Analyze Effects of Multifocal Intraocular Lenses on Potential Acuity Meter and Perimetry Testing G. Yuricek Aylin Sarac S.A. Erzurum, MD, FACS.

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Presentation on theme: "Analyze Effects of Multifocal Intraocular Lenses on Potential Acuity Meter and Perimetry Testing G. Yuricek Aylin Sarac S.A. Erzurum, MD, FACS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analyze Effects of Multifocal Intraocular Lenses on Potential Acuity Meter and Perimetry Testing G. Yuricek Aylin Sarac S.A. Erzurum, MD, FACS

2 Financial Interests The authors have no financial interests in any of the test devices mentioned in this study.

3 Purpose: Evaluate the effectiveness of potential acuity meter (PAM) after multifocal lens implantation. Evaluate effects of multifocal lenses on visual field testing.

4 Methods: 4 types of lenses were evaluated ReSTOR +4, ReSTOR IQ +3, REZOOM, and monofocal lens Monofocal lenses used were SA60AT, SN60WF, and Clarflex

5 Methods: All patients underwent visual exam All patients underwent Humphrey visual field 24-2 on each eye separately. All patients were evaluated on the PAM. No dilation was performed on any patient.

6 Results: 46 eyes of 23 patients were included in the study. 12 eyes monofocal lenses 10 eyes ReSTOR IQ 12 eyes ReSTOR 12 eyes REZOOM

7 Results: PAM was done on all patients. Only one patient due to small pupils could not perform test. Remaining 44 eyes all achieved 20/25 visual acuity or better on the PAM testing.

8 Humphrey Visual Field: Examples of ring effect

9 Visual Field Results: Monofocal Group 8/12 eyes normal visual field 1/12 eyes ring effects 1/12 reduced sensitivity

10 Visual Field Results: ReSTOR +4 Group 8/12 eyes normal visual field 3/12 ring effect 1/12 superior visual field defect attributable to ptosis

11 Visual Field Results: ReSTOR IQ Group 8/10 eyes normal visual field 2/10 eyes ring effect

12 Visual Field Results: ReZOOM Group 6/12 eyes normal visual fields 5/12 eyes ring effect 1/12 mild superior field defect attributable to mild ptosis

13 Conclusion: PAM Results Comparing monofocal lenses to ReSTOR, ReSTOR IQ, and ReZOOM lenses appeared to show no differences in results. Thus, poor PAM results should indicate pathology for decreased visual performance.

14 Conclusion: Visual Field Appeared to be reliable in all groups. Slight concern that ReZOOM lenses induce a higher incidence of ring effects. ReSTOR and ReSTOR IQ lens appeared to be equal to monofocal lenses in visual field performance.

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