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Unit 4. Section A Words & Expressions million medical research tie worry what if 百万 医学的 ; 医疗的 研究 ; 调查 领带 烦恼 ; 忧虑 如果 …… 将会怎么样.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4. Section A Words & Expressions million medical research tie worry what if 百万 医学的 ; 医疗的 研究 ; 调查 领带 烦恼 ; 忧虑 如果 …… 将会怎么样."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4

2 Section A

3 Words & Expressions million medical research tie worry what if 百万 医学的 ; 医疗的 研究 ; 调查 领带 烦恼 ; 忧虑 如果 …… 将会怎么样

4 What would you do if you had a million dollars?

5 T: Have you ever read this book? Ss: Yes, we have, / No, never. T: I’ll tell you something about the book. It was written by Mark Twin. It tells us a story of a poor man who had a bill of five million pounds…

6 1b Listen and number the pictures [1-4] in the order you hear them.

7 Check the answer The pictures should be numbered in this order. 2 1 4 3

8 Girl 1: Hey, did you see this newspaper article? An old man had a million dollars. And he gave it to charity. Boy 1: Wow, what a nice man! Tapescript

9 Girl 1: What would you do if you won the lottery? Boy 1: If I won the lottery, I’d give the money to the zoo. I want to help the pandas. Girl 1: That’s a good idea! I know what I’d do. I’d buy a big house for my family. Tapescript

10 Girl 2: Really? I’d put the money in the bank. Then I’d just watch it grow! Boy 2: Hmm… I think I’d give the money to medical research. I’d want to help other people. Tapescript

11 Pairwork

12 1c Pretend you are the people in the picture. Talk with your partner about what you would do if you had if you had a million dollars. A: Look. This old man had a million dollars, and he gave it to charity. B: Wow! What would you do if you had a million dollars? A: I’d give it to medical research.


14 If you had a lot of money, what would you do? A: What would you do if you had a million dollars? B: I would give it to medical research. C: I’d put it in the bank. D: …

15 Why is Larry nervous? Listen and circle the reasons. 2a

16 1.He’s late for school. 2.He doesn’t know what to wear. 3.He doesn’t know if he should bring a present. 4.He can’t find his shoes. 5.He might not know anyone at the party.

17 1. bring 的意思是把某人或某物 “ 带来 ”, “ 拿来 ”, 强调方向, 即从别处拿到说话 人这儿来。 e.g. Next time you come, bring me that book, please. 下次你来的时候, 把那本书带来。 take 的意思是把人或物 “ 带走, 拿走 ”, Explanation

18 即从说话人这儿带到别处去。 e.g. Who has taken away today’s newspaper? 谁拿走了今天的报纸? 另外, 相似的词还有 get 和 fetch, 表 示到某地找到某人或某物并带回来, 强调一去一回。

19 Go and get some water. 去弄点水来。 Can you fetch me some paper ? 你能给我取点纸吗?

20 might :意思是 “ 可以 ”,“ 可能 ” ,用作 情态动词或虚拟语气中。例如: (1) He said that I might borrow his bike. 他说我可以借他的自行车。 ( 情态动词 may 的过去式, 表示许可,意思是 “ 可以 ”)

21 (2)He might not know anyone at the party. 他可能在晚会上谁也不认识。 may 的虚拟语气形式, 不表示过去, 而表 示现在或将来 “ 可以, 可能 ”, 但语气 更委婉、客气, 有时表示对可能性有所 怀疑。

22 2b Listen again. Check ( ) the four things Larry’s sister says to him. __ 1. If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie. __ 2. You shouldn’t worry about what other people are wearing. __ 3. If I were you, I’d be a little late.

23 __ 4. If I were you, I’d take a small present. __ 5. If you don’t know anyone, you can talk to Tom. __ 6. But if you’re still nervous, you don’t have to go.

24 Listening text Girl1: Where are you going, Larry? Boy1: To Tom’s party. Girl1: Lucky you! I’d love to go to that party! Boy1: Yeah, well, I’m a little nervous. I don’t know what to wear.

25 Girl1: If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie. Boy1: What if everybody else is wearing jeans and T-shirts? Girl1: Oh, you shouldn’t worry about what other people are wearing. Boy1: And I don’t have a present. What if everyone brings a present? Listening text

26 Girl1: If I were you, I’d take a small present-a pen or something. Keep it in your pocket and if everyone has a present, you can give him yours. If not, you can keep it. Boy1: OK. But what if I don’t know anyone? Listening text

27 Girl1: If you don’t know anyone, you can talk to Tom. He’ll introduce you to people. Boy1: I guess I can do that. Girl1: Look! You’re sure to have fun. But if you’re still nervous, you can leave. Listening text

28 Listening Practice A: What would you do if you were Larry? B: If I were Larry, I would bring a birthday cake.

29 A: What would you do if you were Larry? B: I would bring him some chocolates, because chocolate is his favorite.

30 Pairwork 2c

31 Task Larry will go to a party, but she has some worries. If you were Larry’s friends, you’d give her some advice. Make a conversation in groups.

32 Larry’s worries 1.I don’t know what to wear. 2.I don’t have a present. What if everyone else brings a present? 3.What if I don’t know anyone?

33 L: I don’t know what to wear. A: If I were you, I ‘d wear a dress. B: If I were you, I ‘d wear a T-shirt and jeans. C: If you don’t know what to wear, just ask your parents.

34 Explanation: bring, take, get, fetch bring 的意思是把某人或某物 “ 带来 ”, “ 拿来 ”, 强调方向, 即从别处拿到说话 人这儿来。 e.g. Next time you come, bring me that book, please. take 的意思是把人或物 “ 带走, 拿走 ”, 即从说 话人这儿带到别处去。

35 e.g. Who has taken away today’s newspaper? 另外, 相似的词还有 get 和 fetch, 表示到某地 找到某人或某物并带回来,强调一去一回。 e.g. Go and get some water. Can you fetch me some paper ?


37 What would you do if you had a million dollars? I would/I’d give it to charity. If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and a tie. If I were you, I’d take a small present.

38 表示纯属假设或实现的可能性不大的情况。 从句主句 If+ 主语 + 动词的 过去时 主语 +would+ 动词原 形

39 例句 : If I had the time, I would certainly go. 要是有时间, 我一定去。 If he were here, everything would be all right. 要是他在这儿, 一切都没问题。

40 e.g.: If I had time, I would go for a walk. If I were invited, I would go to the dinner. If I had a million dollars, I would put it in the bank.

41 tomorrow now If it is fine, we will go to the park. If it doesn’t rain, we will go to the park. If it was fine, I would go out to play. If it wasn’t raining, I would go out to play.

42 I. Put these sentences into English. 1. 如果我是你, 我就穿上套装。 2. 如果我有一百万美元 l 我就买一栋大房子。 3. 我不知道是否该去参加那个聚会。 4. 如果你是我, 你该怎么办 ? 5. 如果你努力学习英语, 你会通过考试的。 6. 他不知道是否该带礼物去。


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