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Food Irradiation. Food irradiation is a method of treating food in order to make it safer to eat and have a longer shelf life. This is not very different.

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Presentation on theme: "Food Irradiation. Food irradiation is a method of treating food in order to make it safer to eat and have a longer shelf life. This is not very different."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food Irradiation

2 Food irradiation is a method of treating food in order to make it safer to eat and have a longer shelf life. This is not very different from other treatments such as pesticide application, canning, freezing and drying. The end result is that the growth of disease-causing microorganism or those that cause spoilage are slowed or are eliminated altogether. This makes food safer and also keeps it fresh longer.

3 Food irradiated by exposing it to the gamma rays of a radioisotope – one that widely used is cobalt – 60. The energy from the gamma ray passing through the food is enough to destroy many disease-causing bacteria as well as those that cause food to spoil, but is not enough to change quality, flavor or texture of the food. It is important to keep in mind that the food never comes in contact with the radioisotope and is never at risk of becoming radioactive.

4 Food Irradiation Procedure The food is exposed to ionizing radiation, either from gamma rays or a high-energy electron beam or powerful x-rays. Gamma rays and x- rays are a form of radiation that shares some characteristics with microwaves, but with much higher energy and penetration.

5 Benefits of Food Irradiation  Extended shelf life of some products  Less food spoilage  Less need for pesticides  Less need for some additives, such as preservatives and antioxidants  Lower risk of importing or exporting insect pest hidden inside food products

6 Benefits of Food Irradiation  Reduced need for toxic chemical treatments such as those to kill bacteria found in some spices  Reduced sprouting in potatoes, onions, herbs and spices

7 How food is irradiated Bulk or packaged food passes through a radiation chamber on a conveyor belt. The food does not come into contact with radioactive materials, but instead passes through a radiation beam, like a large flashlight.

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