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By: Cherish Tyson, Anna Bellantoni, and Alex.   There’s many different ways that people can change the world, even the most little things can make a.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Cherish Tyson, Anna Bellantoni, and Alex.   There’s many different ways that people can change the world, even the most little things can make a."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Cherish Tyson, Anna Bellantoni, and Alex

2   There’s many different ways that people can change the world, even the most little things can make a big difference. One of the things that change people are hospitals. That’s exactly what we are doing. We are going to make a hospital. I mean literally, make one. Changing the world…

3 Why? Most people in the world want someone to rely on. To know that somebody's there for them. This hospital will provide the love and care that these people need.

4 What makes this hospital unique? Now, I know that your probably thinking what makes your hospital different than any other hospitals in the world? Well… This hospital is what I like to think of kind of like a mall. You see, this hospital has more than one department. In the mall there’s different stuff combined like stores. You have kohl's, body and bath works, game stop, and even eating places like Chickfilee.

5 Continuing… In the hospital, there’s going to be not only departments that you use to help the sick, but there’s also going to be other departments that people can go to get pillows, blankets, stuff like that. There's also going to be a restaurants like this one called “Soup-a-licous” that will have different choices of soups( like a soup buffet).

6 Who’s invited?  At regular hospitals, only people who are sick or unhealthy are allowed. In this hospital, the sick, unhealthy, homeless people, and even people who are struggling, because they could be struggling with trying to get supplies like food for themselves or for others like families.  Healthy people who just want to have a good time can come to, even though those people won’t be able to have a room, they’ll just be able to eat and get some supplies if they need any.

7 Name Of The Hospital To decide what the hospitals name was going to be, we decided to call it what the hospital does and brings so we decided to name it

8 What is a Hospital? O A hospital is a place that people can depend on, a place that gives people hope. Hospitals are not always the solution though, but it is however, the revolution.


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