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No Horseplay!!! Do NOT touch the fire extinguisher…..

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Presentation on theme: "No Horseplay!!! Do NOT touch the fire extinguisher….."— Presentation transcript:


2 No Horseplay!!!

3 Do NOT touch the fire extinguisher…..

4 …Or this could happen.

5 Do NOT mix chemicals without instruction!

6 Do Not break any of the lab equipment!

7 And if you do break something, DON’T pick it up with your bare hands!

8 NO food or drink in the lab!

9 Do NOT use a regular blanket if you are on fire…

10 Instead, use the fire safety blanket!

11 Do NOT use the sharp lab tools on yourself.

12 Instead, use them on the specimen.

13 Do Not put your head over chemicals and smell.

14 Instead, waft the smell toward you, and put on your goggles!

15 NEVER grab a hot beaker or other container without a safety glove!

16 In Conclusion  Labs are designed for the benefit of your learning.  Labs are also a privilege that can be taken away if you can not handle yourself in an orderly manner.

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