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Arlington Road. Emily Hemmings.. The first shots. The first shot we see is a blurred vision of a young boy moving towards the audience as he staggers,

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Presentation on theme: "Arlington Road. Emily Hemmings.. The first shots. The first shot we see is a blurred vision of a young boy moving towards the audience as he staggers,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Arlington Road. Emily Hemmings.

2 The first shots. The first shot we see is a blurred vision of a young boy moving towards the audience as he staggers, instantly showing he is hurt. The fact he is injured is then proven when we get a glimpse of his converse trainers as he misses his step. The colours of the first few shots are bright with innocence colours such as green and blue but when showing the full picture of the boy, the redness of his t-shirt stands out by being centre of the screen whilst moving towards the audience giving connotations of danger and pain. These first few shots create confusion as we can’t see what is happening almost making the audience feel a little dizzy as the Dutch pan camera shot is being used with an unfocused background.

3 The boys eyes. As we can see from these shots the young boy has piercing blue eyes which and suggest his innocence and purity as it is a deep blue. The fact that the young boy also has sweat dropping from his head can show his exhaustion and feelings when filming these few shots of his eyes. The redness around the eyes also show his pain confusing the audience as we still don’t know how or where he is injured just little tips like these.

4 New characters introduced The audience then get shots from the boys perspective showing his surroundings still with a blurry vision causing mystery and confusion which is a vital part when creating a thriller opening title sequence. The next shots link with the name of the film as the long road is being show as the blood drips from the boy. This shows the audience why the road is significant as the boy is found there by an elder man driving past in his car. We are first introduced to this character of the elder man as we see him driving as if the audience were sitting in the back seat of his car as he swerves the young boy, getting out instantly.

5 . The audience are then introduced to the pain of the character showing his injured arm as the elder man tried to help taking off his tie to wrap around the young boy to stop the bleeding. This part of the opening title sequence is gory which is frequent in thriller films. The opening sequence then turns into almost a car chase the as the elder man attempts to drive the young boy to hospital turning it into a car rage as he swerves traffic lights and going through traffic lights at red. This shows the audience his adrenaline rush for effect.

6 The titles. The titles are then finally shown with mysterious backgrounds with different contrast making an uneasy feeling towards the audience as they are unknown of the link to the pictures when the titles are being presented. The title then being showed to the audience on a black background with white writing showing the opposites and how they click together.

7 The music. The music first starts off with an eerie sound with the sound of chimes in the wind on windy night making the audience feel un easy as it is an unsettling sound adding mystery. The pitch soon gets higher as the boy walks faster with drums introducing the car coming towards him as a symbol of suspense as to what will happen next.

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