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Auto-Doc A Pink Cranes creation Francis Harkins Spencer Kohli María Alicia Mieses Ricardo Muñoz.

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Presentation on theme: "Auto-Doc A Pink Cranes creation Francis Harkins Spencer Kohli María Alicia Mieses Ricardo Muñoz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Auto-Doc A Pink Cranes creation Francis Harkins Spencer Kohli María Alicia Mieses Ricardo Muñoz

2 Co-Robot Project  As a team, we were assigned to the task of gathering information regarding the Engineering Laboratory/Workshop in the Hammond Building  Designing a Co-robot system Surveyed – Obtained the following results.

3 Custom er Needs Survey How capable do you feel using the medical equipment found in the first aid box in the ENGR workshop? Have you ever recklessly used a machine on purpose for the sake of time? Do you often forget to take precautions before using equipment within the lab? Do you feel that if you were injured, you would be able to get help even without a TA or professor available? How safe do you feel in the lab generally, as well as using dangerous equipment Do you feel the notification of emergency services is the fastest and most efficient way if there was a major injury or accident?

4 Customer Needs Results More than 1 out of every 3 students report forgetting to take safety precautions before utilizing equipment Only 20% of students feel completely capable of utilizing the first aid kid in the laboratory in the case of an emergency Almost 45% feel they would not be able receive adequate medical help/attention without an instructor or TA in the laboratory

5 Customer Needs Outcome  Accidents are likely to happen  Need a system to assist care of injuries  Provide knowledge and instructions Goal:  Keep the system easy to use/access  Knowledgeable and quick

6 Pairwise Comparison Chart

7 Analytic Hierarchy Process

8 Reasons behind our solution Accidents happen. Although maybe not as frequently, better safe than sorry.  Lifting, cutting, slipping, using machinery  Existence of guidance manuals

9 Primary Prototype

10 “Black Box” Model Input Materials: Plastic, metal, tablet and kinect, installment instruction manual Energy: Wall outlet Signal: Voice input, interactive screen Output Materials: Plastic, metal, tablet and kinect, installment instruction manual (recycled paper) Energy: N/A Signal: Videos, pictures, automated voice response, 911 call

11 Preliminary Design Sketches design 1 design 2

12 Sketches (cont.) Design 3 Design 4

13 Pugh Chart CriteriaWeightDatumDsgn 1Dsgn 2Dsgn 3Dsgn 4 Interactivity20+++++ Affordability10--- - Ease of Use30+++0- Knowledge30++++ Accessability2000+++ Personability10++++ Space10-- -- Complexity30--- Total*0201-2

14 Product Description  Informative  Helps anyone treat injuries  Helps ensure proper care  Quicker way to call 911  Kinect Camera for visual aid  Removable tablet interface for mobility

15 Conclusion  Cost efficient  User friendly  Assembly and usage  Ensures safety on a new scale  Active assistance  Green product  Accessible

16 Thank you!

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