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MAKING ENDS MEET By Katy Ader 2015. GPA (GRADES POINT AVERAGE)= 4.28 Education options include: Graduate Possible Jobs: Lawyer, Physical Therapist, Psychologist.

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1 MAKING ENDS MEET By Katy Ader 2015

2 GPA (GRADES POINT AVERAGE)= 4.28 Education options include: Graduate Possible Jobs: Lawyer, Physical Therapist, Psychologist

3 JOB/CAREER FOR REALITY STORE  Job Title: Detective  Gross Yearly Salary: $44,500  Job Duties: Investigate crime scenes, resolve investigations, write reports, keep files, and present cases  Education/Training: Police academy training, work experience as a police officer, job training, and pass a written exam  Demand: The demand for detectives is low. However, spots vary often.

4 MIT PROFILE PIE CHART RESULTS In my “forced choice” part of the MIT Profile Test, my highest result was Bodily/Kinesthetic. This means that I have good motor skills and am aware of my body. Characteristics of this category include the following: learns by “doing”, likes to work with hands, and enjoys sports and exhilarating experiences. A career that sounds promising in my style of learning is a physical therapist. Being a physical therapist sounds promising for me because I don’t like to stay still all of the time. Also, I am interested in the body’s functions and muscles. I have considered this career for my future when my sister mentioned that I would be good at it. However, I think that I would be more fit and comfortable as a police officer or a detective.

5 MIT PROFILE LINE GRAPH RESULTS As shown on the line graph, my free and forced choices are almost parallel. The learning style that I have the toughest time fulfilling would be Naturalist. I could improve my ability to learn in this way by learning more about nature and the natural ways of life. I could think of things more on an outsider’s point of view. I might even want to spend more time giving back to nature by planting flowers or trees.

6 BUDGET: Description: an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time. A plan listing your income along with all your expenses or costs you have. Definition: an estimation of the income that you will receive and how much you will be able to spend and save in order to meet your daily needs. Once I am old enough to have to provide for myself on my own, I will need to have a general idea of how much money I can send and save to live carefree of worrying about my income.

7 GROSS INCOME Description: the total amount of money you make, including all income, taxes, SS, and benefits. Definition: the added up amount of money you make and spending including the following; income, taxes, SS, and benefits. Gross income is important to keep track of so I know how much money I am living on. That way, I will think twice before spending money on unnecessary items.

8 NET INCOME Description: the total amount of money you make after the SS Taxes, and other.. what you actually bring home. Definition: the added up amount of money you earn after SS Taxes and other deposits are subtracted from your total. This is the money you bring home. When I get a job and start to earn a salary, I need to understand that I don’t necessarily get all of the money promised. The money that is not on the check that I earn is put towards taxes, and other bills.

9 DISPOSABLE INCOME Description: income remaining after deducting mandatory rent, bills and charges, available to be spent of saved as one wishes. Definition: the money left after subtracting rent, bills, and charges. You can use this money for benefits. When I earn money, I need to know how much I can spend on food, events, or clothing. When I know how much I can spend, I can use the money wisely and be careful to not spend too much.

10 FEDERAL, STATE, & COUNTY TAX Description: money taken out of your check for services that support government programs. For example; firemen, police officers, streets, teachers, welfare, or food stamps.

11 SOCIAL SECURITY Description: retirement money

12 MEDICARE Description: Medical benefit for when you retire, you still pay for it, just less than usual.

13 IRA, 403, ANNUITY Description: A financial product sold by financial institutions that is designed to accept and grow funds from an individual and then, upon maturing, pay out a stream of payments to the individual at a later point in time. Annuities are primarily used as a means of securing a steady cash flow for an individual during their retirement years. (Sometimes taking out of paycheck, sometimes done independently.)


15 BUDGET PLANNING Expense CategoryRecommended % of Monthly Pay Approx. Amount you Plan to Spend Housing35%$1297.91 Transportation10%$370.83 Electric5%$185.41 Gas Heat5%$185.41 Water2%$74.16 Insurance8%$296.66 Medical and Health10%$370.83 TV/Internet/Phone2%$74.16 Groceries3%$111.24 Savings10%$370.83 Variable Expenses10%$370.83

16 MORTGAGE Description: a legal agreement in which a person borrows money to buy property (such as a house) and pays back the money over a period of years. Definition: Money lent in advance for a large purchase, with the understanding that you will pay back the principle (cost) and interest (extra) money.

17 HOUSE BILLS Fixed Expenses: bills that don’t change monthly like your cell phone of Internet, mortgage or car loan. Variable Expenses: bills that vary every month, like electricity in summer verses winter, or clothes budget Utilities: public services like water, electric, or gas

18 MY HUMBLE HOME  Total Cost: $229,900  Monthly Payment: $1,104  2 story, 4 bedrooms, 3 full & 1 partial bathroom  2,660 square feet  53149 Grassy Rd. South Bend, Indiana 46628

19 MORTGAGE CHECK Wells Fargo Bank March 18, 2015 One Thousand One Hundred and Four Dollars 1104.00/100 --------00/100-- House Mortgage Acct:#785411588

20 CAR VOCABULARY Loan: amount of money someone (bank of credit union) gives you up front to pay for a large purchase, with the understanding that you will pay it back over time each month, with interest (That extra money they charge you for using their money) Lease: Renting instead of buying. You are “back loaded” on the monthly payment…meaning you pay less per month, but at the end, you make that up when buying it, or you have to give them back the car. Usually has stipulations, like paying for full coverage on car insurance and mileage allowance.

21 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE  Total Cost: $15,000  Monthly Payment: $345.44  4 Year Loan  2 Door  Four Seats

22 LIFESTYLE  Over the passed couple weeks, I have learned a lot of information that will help me in the future. Half of the things that I learned, I didn’t know were so important!  I have learned that buying a house is much more than just paying a mortgage once a month. Other things now come to mind, such as, down payments, renting, interest, etc.  I now know that I have to plan before jumping head-first into buying a house, a car, and utilities. I can plan how to spend my money according to percentage of my monthly salary. I think that I will be much better off when I get a job to spend my money wisely and live more free of worry.

23 PERSONAL FINANCIAL LINKS  1.) SPENT: While playing the game, I have not lasted for a whole month so far. However, I have had many difficulties to deal with. Once, I had to pay for my mother’s medical bill. Another time my dog had to go to the vet to get checked out.  2.) POVERTY IN AMERICA: In Greenwood, Indiana, the hourly wages are about $8.75 and the yearly wages are $18,199. In Ventura, California, the hourly wages are $12.17 and the yearly wages are $25,310. From this information, I can clearly compare the two cities and see that Greenwood is much cheaper for an average adult.  3.) REALITY CHECK: The results say that I would need to earn at least $779.60 a week. If I decide to become a detective, I should be okay with the amount of money I will make and I will have some money to spare. I think I could support myself if I stayed in the safe zone with money.

24 PERSONAL FINANCIAL LINKS (CON.)  4.) WOULD YOU RATHER: “Use a coupon worth $20 off your entire purchase OR 20% off your entire purchase?” I would choose the $20 off my entire purchase over 20% off my entire purchase because chances are that I would not spend enough money for the 20% to equal $20 or more, so I would save more by getting $20 off.  5.) WORST JOBS IN HISTORY: The worst job I had was the barber-surgeon. If I had this job, I would have to collect urine and even taste it before giving diagnoses. Also, I would have to cut my patients as they scream in agony to fix shattered limbs. My ending percentage was 69%.

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