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Welcome Dissemination of SoP for Market and Cash in Asia Learning Event:2 Please make sure you have all the posters in front of you 19 August 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Dissemination of SoP for Market and Cash in Asia Learning Event:2 Please make sure you have all the posters in front of you 19 August 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Dissemination of SoP for Market and Cash in Asia Learning Event:2 Please make sure you have all the posters in front of you 19 August 2014

2 BLACKBOARD COLLABORATE TIPS While you are waiting, please: (1) To ensure that your AUDIO is working properly, kindly go through the Audio Wizard. Go to Tools -> Audio ->Audio Set-up Wizard (2) Changing your connection speed Go to Edit menu -> Preferences ->Session, and then select ISDN, wireless or other lower connection. (3)Kindly close down all unnecessary applications. Feel free to send us a message in the chat box if you are having problems.

3 Ground Rules for Today’s Session Due to large number of participants microphone usage is disenabled for the participants We would love to hear your feedback and questions, kindly send them and any other comments in the chat box There are moderators in the chat box. They will prepare and organise your comments and questions for the regular Q & A sections in the webinar.

4 Agenda for the day (Learning Event 2) Knowing the team Introducing Blackboard Collaborate Using SoP: Experience from Haiyan Response Understanding roles and responsibilities CTP and Cash PCM Way forward Duration: 60 min

5 Rajesh Dhungel, EFSVL Regional Capacity Builder Susiana Ananta Adi (Susi), Regional Logistics Coordinator Chaniganda Chalaruk (Gift), Regional Finance Coordinator Seybou Djibo BACHIR, Supply and Logistics Field Adviser Emily Henderson, EFSVL Advisor - Market Lead


7 THE INTERFACE MEDIA WINDOW Audio/Video Panel Response/Status Panel Presenter and Participant Area Text Chat Area Markup Toolbar

8 Polling Function 1.This is the first time you’re attending an online learning series using Blackboard Collaborate. Kindly click on the green ✔ for YES or the red x for NO

9 2.How long have you been working for Oxfam? A.0-2 years B.2-4 years C.4 years or more Kindly click the letter that corresponds to your answer

10 Markup Toolbar

11 The objectives of the Learning event The Managers, Programme and Business Support Team feel comfortable in ensuring CTP in Asia is in line with SoP Humanitarian Team (Managers, Programme, Distribution, Finance, Security and Logistics) in the Region and countries in Asia are aware of their roles and responsibilities in cash and market based programming Develop common understanding among programme, logistics and finance team in understanding market and involving vendors in CTP, particularly for voucher programming

12 Typhoon Haiyan Working with Market and Cash Susiana Adi Regional Logistics Coordinator - Asia

13 Background Typhoon Haiyan is the strongest storm ever recorded at landfall. The typhoon caused destruction in the Visayas, particularly on Samar and Leyte. According to UN officials, about 11 million people have been affected – many have been left homeless (source: wikipedia)

14 Cash Voucher – Tacloban, Leyte Building material for temporary shelter kits – Shelter Programme Sanitation Repair Kits – PHE

15 Purpose of the Programme Targeting supplier as of our beneficiaries Reactivating local economy

16 Preparation Level Identifying that supply chain disturbed (especially in transportation) Transportation facilities in some area was affected by the disaster (i.e. road, port etc.) Priority for humanitarian assistance of NGO and government only

17 Implementation Level Advantage: Fast distribution Build suppliers understanding s on standard business process and procedures No warehouse space needed It gets easier when supplier get familiar with the system

18 Challenges Different supplier capacity – bigger suppliers has smaller issue to fulfill contract while not in the case of small vendor Supplier could not supply in time due to the transportation challenges High demand on certain items Time frame of implementation is short – decision have to be taken fast

19 Lesson Learn Communication starting in planning stage will be benefit to the implementation of the programme Planning Clearly capture sensitive issue such as delivery time frame, quality of goods, price etc. Contract is crucial When the awarded contract supplier could not meet its delivery, the tender committee has to have a meeting to decide to change supplier and documenting. Working as a team

20 Lesson Learn Supplier list could help us in getting thing work faster Preparedness Approaching government to ALSO prioritizing local business actors by giving those actors equal opportunity of using facility as NGO and government humanitarian aid. Role of cluster

21 Q&A 1/19/2016

22 - Roles & Responsibilities - Working with Markets and Cash Standard Operating Procedures And Guidance Notes Asia - August 2014

23 Summary of Roles & Responsibilities of Core Team in Designing and Implementing of Cash Transfer Programming

24 Quiz BB AA CC DD You will be asking to answer 16 questions with four options each You will be asking to answer 16 questions with four options each Once I read the question you will have 30 sec to select your answer Once I read the question you will have 30 sec to select your answer Select one answer by ticking on..... Using response panel Select one answer by ticking on..... Using response panel or

25 Which functions comprise the core team for Cash Transfer Programmes? Logistics, finance, programme and management Management and programme HR, finance, logistics, programme and IT Logistics and finance AA DD CC BB

26 Which functions comprise the core team for Cash Transfer Programmes? Logistics, finance, programme and management Management and programme HR, finance, logistics, programme and IT Logistics and finance AA DD CC BB

