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FITNESS JEOPARDY 100200300400 Cardio Respiratory Fitness 100200300400 Fitness Principles 100200300400 Connective Tissue 100200300400.

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Presentation on theme: "FITNESS JEOPARDY 100200300400 Cardio Respiratory Fitness 100200300400 Fitness Principles 100200300400 Connective Tissue 100200300400."— Presentation transcript:

1 FITNESS JEOPARDY 100200300400 Cardio Respiratory Fitness 100200300400 Fitness Principles 100200300400 Connective Tissue 100200300400

2 Cardio Respiratory Fitness 100 points The ability to work for a long time without experiencing fatigue or exhaustion is called? A. Flexibility B. Strength C. Endurance D. Balance Game Board

3 Cardio Respiratory Fitness 200 points An activity performed in the presence of oxygen, using fat as the main source of fuel is called? A. Aerobic B. Anaerobic C. Parabolic D. Diabolic Game Board

4 Cardio Respiratory Fitness 300 points An endurance activity in which one foot always maintains contact with the exercise surface is called? A. Non-impact B. Weight-Bearing C. High-impact D. Low-impact Game Board

5 Cardio Respiratory Fitness 400 points The range of heart rates necessary to achieve cardio respiratory overload and subsequent improvement in cardio respiratory endurance is called? A. Exercise heart rate B. Target heart rate C. Resting heart rate D. Endurance heart rate Game Board

6 Fitness Principles 100 points The amount of time invested in performing the primary workout is called? A. Frequency B. Intensity C. Specificity D. Duration Game Board

7 Fitness Principles 200 points The amount of physiological stress or overload placed on the body during exercise is called? A. Duration B. Frequency C. Intensity D. Specificity Game Board

8 Fitness Principles 300 points The maximum ability of a muscle to generate force is called? A. Genetics B. Muscular strength C. Potential energy D. Kinetic energy Game Board

9 Fitness Principles 400 points The use of a variety of activities for training the cardio respiratory system is called? A. Cross training B. Focus training C. Spring training D. Tempo training Game Board

10 Connective Tissue 100 points The range of motion around a joint or group of joints is called? A. Body awareness B. Flexibility C. Repetitions D. Static stretching Game Board

11 Connective Tissue 200 points Muscle fibers used in aerobic activity that contract slowly and are highly resistant to fatigue are called? A. Ligaments B. Tendons C. Fast-Twitch D. Slow-Twitch Game Board

12 Connective Tissue 300 points A connective tissue that connects muscles to bones is called a? A. Tendon B. Ligament C. Cartilage D. Synapse Game Board

13 Connective Tissue 400 points A tough connective tissue that forms a pad on the end of bones in some joints is called? A. Tendon B. Ligament C. Cartilage D. Synapse Game Board

14 Correct answer Well done Game Board

15 Sorry wrong answer Please try again Game Board

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