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 500 miles east of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean  Area : 2040 sq km  Dependencies: Rodrigues Island,the Agalega Island  Ethnic group: Indo-Mauritian,

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Presentation on theme: " 500 miles east of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean  Area : 2040 sq km  Dependencies: Rodrigues Island,the Agalega Island  Ethnic group: Indo-Mauritian,"— Presentation transcript:


2  500 miles east of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean  Area : 2040 sq km  Dependencies: Rodrigues Island,the Agalega Island  Ethnic group: Indo-Mauritian, Creole, Sino- Mauritian, Franco-Mauritian  Language spoken: English is the official language, French is also commonly spoken and creole which is a broken French is the most spoken language  HDI: 0.804



5  Population and Housing Census 2011 are the 18 th for the Island of Mauritius  the 8 th for the Island of Rodrigues  Census 2011 will be taken in two distinct rounds: the Housing Census followed by the Population Census

6  Pilot from 4 September 2010 from to 30 September 2010  The Housing Census will be taken from 31 January 2011 to 31 March 2011  Population Census round from 20 June 2011 to 10 July 2011

7  Census should produce statistics that are relevant to data users/stakeholders  Identification of census data users is an important step in the census cycle  Census data users /stakeholders are the people who will reap the benefit of census outputs

8  Diagram 3: The Census Cycle

9  Identification allows the first phase (consultation) of the Census Cycle to begin  Identification spot users which will be involved in the consultation phase  To identify stakeholders we need to find out “Who need the census information”

10 How does THE CSO identify census data users?  The CSO keeps a record of all organizations who buy CENSUS products and keep an updated list of all individuals request for information on CENSUS DATA

11 Census data users in Mauritius are:  The public sector: ministries and governmental departments  The private sector  The general public  Researchers  Students  The media

12 The producer-user dialogue benefits all:  It increases the utilization of the data produced  Enhance statistical literacy-better and more effective use of statistics  Users knowledge about constraints of the national statistical system increased  More advocate and greater support for the national statistical system.  Expanded sources of technical inputs

13 CONSULTATION STATEGY USED BY CSO AFTER IDENTIFICATION OF STAKEHOLDERS 1. July 2008 a letter was sent to all ministries and government departments informing them about the coming census and asking them to inform the CSO about their data needs 2. All ministries and government departments were contacted (48 in all) 3. Out of the 48 ministries and departments contacted 9 had one or several requests

14 4. 25 requests were received from the 9 ministries or governmental departments 5. A technical committee was set up to consider the appropriateness of including stakeholders’ requests in the final Housing and Population Census questionnaires

15 6. Some requests were rejected for the following reasons: › The information were already included in the Housing and Population census questionnaires › The information could be captured by other surveys carried out by the CSO such as CMPHS, ACOPS › The information could be captured by surveys conducted by other ministries › The requests were not suitable for census (asking too much detailed info)

16  A meeting to present, discuss and finalizes the proposed questionnaires was held on July 2009 and a representative from each ministry was invited to attend

17  The CSO has planned to held a meeting with the stakeholders ( public sector, private sector, Researchers, Trade Unions, the Media) to present the final questionnaires and to investigate about the stakeholder’s needs in terms of census products

18  For 1990 census a dissemination workshop was held by the CSO to present census products  For 2000 census a user survey were conducted to investigate stakeholders views about 2000 census products  For 2011 census, the CSO will conduct a dissemination workshop with the stakeholders as well as a users survey


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