27 Who is responsible for identifying the CTP core team? Distribution team Management Programme Logistics and finance AA DD CC BB

28 Who is responsible for identifying the CTP core team? Distribution team Management Programme Logistics and finance AA DD CC BB

29 Who is typically responsible for identifying the cash delivery agents for CTPs? Logistics Finance, logistics and programme Programme and logistics Finance AA DD CC BB

30 Who is typically responsible for identifying the cash delivery agents for CTPs? Logistics Finance, logistics and programme Programme and logistics Finance AA DD CC BB

31 Which functions are responsible for completing HEA and markets baseline? Programme and logistics Management and logistics Programme Logistics, finance and programme AA DD CC BB

32 Which functions are responsible for completing HEA and markets baseline? Programme and logistics Management and logistics Programme Logistics, finance and programme AA DD CC BB

33 Which functions are responsible for the identification of third party during the implementation? Finance and Programme Logistics and finance Logistics, HR and finance Programme and logistics AA DD CC BB

34 Which functions are responsible for the identification of third party during the implementation? Finance and Programme Logistics and finance Logistics, HR and finance Programme and logistics AA DD CC BB

35 Which functions can be involved in identifying beneficiaries? Distribution team Finance and IT Programme and logistics Logistics and finance AA DD CC BB

36 Which functions can be involved in identifying beneficiaries? Distribution team Finance and IT Programme and logistics Logistics and finance AA DD CC BB

37 Who is responsible for planning, designing and negotiating cash distribution with private sector (eg. banks, phone company, remittance company etc)? Logistics Management Programme Logistics and finance AA DD CC BB

38 Logistics Who is responsible for planning, designing and negotiating cash distribution with private sector (eg. banks, phone company, remittance company etc)? Management Programme Logistics and finance AA DD CC BB

39 Which functions are responsible for market assessment after the shock or once the crisis is starting? Programme and Finance Programme and Logistics Programme and Management Logistics and finance AA DD CC BB

40 Which functions are responsible for market assessment after the shock or once the crisis is starting? Programme and Finance Programme and Logistics Programme and Management Logistics and finance AA DD CC BB

41 Which functions are responsible for budget preparation after the shock or once the crisis is starting? Logistics and Management Finance, Logistics and Programme Programme and finance Logistics and finance AA DD CC BB

42 Which functions are responsible for budget preparation after the shock or once the crisis is starting? Logistics and Management Finance, Logistics and Programme Programme and finance Logistics and finance AA DD CC BB

43 Who is responsible for decision making for the type of intervention (in kind versus CTP) after the shock or once the crisis is starting? Distribution team Management Programme Logistics and finance AA DD CC BB

44 Who is responsible for decision making for the type of intervention (in kind versus CTP) after the shock or once the crisis is starting? Distribution team Management Programme Logistics and finance AA DD CC BB

45 Which function is responsible for making decision on CTP modality or a combination? Programme Logistics and finance Programme, finance and logistics Management AA DD CC BB

46 Which function is responsible for making decision on CTP modality or a combination? Programme Logistics and finance Programme, finance and logistics Management AA DD CC BB

47 Which function is responsible for ensuring donor compliance during the exit? Management and audit Logistics Programme Finance AA DD CC BB

48 Which function is responsible for ensuring donor compliance during the exit? Management and audit Logistics Programme Finance AA DD CC BB

49 Who is responsible for the final report during the exit? Management Programme and finance Programme Logistics, programme and finance AA DD CC BB

50 Who is responsible for the final report during the exit? Management Programme and finance Programme Logistics, programme and finance AA DD CC BB

51 Share of Responsibilities – Direct distribution

52 Which function is responsible for setting up the distribution sites? Logistics Logistics and Programme Finance Programme AA DD CC BB

53 Which function is responsible for setting up the distribution sites? Logistics Logistics and Programme Finance Programme AA DD CC BB

54 During the distribution, who is responsible to check the identities of the beneficiaries? Distribution team Programme Manager Programme Logistics Manager AA DD CC BB

55 During the distribution, who is responsible to check the identities of the beneficiaries? Distribution team Programme Manager Programme Logistics Manager AA DD CC BB

56 Which function has the responsibility to validate the vouchers prior to payment? Finance and Logistics Logistics Distribution team Programme and finance AA DD CC BB Which function is responsible for setting up the distribution sites?

57 Which function has the responsibility to validate the vouchers prior to payment? Finance and Logistics Logistics Distribution team Programme and finance AA DD CC BB Which function is responsible for setting up the distribution sites?

58 Q&A 1/19/2016

59 CTP across the Project Cycle

60 Step 1

61 Step 2

62 Step 3

63 Step 4

64 Step 5

65 Q&A 1/19/2016

66 Way Forward What support do you expect from management and/or programme team to perform your roles and responsibilities as defined by the SoP? 1/19/2016

67 What are the capacity building needs for the Logistics/Finance in country/region to perform all roles and responsibilities as defined by SoP? 1/19/2016

68 As a Finance/Logistics staff what commitment you would make to contribute towards CTP in Asia is line with SoP in future response? 1/19/2016


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