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Housing By Rachel Britt Senior Strategy and Enabling Officer, Medway Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Housing By Rachel Britt Senior Strategy and Enabling Officer, Medway Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Housing By Rachel Britt Senior Strategy and Enabling Officer, Medway Council

2 Valuing People – Housing Vision - Citizenship

3 What sorts of housing do citizens live in - Medway? (supporting citizenship) Housing Needs Survey 2006

4 What sorts of housing do citizens with a learning disability live in - Medway?

5 What is the main Medway Council route for housing support for all citizens? Medway Council Housing Department (Homechoice, Housing Options, Customer First Contact Points)

6 What is the main route for Medway Council housing support for citizens with a learning disability in Medway? Medway Council Housing Department (Homechoice, Housing Options, Customer First Points) Adult Social Care Commissioning Team (Supporting People) Adult Social Care Learning Disability Service (Care Managers)

7 Medway Housing Register (supporting citizenship – social housing) This is a list of citizens who have said that they want to move to live in a Council home or a housing association property. Around 10,000 Medway citizens on the housing register 41 citizens with learning disabilities on the housing register

8 General Housing Support and Advice - Citizens Family Friends Leaflets/papers Estate agents Citizen Advice Bureau Medway Council The housing toolkit looks at all of these areas.

9 Keeping the Valuing People Citizenship Vision in hard times “Real change does not happen overnight. Real change means quiet evolution, over a decade or more. The most important thing is to hold on to your vision and hold it tight” (Nelson Mandela)

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