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Relationships between nature and popular trends / fads in American society A most unprecedented presentation brought to you by a most excellent student.

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2 Relationships between nature and popular trends / fads in American society A most unprecedented presentation brought to you by a most excellent student named Justin

3 My Opinion: Nature is great. I love trees, and animals, and water falls and stuff. Overall, I’d say I’m a big fan of nature. But lately, it has occurred to me that more and more, people have been “getting in touch with the environment” not because of a love for nature, but because it is a popular fad. I decided to investigate this phenomenon, that I refer to as “Use-nature-to-be-cool-eology”

4 Peer Pressure “Come on Suzie, All the cool kids are doing it…”

5 Advertisements “Hey kids, we’re the musical group Poison, and we’re here to tell you about how people use nature to advertise their products. Products that sometimes aren’t as rad as they’d want you to think…” Poison

6 Eat nature… it will make you healthy!! Nature: It is soooo sweet!! We should all eat, breathe, and live it! It is the trendy thing to do.

7 Nature: cool to wear too!!!! I wanna be a cool granola kid too!

8 Hey, only $70 and I can look outdoorsy and nature-ish too. Sign me up!! Lined Lightweight Jacket $70.00 Cool! You can see all the sweet rugged landscape in the background!!

9 What would Jerry do?? Hi friends. If you really like me, you will buy all natural birkenstock footwear.

10 Has it always been like this???

11 Cool & Tough Justin’s Math-tastic Equation Whoa… they even did it back in the day

12 See, Benny boy did it too, but not cause he was one with nature. He did it cause nature was a popular fad at the time, and because he wanted to get with French prostitutes. Yeah, we know your dirty secrets Ben. Sinner… Lookin’ good Benjamin. Ben F = Super cool dude Note: I couldn’t find the portrait of Franklin wearing fur hat on google search, so I had to draw my own. Portrait of Franklin in Fur Hat, by John Trumbull / Justin Dargan

13 Back to the Present Day

14 Nature Fraud: The Lurking Danger

15 Hey, I bought a bottle, but I couldn’t find a mountain in it... What’s the dilio? Did I get screwed over? Yes sir-ee, you heard it right. They’re messing with your head. Better wise up young grasshopper. Just wait, soon they’ll be telling you their so called “mountain water” is healthier than normal water.

16 Coke and polar bears… yeah right, coke isn’t natural. Wait… polar bears are really cool, and also a part of nature. Maybe, if I drink what they drink, I can be a cool nature dude too!

17 Mr Belvedere says: “Don’t be a tree hugging nature freak because it’s the cool thing to do. Do it cause you love the environment, and cause nature is rad. Also, Ben Franklin looked like a big dork in his racoon hat. Rugged my ass…” Ask Mr. Belvedere

18 See kids, we’ve learned a lot today. About nature, about life, and about love. Also, we talked about little bastards who try to use nature stuff so that they can be trendy. Remember kids, these dudes are worthless, and don’t really care about nature. They just want to look cool so that Janie cheerleader will go to the prom with them. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle. Duke





23 Dick Butkus





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