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Chapter 2: Section 3. What are some properties of matter?

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2: Section 3. What are some properties of matter?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2: Section 3

2 What are some properties of matter?

3 Properties of Matter How It Looks (Shiny,Dull, Color, etc.) How It Feels (Hard, Soft, Rough, Smooth, etc.) How It Smells (Sweet, Sharp, Terrible, No Smell, etc.) How It Sounds (Loud, Soft, Echo, No Sound, etc.) What It Does (Bounce, Stretch, Tear, Break, Magnetism etc.)

4 Density Density is a measure of mass over volume. Example: An object that is more dense than water will sink. An object that is less dense will float. Think of other examples:

5 Physical Properties A physical property is any characteristic of a material, such as size, shape, that you can observe or attempt to observe without changing the identity of a material. Ex. Rubber band Matchstick String Wire All substances have distinct properties such as densities, specific heats, and boiling and melting points, which are constant. These properties can be used to help identify them when a particular mixture contains substances which are not yet identified.

6 Some physical properties describe the behavior of a material Some items are made of iron and may attract to a magnet. An example of this is a safety pin. Gold can be pounded into very thin sheets and used to decorate household items. Water can easily flow if it is spilled. Honey or syrup may not flow as easily as water.

7 Using Physical Properties to Separate You can observe physical properties and separate them. Example: Removing seeds from a watermelon Separating different colored m&m’s Panning for gold Using a magnet


9 All matter, regardless of state, undergoes physical and chemical changes. These changes can be microscopic or macroscopic. ***Water is the only substance that occurs naturally on Earth as a solid, liquid or a gas.***

10 Matter on Mars Matter can be changed from one state to another by transferring energy from one object to another. Mars is a cold planet. Mars appears to have once had liquid water on the surface. Where did that liquid go? Scientists suggest:

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